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Everything posted by longbeach751

  1. then i get the same error : Code:net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Error incrementing crosstab dataset at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillCrosstab$JRFillCrosstabDataset.customIncrement(JRFillCrosstab.java:665) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillElementDataset.increment(JRFillElementDataset.java:169) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRCalculator.calculateVariables(JRCalculator.java:152) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillDetail(JRVerticalFiller.java:682) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillReportContent(JRVerticalFiller.java:275) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.fillReport(JRVerticalFiller.java:117) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.fill(JRBaseFiller.java:891) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.fill(JRBaseFiller.java:795) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillSubreport.fillSubreport(JRFillSubreport.java:519) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRSubreportRunnable.run(JRSubreportRunnable.java:63) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRThreadSubreportRunner.run(JRThreadSubreportRunner.java:209) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595) Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Crosstab data has already been processed. at net.sf.jasperreports.crosstabs.fill.calculation.BucketingService.addData(BucketingService.java:296) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillCrosstab$JRFillCrosstabDataset.customIncrement(JRFillCrosstab.java:661) ... 11 more Another suggestion ?
  2. Hi, I want to create a crosstab, based on a sub dataset : SELECT * FROM DISTRIBUTION WHERE ID_MODE_COTATION = $P{ModeCota} The problem is that i get an error with the criteria $P{ModeCota} ID_MODE_COTATION type is BigDecimal in my .jrxml file and NUMBER in the column in the DISTRIBUTION table of the database. I have declared a parameter ModeCola, of type BigDecimal, to match the ID_MODE_COTATION from my report query : select distinct id_mode_cotation from MODE_COTATION I have tried to change it to String, it dit not change anything, i still get the error message : Non supported SQL92 token at position 68 : ModeCola Any clue ? thanks Post edited by: longbeach751, at: 2008/03/10 13:42
  3. hi, i am trying to display crosstabs, one crosstab for each category. So I created a group based on the CATEGORY field, and i checked RESET GROUP in the properties of my crosstab. I have one .jrxml report only. Whether i put the crosstab inside the DETAIL band or the SUMMARY band, it's always the same : i get the error "Error incrementing crosstab Dataset". Is there a way to make it work ? Thanks for your help.
  4. Hi, I would like to add a link "PDF", just like the one in this forum, that immediately generates the PDF version of the page. Can you tell me how to do it or give me some directions on how to do it with JasperReports and PHP ? Thanks
  5. Hi, I tried to insert 2 times the same subreport inside a report, with dynamic values inside of the subreport, and only the values inside the first subreport are displayed. The second subreport is displayed, but not the dynamic values. After many tests, i figured it out : I needed to use a different datasource for each sub report. So my question is this one : why ? why can't 2 or more subreports inside a report share the same datasource ? Thanks for your help.
  6. Hi, I am trying to generate this kind of report : size=150]http://imageblog.blog4ever.com/blogfichiers/182195/photos/260205261821951726.jpeg Both lines are dynamic : we can have more or less than 9 cells in the NOTE line we can have more or less than 3 cells in the ZONE line I use JavaBeans for my datasource. Here is the Zone object : Code: Here is the Note object : Code: Datasource : Code: Can crosstabs do it ? Thanks for your ideas and feeback.
  7. ok, thanks for your answer. But in the mean time, until you release the next version of JasperReports, do you have a solution to my problem ? Using POI and defining the exportImage(...) method. Thanks all in advance for your help.
