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Everything posted by guanyu158

  1. how to specify date macro for parameters of type of date/time in scheduled report. for example, %date% means today's date, %date-1% represents yesterday etc.
  2. any idea when the next release will be available?
  3. is there any way to specify csv as the output format for scheduled reports in JS 1.2.1? there are pdf, html, excel and rtf, but csv is missing.
  4. i couldn't find the ireport plugin in JS 1.2.1's download page. may i know where to find it?
  5. thank you. it took me some time to figure out that 5.0's context.xml is different from 5.5's context.xml. :P
  6. does jasperserver 1.2.1 work with tomcat 5.0.27? we have existing tomcat 5.0.27. i'd like to use the war file installation. thanks.
  7. i see. i'll try to install tomcat and mysql separately. thank you Sebastian.
  8. well, do you mean i can't use default installation with bundled tomcat and mysql?
  9. how to run jasper server as background windows service?
  10. is there any way that i can run the report through http request and get the result through http response?
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