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  1. It's possible to make a report with static content that fits more than one page? Thanks a lot. Alvaro.
  2. It's possible to make a report with static content that fits more than one page? Thanks a lot. Alvaro.
  3. Hi everyone, I need to do a big report whose data comes as loads of parameters from a Swing app. I don't need to use a database connection as everything I need is passed as parameter from the app. The report is big and takes more than one page. The question is, it's possible to do a report with more than one page in iReport? I use the title section and a big detail section (which can be splitted) where I fit the data. Then I receive the error: it.businesslogic.ireport.gui.logpane.ProblemItem@9468ca The detail section, the page and column headers and footers and the margins do not fit the page height. /jasperReport Can it be done using subreports? Or there's another way to do this? Thank you. Alvaro.
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