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Posts posted by damiankober

  1. we are seeing the same problem


    when pagination is on for the report and we have a report including two subreports, running the report eats all the memory


    it works fine if we turn pagination off. The report is not that big. It ends up having only one page

  2.  Teodor, hi

    We are seeing this with jasper 3.7.3 using this code:


    JRXlsxExporter exporter = new JRXlsxExporter();exporter.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, ((RPPrintJR) print).getJasperPrint());exporter.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.OUTPUT_STREAM, output);exporter.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.IS_WHITE_PAGE_BACKGROUND, Boolean.FALSE);exporter.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.IS_FONT_SIZE_FIX_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE);exporter.exportReport();


    When I give the OK to try to open the file it opens with this message:

    Excel was able to open the file repairing or removing unreadable content:

    Removed feature: Hyperlinks from /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part

    Post Edited by damiankober at 04/05/2011 10:26
  3.  We have tried Teodor's scriptlet approach on 3.7.2 and it doesn't work

    we have put a backcolor setting on afterDetailEval and it works only for the first color you set



    public void beforeDetailEval() throws JRScriptletException {

        JasperReport report = (JasperReport)getParameterValue(JRParameter.JASPER_REPORT);

        for(JRElement element :report.getTitle().getElements()) {

    _lastDetailColor  =  Color.green == _lastDetailColor ? Color.blue : Color.green;

            element.setBackcolor(_lastDetailColor );








    Post Edited by damiankober at 09/28/2010 16:43
  4.  As it has been said here, the styled text background color applies only to the text and not the texfield

    Is there way of coloring the whole textfield without the need of creating a conditional style for each one of the possible colors?

    like the styled text does but for the whole textfield

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