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Everything posted by nittu02

  1. oh. And am using iReport 1.2.2 with jasperreports-1.2.2
  2. Hi, In my report i have some 20 or so elements arranged in four rows. i have grouped all the elements in each row together so that there are totally four element groups. And i set the stretch property for all these elements to Stretch Relative to Tallest Object. Now, depending upon the element size, the other elements resize themselves so that each row remains the same size, that is the size of the largest element in that row. Here is my Problem. 1) After i save the report and close it and re-open it, i find that the element grouping is messed up, instead of four element groups, there appears to be 8 or 9 groups, with incorrect grouping. this causes the rows to be messed up. 2) If any element streches over to the next page, i noted that the other elements in the row stretch only till the end of the first page. is there anyway i can make them stretch to the next page too? Thanks in advance for any help.
  3. Try setting the position attribute of the elements in the group to "Float" instead of "FixedRelativeToTop" and check if that helps.
  4. when you compare the field with the parameter value, if it is a null, you can include an or condition so as to pull the value, right? for example, select * from accounts where (number<5 or number is null)
  5. woah. thats interesting. :blink: in my case though i didnt get an application error, the export to html option was just displaying blank values. i was using ireport-1.2.2. apparently some problem with the JRHtmlExporter. which version of i-report are you using?
  6. of course, one murky way would be to overlap a line graph and a bar graph ;) but the axis alignment and everything would be a pain,right?
  7. my line of thought is that these ranks are represented as series, instead of different categories. just try it might help.
  8. am not sure if this could solve your problem, but instead of putting these in the series, make the series expression a static value like "Example" and put the variable for ranks in the category expression, and the variable for the values in the value expression.
  9. what happens if you put the page number inbulit variable, set the evaluation time to now, and place it in pageheader/pagefooter?
  10. not quite sure what u meant.. if thats the to_char problem, not sure why you gave sysdate inside square brackets.
  11. Tricky. I tried using the following format : Select $P!{column} from table, where column was the parameter i specified. But i realised when u print the fields, it varies dynamically. Would be really good if someone knew the answer.
  12. In the subdataset that you created, make sure that you have created a parameter with the same name as the one you intend to use in the main report. in your case it will be term. and then, with the procedures that u have already described, you should be able to do it.
  13. The subreport_dir parameter is a relative path, and if u set it to "" it actually means that the subreport jasper file is in the same folder as the main report. So make sure that you put the sub-report file in the same folder as the main report and pass "" as the parameter value.
  14. This is because u are not using The Jexcel API to export the report to Excel . The POI has problems exporting image to Excel. Try using the Jexcel API.
  15. I faced a similar problem, even after setting the position type to float for al the subreports. As some user has pointed out, its better to have each subreport in a seperate band. Create a dummy "Report Group" for each subreport and try putting the subreport in those band-footers.
  16. If you're connecting to an oracle Database, my guess is that u should have the ojdbc14 jar file in your library folder in order to connect.:P
  17. slaisne wrote: Declare a String parameter PARAM. Its value is: 1,2,3,4,5,6 Finally, use it in the query SELECT SalesId, customer, product, salevalue from salestable where customer in ( $P!{PARAM} ) Hey.. i read your reply. I have an additional question. is it possible to add a multi-select drop down or something in order to pass multiple values to a single parameter? in zucker reports?? That is, if we are using the 'in' operator, we have to manually enter the values right? instead of that, can we have a couple of drop downs or a list of drop downs from which the parameters will be selected? from the first drop down i will select 1. from the second, i will select 2. likewise, the query will be SELECT SalesId, customer, product, salevalue from salestable where customer in (1,2) any help would be really appreciated !! :)
  18. Hey thanks a lot... now there is just one more doubt.. where do i put this bar chart? i tried putting it in the "title" band but there was no data. then, there was pageheader and then a custom band i created called username. when i put the chart into details, it is printing fine, but it repeats in every page. is there any way to print it only once??? size=400]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/screenshot.JPG Post edited by: nittu02, at: 2007/02/28 06:27
  19. Hey, Am a very new user to i-reports and i would like some clarification on some points! any help would be really appreciated. I have created a pie chart which gives a plot between the name of the users and the number of cases associated to them. So the wedge size varies according to the number of cases/spcific user.The key expression was $F{user_name} and value expression was $V{SUM_case_number_COUNT_1} How do i create a bar chart to reflect the same situation? that is, on the X-axis i want the name of the users and on the Y- axis i want the number of cases assigned to them. What should be the series, X, and Y expressions?? plz help.
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