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Everything posted by ddigmann

  1. Well I figured it out. Ok, sort of. I abandoned the function idea in the view and decided to make another view which retrieved the same information. I then did an left join on the table in the first, main view with this new view. This made it all happy and well just plain work. I have no idea why darned thing did not work with the function but it works now. If anybody out there knows why, I would love to hear from you.
  2. Can anybody out there give me some sort of answer on this? Even a "You are in the wrong area" or "Nobody knows would help". Thanks Dustin
  3. I have created a report which is generated based on the information in a view. The query is more or less Select * from thisView order by thisColumn asc. The problem I am having is that I can see the correct ResultSet being passed to Jasper but the order is unsorted when it comes out. It is only for this ordered column though. If I order based on some other column it is fine. I think it is messing up because my view is defining this column based on the results of a function call in SQL Server (ie select myFunction() as thisColumn from blah). This is the first time I have ever used an aliased function call column to be sorted on and it was worked for all my uses in the past. Are my assumptions correct? What is the best way to fix this? Dustin
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