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Everything posted by shearerg

  1. Sherman, Well picked!!! There's a bug in workbench.sh which is including the 'driver' folder name twice in the classpath. The script has been echoing this on startup but, to be honest, I had no real idea what should have been displayed. So as far as I can tell, this should be affecting anyone using workbench.sh? Anyway, can fix the script by changing: for i in `ls drivers/*.jar`; do CP=$CP:drivers/$i done to for i in `ls drivers/*.jar`; do CP=$CP:$i done Alternatively, you could change the ls command. All now works fine. Thanks so much for your help. I have no idea what to do next .... but that has never stopped me before!!! Thanks again, Greg Shearer :) --Edit-- Have just thought that this may not be a problem on all systems. Not that familiar with ls, although I would expect behaviour to be pretty much universal. Anyway, it is certainly a problem on SUSE ES 10. Post edited by: shearerg, at: 2007/05/22 04:42
  2. Sherman, Just out of interest ... shouldn't you be in bed? Anyway, just checked, but had already made what I think are all required entries in mondrian.properties. Have listed them below. mondrian.mdcdb.jdbcURL=jdbc:ingres://catnwm:II7/mdcdb mondrian.jdbcDrivers=ca.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver driver.classpath=/opt/CA/IngresII/ingres/lib Have tried slight variations to above, such as using 'localhost' in place of the machine name, including iijdbc.jar on the end of driver.classpath, and setting driver.classpath to the Workbench driver folder ... but always get the same error. Greg Shearer
  3. Sherman, Thanks for the reply, but as far as I'm aware all is configured as per readme.txt and the Workbench pdf. I've had the Ingres driver (iijdbc.jar) in place from the outset, and it shows as being registered in the terminal window start message. Have since installed JRE 1.5 and placed what I believe to be the correct entries for my Ingres database in mondrian.properties. No matter, I continue to get the ClassNotFoundException. The Ingres driver works fine with iReport and JasperServer. I'm hoping there is some additional configuration required for Workbench which isn't yet highlighted in the documentation. Are there any critical environment variables I may have overlooked? Thanks again, Greg Shearer
  4. Continuing, When trying to connect via the Ingres driver, the terminal window indicates: 'java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ca.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver'. This didn't surprise me too much, as whenever I've used the jdbc driver before a class path entry needs to be made. Reading the Workbench pdf indicated this entry should be made in 'mondrian.properties'. I was surprised to find an example entry here for Ingres! So have completed details (as well as I can determine) .... and have tried various minor variations .... but still no luck!! After exiting and restarting Workbench following each change, the same error results. I'm using the previous version of the Ingres jdbc driver (ca.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver), but I don't believe this should be an issue. I'm hoping this just has something to do with correctly configuring the class path. Any suggestions appreciated. Greg Shearer
  5. Tony, Thanks for the reply, which was of course the correct answer! Ultimately though, still disappointed. I've installed latest JRE and get WorkBench to run OK .... but it doesn't seem to like the Ingres jdbc driver. I've placed the driver in the driver folder and set up the preferences as per my JasperServer data source which test OK. Is there anything else I need to do that you're aware of?? Thanks, Greg Shearer Post edited by: shearerg, at: 2007/05/21 23:53
  6. Hi all, Not having much luck today. Thought I'd try JasperAnalysis Workbench, as it should be a great tool if it can help me build useful cubes. Unfortunately, when I try to run under SUSE ES 10 it fails to start, giving an error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: mondrian/gui/Workbench (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0) Can anyone tell me what this means and how I can fix it? As always, any suggestions appreciated!! Could this be my Java release. I'm on 1.4.2 (which I thought would be OK), but 'readme.txt' specifies 1.5! I'll give that a go. Greg Shearer Post edited by: shearerg, at: 2007/05/21 03:35
  7. Hi all, I'm trying to configure JasperServer 1.2.1 with iReport 1.3.3 under SUSE ES 10. Everything seems to work fine .... except for the JasperServer-iReport plugin. After installing the files from the plugin download as specified, the iReport splash screen always stops at 'Loading plugins'. 'JasperServer Plugin' appears in the 'Plugins' menu, but doesn't seem to do anything. Anyone know what I've done wrong? Any suggestions appreciated. Greg Shearer
  8. Anandharaj, Thanks so much for the reply. That was exactly what I needed to know!! I did eventually find a reference to this in some install documentation earlier this evening .... but it wasn't very obvious. I then had to go out for the evening and only just came back to test the result. So for anyone trying to use Ingres II r3 (or probably Ingres 2006) with JasperServer, you need to place a copy of iijdc.jar from $II_SYSTEM/ingres/lib into (in my case): /opt/jasperserver-1.2.1/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/lib Now to me, this was not obvious. Anyway, the data source now tests OK, so I can push ahead and hopefully put together a brilliant application!! Thanks again, Greg
  9. Hi all, I've just downloaded and installed JasperServer. Very impressed with the examples. Have also setup and configured iReport without any problems. Have setup an Ingres datasource within iReport which works beautifully with my database. What I can't figure out is how to register the same datasource with JasperServer? I have added the Ingres driver JAR (iijdbc.jar), but when I try to configure and test the datasource I get: ClassNotFoundException:ca.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver Do I need to alter the CLASSPATH? I can't see where to do this? Any advice appreciated! Greg Shearer
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