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Everything posted by ojha

  1. hi, Create a parameter form in jsp etc. Let the user feed values from there. Submit flled form and get-set the request-parameter to report-parameter. If it is you'r looking for.
  2. hi friend, i have a problem.-> i want to assign default value to text fields just like we give in case of parameters. but i am not getting any option for that. so please tell me how can i achieve this. I am accessing data from database through sql query. but if no row is selected then text fields come null. i want to give them default value 0. i do not want to make it blank or null. I want to give it a value 0. i have searched the forum but could not found anything usefull regarding above problem. plz help me to do it.
  3. u sould first compile with jdk 1.5 then try to run
  4. dear friend, i have a main report and 3 subreports of it. I want to compile all theas at oncce at the time when i compile my main report. so plz tell me is it possible to compile a main report and all its subreport at once. & how to do it? i am using -- JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(); to compile my report. but it compiles only one file at a time. I want to compile main report and all its subreport at once. ... ojha
  5. hello, i want to use dynamic where clause with help of $P!{...}. Please tell me which jasper report version will support this tag. thanking you ojha
  6. ojha

    sub dataset

    hello, 1. do sub datasets have there use only in crosstabs & charts or we can use them in some other way also. 2. can i use parameter in the query of subdataset to make them dependent on our main query. 3. can sub datasets be used for following situation-- say, i have two tables 1. emp (empno,ename,deptno) 2. dept (deptno,dname) i am accessing emp from my main report query for emp no and deptno. Now i want to use dname field of dept table. Can i use subdataset query for accessing dname field. Please tell me if it is possible. I will thankfull to u.
  7. hi dears, i am getting following error when compiling by jasperreports.1.1.1.jar net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: D:IBMwsappdev51workspaceReportsDemoWebContentreportsBasicReport.java:18: cannot resolve symbol symbol : constructor JRCalculator () location: class net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRCalculator public class BasicReport extends JRCalculator ^ 1 error at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRAbstractClassCompiler.compileReport(JRAbstractClassCompiler.java:109) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRDefaultCompiler.compileReport(JRDefaultCompiler.java:129) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:127) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:86) at sample.servlets.ReportServlet.getCompiledReport(ReportServlet.java:230) at sample.servlets.ReportServlet.doPost(ReportServlet.java:102) at sample.servlets.ReportServlet.doGet(ReportServlet.java:49) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:740) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.StrictServletInstance.doService(StrictServletInstance.java:110) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.StrictLifecycleServlet._service(StrictLifecycleServlet.java:174) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.IdleServletState.service(StrictLifecycleServlet.java:313) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.StrictLifecycleServlet.service(StrictLifecycleServlet.java:116) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletInstance.service(ServletInstance.java:283) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ValidServletReferenceState.dispatch(ValidServletReferenceState.java:42) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletInstanceReference.dispatch(ServletInstanceReference.java:40) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.webapp.WebAppRequestDispatcher.handleWebAppDispatch(WebAppRequestDispatcher.java:974) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.webapp.WebAppRequestDispatcher.dispatch(WebAppRequestDispatcher.java:555) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.webapp.WebAppRequestDispatcher.forward(WebAppRequestDispatcher.java:200) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.srt.WebAppInvoker.doForward(WebAppInvoker.java:119) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.srt.WebAppInvoker.handleInvocationHook(WebAppInvoker.java:276) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.cache.invocation.CachedInvocation.handleInvocation(CachedInvocation.java:71) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.cache.invocation.CacheableInvocationContext.invoke(CacheableInvocationContext.java:114) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.srp.ServletRequestProcessor.dispatchByURI(ServletRequestProcessor.java:186) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.oselistener.OSEListenerDispatcher.service(OSEListener.java:334) at com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.http.HttpConnection.handleRequest(HttpConnection.java:56) at com.ibm.ws.http.HttpConnection.readAndHandleRequest(HttpConnection.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.http.HttpConnection.run(HttpConnection.java(Compiled Code)) at com.ibm.ws.util.ThreadPool$Worker.run(ThreadPool.java:593) plz help
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