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Everything posted by gdavej

  1. I need to create a report which will detail a list of vehicles. Each page of the report will contain 2 tables, the top table showing the details of the vehicles, whilst the bottom table shows, say, coverages for the same vehicles. Each page will show the 2 tables for 10 vehicles. Obviously I can do each table in a subreport, but I need to iterate over the vehicle list outside the subreports. Is there any way I can do this with Jasper Reports? One way of course... I could loop over the vehicles in Java, and call up Jasper Reports for each subset of vehicles, creating a set of reports, each constituting one page of the overall report. If I go this route, is there any way I can join up the individual pages outside Jasper Report? Thanks David
  2. I'm creating a report with a lot of text, numbered lists and bulleted lists. I tried using html markup for the lists, but when the text on a list item spills over to a second line, the second line doesn't show the hanging indent. This is what I want to see, This is what I want to see, This is what I want to see, This is what I want to see, This is what I want to see, This is what I want to see, This is what I want to see, This is what I want to see, This is what I want to see. 1. and this is what I see, and this is what I see, and this is what I see, and this is what I see, and this is what I see, and this is what I see, Is there any way that I can get the list items to display correctly (ie like the first example above)? Cheers David
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