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  1. I am having a problem with the appearance of Arial (and other) fonts when I print from Jasper using my Mac. When I use a pure Java (i.e., non-Jasper program) to print out the same fonts, it works fine. This problem also appears in Intellij, iReport, Netbean, so it is not a Jasper-only related problem. The problem appeared when I upgrade my Mac from Tiger to Leopard. The weird thing though, is why does it work from a pure Java program? I have read about the Apple JVM automatically deciding to use Quartz or not so it must be occuring even if the UseQuartz property is set. I think this is an Apple problem but I thought I would post anyway just it case someone has a magic solution. I am using: Mac OS X Version 10.5 (Leopard) Java version "1.5.0_13" As you can see in the test, setting the following property -Dapple.awt.graphics.UseQuartz to true or false makes no difference. Thanks, Larry [file name=allfiles.txt size=8053]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/allfiles.txt[/file]
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