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Everything posted by Jochen_Hayek

  1. I am creating reports for a customer, based on SQL queries his staff members assign to me. Some of these reports will eventually have parameters. Now recently a senior staff member came up with the idea, that he expects their JR Server environment to provide the company with a way to launch their (parameterized) reports from a nice interface, created w/o programming effort, just through some drag-and-drop and maybe through a few specification details. Is this something, that can be achieved through anything from Jaspersoft / JasperForge? My customer is a paying customer of Jaspersoft, and quite willing to pay some money, but still: This task should be not be achieved through Java code buth through some extended drag-and-drop, as I already mentioned. Any hints appreciated, Jochen Hayek, Berlin P.S. I did have a look at the JR Server Ultimate Guide document, and the "Sample Ad Hoc Launcher" seems to me like a path to follow. Am I right there? Post Edited by Jochen_Hayek at 2011-07-03 15:19
  2. I am a member of the relax-ng community, and I use an RNC schema for working with JRXML. "trang" helps us deriving RNC schemas from DTDs or also sample XML files. Of course an RNC schema derived from sample XML files is not as complete as an RNC schema derived from a spec or a schema like a DTD. So it's rather a pity, the JR DTD is regarded deprecated or abandoned.
  3. Looks like the DTD hasn't gotten amemded, since the attribute "splitType" got added. I think, the "ATTLIST" of band should now look like this: <!ATTLIST band height NMTOKEN "0" isSplitAllowed (true | false) "true" splitType (Immediate | Prevent | Stretch) "Immediate" > I am actually not sure, what the default of splitType should be. (Using "Formatted" may drive me mad occassionally ...) Post Edited by Jochen_Hayek at 2011-02-09 21:58
  4. When I drew my current account statement today, I was curious and applied the "pdfinfo" command on it. I was quite astonished, when it said this: Creator: JasperReports (kontoauszug) Producer: iText 1.4 (by lowagie.com) I went back to their first PDF statements in 2006, and they said just the same. Of course I would like to get in touch with them and find out, whether the knowledge, that I acquired recently in that area, could be of any use. Yes, of course, there is no obvious current need for them to change anything regarding these account statements, but ... Postbank has alway only been providing non-business customers with PDF account statements. And they have been promising for years now, they wouldn't keep neglecting business customers forever ;-) I guess that has to do with extended legal needs, e.g. signed PDF and so forth. I hope you don't mind, that I am "crossposting" here, as I also posted this on one of my own blogs: http://blog-en.jochen.hayek.name/2010/05/postbankde-and-jasperreports.html Right, I shouldn't forget mentioning this: During the last couple of months I extended demo/samples/text/TextApp.java so that I can call all the necessary steps (JRXML->.jasper, filling into a .jrprint file, creating e.g. PDF) within a single call to this utility, and it can also deal with JRXML parameters. So using that simple utility you can create PDF reports in a batch run from a JRXML or ".jasper" file and a database connection without any big software around -- just the JARs, that this utility needs. Jochen.Hayek+Jasper @ Aleph-Soft . com (just in case you want to make use of my expertise) Post Edited by Jochen_Hayek at 2010-05-11 09:48
  5. Many thanks to Teodor for his hints incl. the Java lesson!!! (I honestly appreciate it.) I actually had a look at "System.getProperty()" (as suggested), but it turned out to only provide the caller with properties like "os.name", according to http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/environment/sysprop.html. I gave "Apache Commons CLI" a try. And retrieving parameters / options from the command line like -Dname=value now works like a charm. I extended TextApp a little and pass through quite a few options like that. Is there any interest in a "'-D' command line / getProperty" version of TextApp? J.
  6. Dear Teodor, you told me (outside the forum), that the sample applications in /demo/samples/ read their properties also from files "jasperreports.properties" in their local directories. (yes, I generalised your statement a little.) I tried it, and it worked -- thanks a lot! I also tried (as you suggested) to set certain properties within the "<jasperReport>" tag. It works like a charm. You may think, I am exaggerating, but I somehow thought that "all Java applications" can get their properties also supplied on the java command line like this: $ java '-Dmessage=Compiling and compressing.' ... And not only this way, but also within the Ant build.xml file within the "<project>" tag: <project ...> <property .../> and (not quite) last not least as a sub-tag of the "<target>" tag before a "<java>" tag: <target ...> <property .../> <java ...>...</java> But these 3 variants don't seem to work. I somehow thought, that "the Java&Ant environment" but already manage that, but I got the impression they are not and it's withing the "responsibility of every single application" to (properly) behave like that. Would you pls shed some light on how the sample applications and "all Jasper" applications behave! Yes, all these mechanisms may not really be relevant in the context of net.sf.jasperreports.export.text.page.height, but if they work there, these mechanisms can help a lot transferring a whole lot of details. Kind regards, Jochen P.S. http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/property.html [...] There are six ways to set properties: [...]
  7. Dear all! jasperreports-3.6.2/src/net/sf/jasperreports/engine/export/JRTextExporter.java has this source line: private static final String TXT_EXPORTER_PROPERTIES_PREFIX = JRProperties.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "export.txt."; Shouldn't it say "export.text." instead of "export.txt."?I saw that latter one in its vicinity. Kind regards, Jochen
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