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Everything posted by dtrobert

  1. Hi, ever since upgrading to iReport 3.0.0, I see in the Report Query page that the 'automatically retrieve fields' is converting my fields to lowercase, even when I explicitly use the 'select blah as MyBlah' (saves field as myblah). Is there a way to disable this 'feature'?
  2. I'm using 3.0. I've added it to iReport with Format->Styles. Is there something else needed to do to add it to the library? I also found that our version of jasperreports seems to be ignoring the styles anyway. We'll upgrade I suppose (using some 2.x version).
  3. Thanks, It seems like I was able to fix it just be selecting all elements and setting stretchType=RelativeToTallest. Do you think there's any problem with that approach?
  4. I use iReport often and, occassionally have a subreport beneath a text field (I call the report to populate vars and print them out in the master). I love being able to right click on the subreport element to open the subreport, however, I need to have the text element on top of this subreport element. Therefore, I can't open the subreport without first changing the order. Ideally, from the Document Structure pane, I should be able to right click on the subreport element to open it there.
  5. Hi, We have many, many templates which have hardcoded fonts for the text elements in each. I'm trying to convert them to use styles with iReport but found a few problems: 1. I don't want to have to keep recreating styles over and over for each template, but can't see a way to have them as defaults. 2. If I try to apply a style to a text element, it doesn't do anything because the text element already has fonts and borders defined. I found to clear the borders I can select 'restore factory' but can't see an equivalent to essentially 'remove' the font for the text elements. Thanks
  6. Hi, I have an excel formatted report. It works fine except when the contents of the cell is larger than I had allocated. What happens is it wraps the text which increases the cell height. The other cells in the same row, however, do not increase in height but instead split into another cell. How can this problem be fixed? Thanks btw, I'm using jasperreports v2 but am fine to upgrade to v3 if need be.
  7. Thanks anandharaj, When you say to make sure they are on the same axis, if I call a subreport for say x=300, y=0, width=100. In the subreport, I have specified x=0,y=0, width=100. I figured the axis is relative to the start yes? I have already disabled the splitting. Should the stretch options be to tallest object or band height?
  8. I have a problem where 2 column cells will split when another column in the row wraps. size=294]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/extrarow-3fa7c9ebc0ba7bc8cb7140fd4d28da40.GIF I have 4 report templates for this report. rp1: high level, labels column headers rp2: has details section for all but 2 columns, calls subreports 2a and 2b for them. rp2a: fills in details for just one column rp2b: fills in details for just one column I rp2a and 2b, I have split set to false for the textfield as well as the stretch to band height option. I did the same for the subreport calls from rp2. Still no improvement, any ideas what I'm missing? Attaching report files rp2a [file name=TestPlan_ResultDetails_DEVICENAME.jrxml size=3793]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/TestPlan_ResultDetails_DEVICENAME.jrxml[/file]
  9. What you suggest makes sense but I'm still not having much luck. I only have the splitting problem for the 2 columns that are called via additional subreports. There are essentially 4 reports in all rp1 (shows column headers, and calls subreport for rp2) rp2 (has details for all columns except 2, calls 2 subreports [rp3a,rp3b] to supply values for 2 columns) rp3a rp3b so in rp3a,rp3b I have -split not allowed on band -'Relative to band height' for the one textfield' (one textfield per report) in rp2, I have -split not allowed on band -the subreport calls have 'Relative to band height' for the 2 columns What am I missing? Thanks
  10. Thanks, I figured out the extra column problem with your suggestions. It turned out that my subreport width parameter was much less than the report pageWidth. When I made them the same, the column disappeared. I'm still having a problem with an extra cell created below the value when a neighboring column wraps. It's easier to explain if you look at the image. I know I can truncate the value in the other cell but isn't there a way to allow the first column (see example) to stretch and be the same height? I should also mention that in this particular example, the first row is itself a subreport below that of the other columns. size=294]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/extrarow.GIF Post edited by: dtrobert, at: 2007/05/15 21:23
  11. Okay, very confused now but getting closer. 1. I reduce the number of columns to end with the first column showing this behavior. 2. I switched data in the columns, copied formatting from other columns, etc. The result being that now, the last column of the report has this extra 'tiny column'. I then played with column count, page width but nothing helped. It's not the data in the column since switching it works fine (column looks good in new location). There's nothing different about the column definition itself (textField stuff). It almost seems like a weird bug but I can't even give a reason for it to occur.
  12. It's actually very odd since, although there are 2 columns in Excel, it's like the first (column header row) is a merged cell still. Click on it selects the value across both Excel columns.
  13. Changed the 'isStretchWithOverflow="false" (was true) for both column header and detail sections but no difference. Attaching what I mean by extra column. size=294]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/extracolumn.GIF Thanks
  14. Here's an excerpt from the report... <jasperReport name="MyReport" columnCount="1" printOrder="Vertical" orientation="Landscape" pageWidth="6600" pageHeight="30" columnWidth="6600" columnSpacing="0" leftMargin="0" ----------cut----------------------------- <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" isBlankWhenNull="true" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" > <reportElement x="700" y="0" width="100" height="15" key="Description" stretchType="RelativeToTallestObject"/> <box topBorder="Thin" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="Thin" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="Thin" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="Thin" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/> <textElement> <font reportFont="Verdana_Bold" pdfFontName="Helvetica"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["Description"]]></textFieldExpression> </textField>
  15. Thanks for the info, I have isStretchWithOverflow="true" and stretchType="RelativeToTallestObject" . The problem isn't the text hanging over because it's wrapping. The problem is that I'm seeing extra blank columns added after columns where the values_maxwidth > field_maxwidth. I'm not really sure why it's happening or if it should. One thing is that I'm using columns and column width=100. However, I've had to override some columns to be larger than 100--not sure if that might be causing the problem.
  16. Hi, I have a report that produces a standard XLS output. It works well except when the value in the cell exceeds that defined by the width. In that case, the report ends up creating extra rows beneath the large cell. Is there a setting to either expand the field width to adjust automatically to the largest value (i.e. auto-fit column) or truncate it? Thanks
  17. hi, I'm a Jasper newby I'm trying to create a graphical report which includes several subreports. The main template report properties are set for Letter portrait with no margins. The first subreport contains two frames designed to take up half of the width side by side in the report. I'm having all sorts of formatting problems where some frames (graphs) don't display at all in html, but do in pdf--format still messed up. My question is, what's the rule for the report properties of subreports. Should the dimensions be the same as the top level template or just the absolute size it is expected to take.
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