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Everything posted by mike

  1. Hello, When I use an input control and submit a date, the date/time that is sent to my query is 5 hours earlier than I am inputting. I would assume this is related to my timezone ( CST ). What do I need to change to get the correct date in my query? Thanks, Mike
  2. Hello, When I use an input control and submit a date, the date/time that is sent to my query is 5 hours earlier than I am inputting. I would assume this is related to my timezone ( CST ). What do I need to change to get the correct date in my query? Thanks, Mike
  3. Hello, i am using Chart component with iReport 1.2.7 but when the result have records (series) with the same value, so it is displayed just one column a series over other. How can i fix it? Anyhelp is greatly appreciated.
  4. For you interest i am using iReport-1.2.7 but IS_DETECT_CELL_TYPE dosesnt work.
  5. Hello, someones knows the way to export to excel this String value "0000119786" without eliminate the left zeros ? I try to enable "Is Detect Cell Type" but is doesnt work. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  6. I find another solution. I have a master report which have two subreports. Each subreport is call from a Group Band. I used a Scriptlet (Master Report) in order to query database to ask if exists rows, when data exists I print the Chart else I send new Boolean(false) in summary band. It works very Well! The error 'Null' key is gone. So, thanks for you answer.
  7. Hello, I am using this sentence "new Boolean(false)" in order to hide a Summary Band entering it by "Print When Expression". Which is the equivalent when write code from Scriptlet ? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  8. Hello, somebody knows how set "summary" to false from Scriptle code ???
  9. Hello, somebody knows where i can find free information about use Scritplet with IReport 1.2.7 ? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  10. mmmm, i am using a Bars Chart. This Chart is generated when the user sends parameter in order to find data and display the result in a Bar Chart. But, when the parameters dont math with Data so, i need to show blank page and dont abort with NullÂ'key'Âargument. This is possible to do it ?
  11. Hello, I am using iReport-1.2.7 I am getting this error when i try to launch a report and dont exists data to display returned by the query. ErrorÂfillingÂprint... java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:ÂNullÂ'key'Âargument. ÂÂÂÂatÂorg.jfree.data.DefaultKeyedValues.setValue(DefaultKeyedValues.java:225) ÂÂÂÂatÂorg.jfree.data.DefaultKeyedValues2D.setValue(DefaultKeyedValues2D.java:291) ÂÂÂÂatÂorg.jfree.data.DefaultKeyedValues2D.addValue(DefaultKeyedValues2D.java:260) I modify [Report properties] in order to set When no Data: No pages, BlankPage, AllSectionsNoDetail but it seems dont have effect because i am getting the error again. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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