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  1. And my further observation is that this happens only when i have a chart in my report. If i remove the chart, it goes well fine..I have a 3D Pie chart in my title section.. Any clue ??
  2. Hi .. It appears that first page of PDF output is always showing the contents (static text as well as field value) in bold, even though bold option is off. Second page onwards, it behaves in the expected way... So my report looks different in first and subsequent pages.. Any idea how to overcome this ? - Upankar
  3. Hi , I could see in jasper soft site under 'JasperSoft Report Gallery' section (http://www.jaspersoft.com/pr_reportshowcase.html?newreg=1) an interactive example of expand/collapse type of report. Could you please explain how this could be achieved ? I searched in the forum.. there are similar questions posted, but no answer to any of them.
  4. Dont know if there is any other way or not.. but i saw somewhere in forum that a custom JRHyperlinkProducerFactory is the only way.. So i implemented a custom factory and a custom JRHyperlinkProducer to invoke a java script call to dynamically create a form and post the parameters thru the form.
  5. oops ! my fault.. some elements were overlapped in their heights in jrxml and didnt show up in html..Corrected the jrxml and now it works fine.. iReport 1.3 editor however didnt show me any error. Still wonder how it could render right in pdf :-)
  6. I have simple jrxml file to show up a tabular structure. Whereas the pdf output is ok, some elements go missing in HTML output. I am attching the jrxml file ..i have only used static text elements, and hence can be used to test with an empty data source. [file name=sample_static_table.jrxml size=4841]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/sample_static_table.jrxml[/file] I am clueless as to why elements are missing in HTML
  7. Hi , I have a jasper generated html report where-in i want to provide a hyperlink on some data which will generate another report. There are lots of parameters to be passed for this new report , and hence i want to use a HTTP post, and not http GET. For example, i dont want to use "http://localhost:8080/my-servlet?id=john" for passing the parameter "id" (because, there is restriction in length for GET), and want to use a http POST. Is there a way to achieve this in jasper reports ?
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