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Everything posted by TimPeters

  1. I have just recently installed ireports. I have been succesful in getting it to connect to our MS SQL 7 server using the JTDS JDBC driver. I have downloaded the SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 drivers and placed all jar files into my lib but when i try to connect to the cluster i receive an error: Unknown server host name 'SQLServernamenode' and then lists the jdbc URL. Any Ideas? I can't tell if this is a problem connecting to a cluster that the driver can't handle or is it the SQL 2005 instance
  2. I did put a copy of the tools.jar in my Lib directory but still no luck. I believe that the problem stems from the sql driver. Apparently Ireport doesn't recognize the new sql 2005 .jar file named sqljdbc.jar. Once i put in the 2000 driver .jar files it recognized correctly. THis however brought me to another problem, we use both SQL 7 and SQL 2005. and the SQL 2000 or 2005 .jar files are not compatible with SQL 7. Luckily i found the jTDS driver on this site and i was able to connect to the server through that. Tim
  3. I have just downloaded and installed ireports. I have Microsoft SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 databases. I've downlaoded the SQL 2005 JBDC driver and copied the .jar file into the Lib directory of the Ireports folder. When I tried to make a new connection the class not found error comes up when i test. How do I fix this?
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