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  1. Sorry, I posted the jrxml file with some test code I was working on. Here is the correct jrxml (note that the problem is with the duration_total variable). [file name=time_sheet2-aca8c736c073775065729c7780a0fda2.jrxml size=24701]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/time_sheet2-aca8c736c073775065729c7780a0fda2.jrxml[/file] Post edited by: trav.west, at: 2007/12/17 22:16
  2. I thought I had posted my jrxml file, but here's it as an attachment. Thanks, Travis West [file name=time_sheet2.jrxml size=24756]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/time_sheet2.jrxml[/file]
  3. My scriptlet file right now just basically logs if it is being called, so I don't think the problem is in there. Travis West
  4. Unfortunately they aren't. There is instead a Double field for the hours and a Double field for the minutes. I've got the totals working for the grand total, but now it's just displaying the last value for the daily total. Thanks, Travis West
  5. I'm writing a report that shows managers when employees clock in and out. So, I'm grouping by employee, and inside of that I group by the date of the clock-in. I display the hours/minutes worked, but I need to do a daily total for each employee and a grand total for each employee. Here's an example of the format I need Code:John Smith September 5, 2007 10:00 - 2:00 4:00 3:30 - 9:30 6:00 Daily Total 10:00 September 6, 2007 11:15 - 2:15 3:00 5:30 - 8:25 2:55 Daily Total 5:55 Grand Total 15:55 However, I am have to do the hours/minutes math in a scriptlet. When I try to run the report, my daily total and grand total always come out twice what they should be. How do I do this? Thanks, Travis West
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