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Posts posted by andrey_nado

  1. Hi!

    I've turned on showing labels in my bar chart (<barPlot isShowLabels="true">). Labels are displayed right to bars (my chart is horizontal).  It works well but label font is incorrect. Legend, title, axis labels are all dispalyed in proper font - default report font. How can I control font of bar labels?

    Thank you!

  2. I'm using file virtualization, which involves serialization of JasperPrint object's content. Also I'm using chart customizers and my customizer classes extends JRAbstractChartCustomizer class. I have questions:

    1) Why JRAbstractChartCustomizer is not serializable? I have to create my own customizer superclass which implements java.io.Serializable.

    2) After deserialization fields filler and chartDataset are both null and I lose access to report parameters/variables/fields. Is there any workaround to fix this?

    Thank you for your great work.

  3. Unfortunately I cannot post to sticky thead at forum's top, so I've created a new thread.

    I very surprised that new JR features are not documented. Where can I find information regarding chart themes? Where can I find information regarding new pie chart settings (as of v3.1)?

    We've purchased "Definitive Guide" and it contains no any information regarding new JR features. This docs looks not changed since v1.3! Is there any money-back option?

    On-line API docs and JRXML reference describe v.3.0 whereas v3.1 is already released. That's not good guys.

  4. Hello!

    Quality of RTF documents had grew up since JasperReports 2, but quality of charts (via JFreeCharts) is still very poor (in comparison to regular images).

    How can I customize RTF export (e.g. by source code modifying) to make charts better? Now this exporter has no any special parameters. I understand that size of RTF documents will grow up.

    Thank you!


  5. I changed <font> definition to following:

    <font fontName="arialbd.ttf" pdfFontName="arialbd.ttf" size="9" isBold="true"/>

    As far as I understand, "fontName" attribute links to the font used for report building, and "pdfFontName" is simply the name of the font to be embedded into PDF document. Now these two fonts are identical (refer to the same TFF file). My problem still exists.

    I also tried to turn on option net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.force.linebreak.polic and it didn't help. What can I do else?

  6. Hello!

    I'm building report with isStretchWithOverflow="true". In most cases it works fine, and height of the report line fits the amount of text data.

    But sometimes text field is followed by empty line, the text perfectly fits one line though. I found that when text is exactly as wide as column (no need for wrapping and no space remaining to the right of text), it is followed by empty line.

    How can I elimitate this?




  7. Hello!


    My reports periodically hang up. I know that it is ancient issue and it may be treated as not an error but a feature. I know that I have to fix my report bands to fit to the page height. But somethimes it is very hard or almost impossible due to complex report structure and content.


    Go farther and fare worse. I use JRFileVirtualizer to reduce memory usage. I noticed when a report hands up, it produces many (thousands and millions) temporary files. Only way to stop it is to restart application server.


    I understand that it could be very complex or even impossible to fix JasperReport library to make it more clever and robust against report layout problems. But can you recommend me how can I detect that my report is not ok to prevent creation of million files and generate human readable error?


    E.g., can I specify something like callback function which will track number of the report pages and generate exception when this number becomes incredibly huge?





  8. Hello!


    I have to change report page layout and content in runtime (change images and text blocks, their positions, colors etc).


    Is there a way to use iReport (or some its part) in Java applet to edit report template?


    If not, is there a way to use standalone iReport installed and load report template from web (and write too, of course)?


    If not, do you know any third-party solutions (either free or not) which could help me?





  9. We have solved this problem. In fact we were using our customized version RTF exporter class (based on JRRtfExporter code) due to bad quality of native exporter (as of version 1.3.1). Now I tried newer version of JRRtfExporter (v1.3.4) and found it acceptable.


    Thanks for you answers, I didn't know about "static image cache" issue before.



  10. I set explicitly isUsingCache="false" to <image> tag. Now I see that page with image is fully serialized into temporary file (file length is about 300K). But exporting to RTF still causes OutOfMemoryError when export routine achieves problem page.


    Is there any solutions you can recommend? I know about java's memory limit option.


    I noticed that Tomcat restarting removes this error for a little time, but error raises again soon after restarting. Could some memory leak exist in JasperReports engine?

  11. Below is an example of JRXML-code. $V{path_to_img} is a string variable with full path to image file.


    <image  vAlign="Top" hAlign="Left" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self">
    <reportElement x="70" y="120" width="470" height="500" key="image-1">
    <printWhenExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($P{model_eye_chart}!=null)]]></printWhenExpression>
    <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/>
    <graphicElement stretchType="NoStretch"/>
    <imageExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$V{path_to_img}]]></imageExpression>
  12. Hi!


    I'am working on Tomcat 4 and using JasperReports 1.3.4.

    Some of my reports produce java.lang.OutOfMemoryError on report export stage, most often when exporting to RTF format. Filling of the reports works fine.


    I'm using JRFileVirtualizer. Reports which generate OutOfMemoryError do not have a lot of data rows but they deal with large images (up to 2 Mbytes). Could it be a reason?


    When I look at the virtualizer's temporary files, I see no files with size more than 20 kbytes. None of these files is capable to store my images. Are images kept in memory?


    I specified cache size to 1 (one page) and this did not help.


    Thanks for you help,



  13. Hello!


    I have complex reports with many subreports, page headers and footers. When I export these reports into CSV format, several problems occur but the main is this.


    If some table occupies several pages in original report, it looks well in PDF format, because every page is decorated by page header and footer, table headers are also duplicated on the every page. But this is absolutely wrong in CSV format: table must flow without any breaks. Now it looks like this:


    Ticker,%,Market Value # table begins



    November 23, 2007 / John Smith Report # this is page footer

    Ticker,%,Market Value # table conrinues



    How should I redesign my report for CSV exporter to automatically recognize and omit auxiliary page elements like footer, header, table header etc?




  14. Hello!


    I just tried latest JasperReports (2.0.2), it works well except that my pie charts became stretched, i.e. elliptic rather than round (which they were with JR 1.3.4). Is it a new behavior of report charts? How can I globally make all pie charts round in all reports without adding modifications to them?





  15. Hello!


    My master report call many subreports. Subreports calls are separated by page breaks. It works fine, if each subreport generates strictly one page. Let's call my subreports as SR1, SR2, ..., SRN;


    Now, one of my subreports, say SR4, generates several pages (due to many records in data source). I see that second page of SR4 is rendered at the same page, as SR5. I.e., two subreports are mixed at the same report page.


    Can you tell me, how to completely separate subreport output, when subreports generate unpredicable number o pages?


    Thank you

  16. Hello!


    I have to insert into my reports extern images, which are provided in PDF format. What is the best way to import them into my reports? Can I, for instance, convert them into EPS format? Is there support of EPS in JasperReports? If not, what would you recommend me?



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