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  1. Hmm... I don't know how much more clear I can be: I've re-installed 1.3.1 about 5 times now (re-downladed the installer 3 times) (OS Win XP Pro) and when I click the 'New Report' button nothing happens. Clear? This is all I do, install it from scratch and hit that button. Furthermore, clicking File->Report Wizard does nothing. Other problems: When trying to use a 'JavaBeans set data source' it seems if the factory class has a dependency iReport can't locate the message 'General Problem: package.FactoryClass' 'Check your user name and password. Be sure the DBMS is running.' 'General Problem'? user/pass? DBMS? After finally dodging that red herring, I tried creating a new report (in 1.3.0 of course) with that data source and specifying a bean class in the same package as the factory class. It couldn't find it. I had to package up the class, put it in the 'lib' directory, and then restart for it to be found. Why do I need a factory class to begin with if I'll be passing in the datasource programatically? Turns out there's no reference to the datasouce in the generate jrxml file and it's only necessary for iReport but this isn't stated anywhere. Ok, I'm sick of griping. I will say one good thing: iReport worked very well for reports than only relied on a database connection One last thing for all you idiots that think iReport is free: Ever wonder why the JavaDoc is so rediculously sparse and there's virtually no free documentation downloadable on the site? BECAUSE THEY MAKE ALL THEIR MONEY ON THE MANUAL ($50 a pop). Oh, those wonderful philanthopist developers so kind to contribute to a free product! I should feel blessed and keep my mouth shut.
  2. Post edited by: futile, at: 2007/03/08 22:23
  3. So the fact that you don't charge for the software (lets just forget about the $50 fee for the only half-way decent documentation) means that you can pretend it's production-caliber even when there are huge flaws?
  4. Sorry, but I must vent: iReport is at best a beta-level program. After installing 1.3.1 I press what must be the most basic, essential command 'Report Wizard' and nothing happens! No error, no message, no crash, absolutely nothing happens. My previous installation 1.2.6 required a restart for every configuration change. Furthermore, yes, I bought the manual and it's severely lacking. iReport in no way should be available for general release; it's a joke.
  5. I can't seem to get the report wizard to work in 1.3.1 either. Whether I click the tool button ("New Report") or select it from the File menu ("Report Wizard") nothing happens. I've tried restarting it several times and simply nothing happens at all. Anyone else get this?
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