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  1. I had such a problem, with adf faces commandButton wich didn't display coorectly (they were not images but simple html buttons. When the PJA library was correctly configured, all the images were displayed (as on windows xp). Hope this helps Regards
  2. Problems solved There are the things to do : 1. Use PJA toolkit (pja.jar and pjatools.jar) Put the jars in the project 2. Define environment variables : // Specify a default folder for storing compiled XML templates JRProperties.setProperty("jasper.reports.compile.class.path", context.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/lib/jasperreports-1.2.7.jar") + System.getProperty("path.separator") + context.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/classes/")); // Specify a default folder for storing compiled XML templates JRProperties.setProperty("jasper.reports.compile.temp",context.getRealPath("/reports/")); // Specify the system properties for the graphical libraries System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "true"); System.setProperty("java.awt.graphicsenv", "com.eteks.java2d.PJAGraphicsEnvironment"); System.setProperty("java.awt.fonts", "/usr/openwin/lib/locale/euro_fonts/X11/fonts/TrueType"); System.setProperty("awt.toolkit", "com.eteks.awt.PJAToolkit"); System.setProperty("user.home", context.getRealPath("/WEB-INF/lib/pja.jar")); System.setProperty("java2d.font.usePlatformFont", "false"); Define boot classpath to the pja toolkit : For WebSphere 6, in the process definition section, point to the absolute path to the pja jars. e.g.: /od/ISG/installedapps/app.ear/app.war/web-inf/lib/pja.jar:/od/ISG/installedapps/app.ear/app.war/web-inf/lib/pjatools.jar Thank you very much to everyone that helped me (even in other forums), and especially to wegnerk
  3. Thank you for your answer, the problem is not solved but I seem to be a step further in its resolution. I positionned the headless environment variable. I put the PJA libs in the project, and now the X11 server error doens't display any more. But another problem appeared : java.lang.Error: Could not find class: com.eteks.java2d.PJAGraphicsEnvironment which are the classes I have configured to deal with. The libs are in the /WEB-INF/lib directory. What could I do to solve this ? Regards
  4. Hi, We are encountering the same problem, could you please tell us how you solved it ? Best regards, SteJ
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