  8. Hi, In order to display images inside a generated Excel report, using JRXlsExporter instead of JExcelApiExporter due to performances issues, I created a class JRXlsExporterPatch2.java that extends the class JRXlsExporter.java I edited and added several methods. Here is the code for JRXlsExporterPatch2.java : Code: mport net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPrintImage; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRExporterGridCell; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRGridLayout; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRXlsExporter; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRGridLayout.ExporterElements; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFClientAnchor; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPatriarch; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; public class JRXlsExporterPatch2 extends JRXlsExporter { // edited protected ExporterElements getExporterElements() { // return JRGridLayout.NO_IMAGES_EXPORTER; return JRGridLayout.UNIVERSAL_EXPORTER; } // added protected HSSFPatriarch patriarch =null; // edited protected void createSheet(String name) { sheet = workbook.createSheet(name); patriarch = sheet.createDrawingPatriarch(); } // added protected void exportImage(JRPrintImage image, JRExporterGridCell gridCell, int colIndex, int rowIndex) { short forecolor = getNearestColor(image.getForecolor()).getIndex(); HSSFFont cellFont = getLoadedFont(getDefaultFont(), forecolor); HSSFCellStyle cellStyle = getLoadedCellStyle( HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND, forecolor, HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_LEFT, HSSFCellStyle.VERTICAL_TOP, (short) 0, cellFont, gridCell ); HSSFClientAnchor anchor = new HSSFClientAnchor(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), (short) colIndex, rowIndex, (short) (colIndex + gridCell.colSpan), rowIndex + gridCell.rowSpan); try { patriarch.createPicture(anchor, workbook.addPicture(image.getRenderer().getImageData(), HSSFWorkbook.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG)); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // edited protected void setRowHeight(int rowIndex, int lastRowHeight) { row = sheet.getRow(rowIndex); if (row == null) { row = sheet.createRow(rowIndex); } row.setHeightInPoints(lastRowHeight); } } I use the latest version of the Apache POI library poi-3.0.1-FINAL-20070705.jar (else it does not know about the addPicture(...) method) It works well when I want to generate Excel files that have less than 65535 rows, which of course is the limit for a sheet in an Excel document. But if I try more than 65535 rows, I get the following message : java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Row number must be between 0 and 65535, was <65536> at org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow.setRowNum(HSSFRow.java:208) at org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet.getRow(HSSFSheet.java:319) at com.lds.noee.util.noyau.reporting.jasper.reports.jasperReports.JRXlsExporterPatch2.setRowHeight(JRXlsExporterPatch2.java:80) So does anyone know how to handle this error, or define an exportImage(...) method that avoids this error ? :( My goal is to display images inside an Excel document. I know the JExcelApi Api (JExcelApiExporter) does it well, but for a reason that I have not yet identified, it takes an enormous time (like 1h30). Also, I end up with an Excel file that is huge (27 MB ) :blink: and quite impossible to open. Thanks in advance for your advices.:) Post edited by: longbeach751, at: 2007/08/06 14:44
  9. Hi, according to http://www.jasperforge.org/sf/go/artf1856;jsessionid=238A0DC9BCD28147844CFD5EB8955208?nav=1 it is now possible to export an image to Excel. My question is : how do you use / redefine the exportImage method of JRXlsExporter to export all images in the report ? Does anyone have an example ? Thanks a lot
  10. Code: case ReportInstance.EXPORT_2_XLS: { //export = new JRXlsExporter(); export = new JExcelApiExporter(); export.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET, Boolean.TRUE); export.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.IS_REMOVE_EMPTY_SPACE_BETWEEN_ROWS, Boolean.TRUE); /**********************/ //Passage à TRUE au lieu de FALSE export.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.IS_WHITE_PAGE_BACKGROUND, Boolean.TRUE); /**********************/ if(arraySheetsName!=null){ export.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.SHEET_NAMES, arraySheetsName); } export.setParameter(JExcelApiExporterParameter.IS_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_TYPE, fautoDetectCellType); normalisedNamesMap = normaliseReportInstancesNameForXLSExport(); break; } and in my master .jrxml : Code:[code]jasperReport name="BalanceAgee" columnCount="1" printOrder="Vertical" orientation="Portrait" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="28000000" columnWidth="535" columnSpacing="0" leftMargin="30" rightMargin="30" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20" whenNoDataType="AllSectionsNoDetail" isTitleNewPage="false" isSummaryNewPage="false"> So, as you can see, both parameters you talked about are set up to the appropriate value. Any clue ? thanks Also, I have a memory problem. I made an attempt with the JRFileVirtualizer class, it adds big chunks of swap files to my filesystem, i am still running it, for almost an hour, i already have like 1GB of swap files and it is increasing of course. I am not sure it is going to make any difference. Basically, i have something like 75 000 rows to extract from the database and integrate in my Excel file, and I am facing 2 big problems: 1) java.lang.OutOfMemoryError exception 2) too many rows for the sheet exception Does anyone know how to deal with these 2 problems ? Thanks Post edited by: longbeach751, at: 2007/07/26 15:42
  11. Hi, I have a problem when i try to generate an excel report, using JasperReports I get the error jxl.write.biff.RowsExceededException: The maximum number of rows permitted on a worksheet been exceeded Could you please guide me on what solution I could try with JasperReports / IReport to avoid this limitation ? Is there a way to specify a new sheet when the maximum number of rows ( 65,536 ) has been reached ? Thanks a lot for your help.
  12. Hi, I have a problem when i try to generate an excel report, using JasperReports I get the error jxl.write.biff.RowsExceededException: The maximum number of rows permitted on a worksheet been exceeded Could you please guide me on what solution I could try with JasperReports / IReport to avoid this limitation ? Is there a way to specify a new sheet when the maximum number of rows ( 65,536 ) has been reached ? Thanks a lot for your help.
  13. Hi, does barcode4j works well with JasperReports ? does anyone have an example of implementation ? some source code or documentation. thanks !
  14. Hi, Can you please tell me if iReport is capable of producing these 3 types of barcodes : "CAB128" and "PDF417" and "Datamatrix" Please let me know, thanks.
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