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  1. Hello. I'm first time user of JasperReports wanting to generate PDF from one complex Value Object (plain JavaBean) and am quite confused about usability of JasperReports for this case. Since my value object has many properties, some simple and some collections, I would need to have some template that allows expression constructs such as "If", "Loop" etc... (similar to Velocity), thus I could for example see if some collection property inside my value object is not empty, and only then generate table for these child objects, in other case only generate "There is no child objects" message on that place. And after that continue with other parts of PDF report that are related to other properties of my custom bean. As far as I see, there is no such capability in JasperReports, or hopefully I'm wrong? I can see only JRBeanCollectionDataSource (related to custom beans) which is completely useless for what I want. Or maybe I will have to manually code with iText for this case? Regards, Vjeran
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