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Everything posted by jeipack

  1. Hi I created a fakeSummery like you can find here: FAQ12 So it is posible to have only a summery on the last page with the pageHaeder and Footer. But now i see also the columnHeader is on this last page even though there ar no detail-record. Sometimes thats ok, but in my case thats no realy great. I tried with a Expression in the columnHeader like this: (fakeSummery_COUNT==fakeSummery_EndCount?Boolean.FALSE:Boolean.TRUE) fakeSummery_COUNT is the build in var. fakeSummery_EndCount is a var with the expression fakeSummery_COUNT and the evaluation time "Report" But it dont work :/ Do you know any solution for my problem? thx a lot jeipack
  2. PPPS: http://jasperforge.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.jasperreports/wiki/FAQ12 works :) Thx a lot Maybe its a stupit question, but why is this FakeSummeryFooter not printed on every page? bye jeipack Post edited by: jeipack, at: 2007/08/15 13:53
  3. Hi I have a problem and cant solve it by myself. If the Summery is on the last page without any other section (like Detail) the PageHaeder and PageFooter is not on this last page. Is there a solution to solve this problem? I was trying a lot of tricks, but nothing worked fine. Thanks a lot for your help jeipack PS: using version 1.3.1 PPS: Sorry for post this problem again. I asked it some month ago. The answer was: http://jasperforge.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.jasperreports/wiki/FAQ12 Post edited by: jeipack, at: 2007/08/15 13:43
  4. Hi How can i find out if it is the last page in a report in the "Print when expression" of a element? Thanks a lot jeipack
  5. Hi can i add a JasperPrint to an other JasperPrint and then put it into a JRViewer? something like that: Code:JasperPrint jp1 = JasperFillManager.fillReport(url.openStream(), parameters, new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(inspBean)); JasperPrint jp2 = JasperFillManager.fillReport(url.openStream(), parameters, new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(inspBean)); jrviewer=new JRViewer(jp1+jr2) bye jeipack
  6. Hi again You cant help me? Is the topic maybe in the wrong forum? should i post it in the iReport Forum? Greez & thx jeipack
  7. 2006 JR Help wrote: There was a solution pasted on this group but Can you give me the url to this solution? thx jeipack
  8. Hi Im using the pageFooter and the summery. lastPageFooter = 0 (i dont using it). When the summery stand alone on the last page, the pageFooter is not shown. When the summery is not alone, the pageFooter is shown. Do you know what that is? How can i solve this problem? thx jeipack
  9. Hi I have a problem with the labels in my bar chart. The labeltext is cut, but it most nut be cut. have you any ideas to solve this problem?
  10. Hi I have some reports with many Charts on it. When I try to print one of this reports it produce a print job with over 500MB and thats too much! Is there any possibility to make the print job smaller? thanks a lot jeipack
  11. We have found the problem. There was a second jar-file in the debug directorywith the old version of jasperreports.
  12. Hi there My Reports doesnt work. I tried to compile it with iReport and with japserreport. Everytime this error is shown me: Code:java.io.InvalidClassException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseReport; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 10200, local class serialVersionUID = 10101 Im using iReport 1.3.1 and JasperReport 1.3.1 In the JasperFillManager.java is this: * @version $Id: JasperFillManager.java 1229 2006-04-19 13:27:35 +0300 (Wed, 19 Apr 2006) teodord $ Can you help me to solve this problem? Thanks a lot!
  13. Hi Forum I downloaded the new iReport 1.3.1 an now i get this error when i compile the Report with the JasperFillManager.java,v 1.11 2005/11/28 09:20:44 teodord Exp $ When I compile it with the masive compiler in the iReport it works fine. . I'm an amateur in java an so i hope you can help me to update the JavaFillManager. When thats right i need at least v 1.2, is that right? (This Error is show me when I start a report who is compiled with the masive compiler from iReport 1.3.1) Code:java.io.InvalidClassException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBaseReport; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 10200, local class serialVersionUID = 10101 thx a lot!! /e: oh sorry the text in the topic is cut. It was something with sectionHyperlink and itemHyperlink. But now you can forget this Problem, sorry for the Thread. Post edited by: jeipack, at: 2007/02/27 11:54
  14. i've downloaded the new Version iReport 1.3.1 and there is a option to change the Labelfont ;) so that problem is ok (i could not test it, because i have now an other problem)
  15. jeipack

    Pie Chart

    I have done everything correctly if thats true it works right :laugh: You must not put your chart into the detail Band. Take for exaple the Summery Band and it works fine.
  16. Hi Is it posible to change the fontsize of the labels in a pie chart? The Problem is my labeltext are as length that the label needs 2 lines. And with this big labels they overlaps (-> you can only read the first line). . I'm sorry for my bad english and hope you understand me anyway :) . Thanx a lot greez jeipack . PS: when it isnt posible to change that in the iReport-GUI, maybe i can change it in the xml file? Post edited by: jeipack, at: 2007/02/26 11:24
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