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  1. Hi Karmaker Yes it's listed in the thread above: "Re:Please Help with New Line or Carriage Return Issue - 2007/03/15 21:59" Search for "The Fix" ... in the threads. Hope it works for you as well. Thanks
  2. Backslashes removed in thread s/b "backslash n" & "backslash r" Hope you get the picture. :laugh: Post edited by: kandrews, at: 2007/03/15 22:01
  3. The Fix: String str = note.getNoteText().replaceAll("r","n"); Replace "r" with "n". We did it in the app before the data is pushed to JR. Thanks Post edited by: kandrews, at: 2007/03/15 22:03
  4. Thanks in advance for any suggestions! I have searched the forum(s) many time looking for "new line" issues etc. This post: ( By: Enrico Goosen - enricogoosen Newline/carriage return char prob - PDF 2003-05-14 04:08 ) looked promising but the solution that it ref's on "https://sourceforge.net/forum" has been removed so I can't see the answer. We have a sub report which has 1 text field in the detail band. We have tried every possible combination of "remove blank lines", "add to a group", "paginate", "allow stretch" etc. etc. The report "Master and Sub" display fine when the Sub data coming in has no New Line's in it. BUT if the data coming in represents say paragraphs which have a few lines then then a couple of blank lines and then another paragraph etc it goes to hell. Do we need to parse the incoming data and replace the new line character with something else? Is there a special setting that will achieve this? If you need more detail I will provide! Thanks Kent
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