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Everything posted by jakubhertyk

  1. That is a possibility. The only problem is that the House and Car have other attributes (of mixed types) that have to be displayed as well. They have different number of attributes as too, eg the House has a built date, and comments while the Car has a color, max speed and transmission type. Jakub
  2. Hello, I searched high and low for an answer to this but I am not even sure what to call this situation. I am trying to create, for a lack of a better word, two Parallel groups. :P I am pretty sure that I can achieve this with one group plus a sub-report that does a retrieve for each "detail" row but I was hoping not to resort to that. Lets say that each person in the DB has a House (first table) and a Car (second table). The report should look as follows: Person 1 House 1[/ul] Car 1Car 2[/ul] Person 2 House 1House 2[/ul] Car 1Car 2Car 3[/ul] ...etc It will list first the Houses for the person then the Cars. Is this possible with one report and two groups? Crossing fingers, Jakub
  3. Code: parentDatasource.getCurrentRowObject(); The following doesn't appear to be a valid method for JRDataSource. I can't even find one that resembles it. Also, what should I do in the next() method. Iterate the parentDataSource? Thanks, Jakub
  4. Hello, I don't think that this is a unique problem to my report but I need to access the current row of the Parent report in the Sub-report. I have a report that generates a Sub-report for every Group Header. This Sub-report uses 12 variables from the current Group Header row of the Parent report. Rather than passing 12 parameters to the Sub-report, I thought that it would be simpler to access the current row of the Parent report where the fields reside. Is there anyway I can accomplish this? Thank you, Jakub :( Post edited by: jakubhertyk, at: 2007/02/01 22:10
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