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  1. codyjasperForge wrote: To keep from getting null values, change it to either "group" (choose group), -OR- set it to "band" (this way it will get initialized before the rest of the report). Let me know if that helps. Thanks a lot for that hint. But it only partially solves my problem: It works fine for the text field. But what I finally like, is to display/print only a subreport when I contains at least one record. So I defined the property 'Print When Expression' of the subreport object as follows: new Boolean($V{NumExpensesRecords}.intValue() > 0) With that property active, $V{NumExpensesRecords} is always 0, also in the text field! Any idea what is missing. Tom
  2. Yeah, thats exactly what I am doing. REPORT_COUNT is the one containing the rows. I think the problem has to do with the grouping. $V{NumTripRecords} is a variable in the main report which receives the REPORT_COUNT from the subreport as return value. The thing is, that the variable is empty after the first group has finished processing. The second group receives the values from the subreports of the first group etc.. Tom
  3. I have a little problem with subreports. I have a master reports that contains groups. Each group has three subreports. In certain situations some subreports may be empty. I like to display subreports only, if they are NOT empty. I created a counter variable in each subreport and pass them to a variable in the master report as return values. Then I use 'Print When Expression' with an expression like this: new Boolean($V{NumTripRecords}.intValue() > 0) It looks like I am always one group delayed! The second group contains the total number of records of the subreport of the first group etc. As a consequence the first group never contains any subreports! Any ideas how to solve this problem? Tom
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