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  1. Is it possbile to use TrueType Collection (TTC) files in a font extension? Is there any information on how to do this?
  2. Does anyone know the answer? It appears that the filling of a report is conifned to a single thread but I would like confirmation from someone who knows. Is there any documentation on the lifecycle of a scriptlet?
  3. I'm wondering if I need to take any precautions in a Scriptlet for thread safety? I'm adding helper methods which will get called when filling the report that access member variables that are not thread-safe (e.g. DateFormat) and I need to know If these methods need synchronization. Will scriptlets ever be accessed by multiple threads or are they confined to a single thread? Thanks
  4. I've spent all day in the debugger and I now understand what is going wrong. JasperReports is calling org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory.createXYBarChart(...) to created the JFreeChart. ChartFactory.createXYBarChart(...) does not accept a Locale and TimeZone to use. JFreeChart then uses the default Locale and TimeZone for everything. :( I'm working on getting changes to ChartFactory so the methods will accept Locale and TimeZone then hopefully I can get changes to JasperReports to use the new methods.
  5. I've defined an xyBarChart with a timeSeriesDataset and I am setting the Locale. All the dates on the report are being properly localized except for the date labels on the Bar Chart which alway are in English. Is this a known issue with JFreeChart? Or is this an issue with JasperReports? Versions: jfreechart-1.0.6.jar jcommon-1.0.10.jar jasperreports-1.3.4.jar java 5 Windows XP Pro Default locale en_US Keywords: I18N Internationalization
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