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Everything posted by gombs

  1. and the datasource... [file name=test-f1d0bd306c95c6992569042ea55f9bb4.xml size=1156]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/test-f1d0bd306c95c6992569042ea55f9bb4.xml[/file]
  2. and the datasource... [file name=test.xml size=1156]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/test.xml[/file]
  3. the parentreport: [file name=atos_xml.jrxml size=19058]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/atos_xml.jrxml[/file]
  4. I post the files , first subreport: [file name=mv_atos_part.jrxml size=4715]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/mv_atos_part.jrxml[/file] Post edited by: gombs, at: 2007/01/31 11:44
  5. Post edited by: gombs, at: 2007/01/31 07:06 if I used the connection expression like this the subreport will empty too, but there are no message like my first post ((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource) $P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).dataSource("/users//templates/test.xml") help plz :( Post edited by: gombs, at: 2007/01/31 07:13
  6. This is the XML-Data-Source: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <root> <ATOS> <Atos-System-Typ>ATOS III Rev. 01</Atos-System-Typ> <SNR-Sensor>D 06 043</SNR-Sensor> <SN_ATOS_KameraLinks>181824506</SN_ATOS_KameraLinks> <SN_ATOS_KameraRechts>185524706</SN_ATOS_KameraRechts> <Measure id="1"> <Measuring_Volume>300x300</Measuring_Volume> <Lens_Focal_MeasuringVolume_atos_Projektiv>12mm</Lens_Focal_MeasuringVolume_atos_Projektiv> <Lens_Focal_MeasuringVolume_atos_ObjektivLinks>35mm</Lens_Focal_MeasuringVolume_atos_ObjektivLinks> </Measure> <Measure id="2"> <Measuring_Volume>150x150</Measuring_Volume> <Lens_Focal_MeasuringVolume_atos_Projektiv>23mm</Lens_Focal_MeasuringVolume_atos_Projektiv> <Lens_Focal_MeasuringVolume_atos_ObjektivLinks>65mm</Lens_Focal_MeasuringVolume_atos_ObjektivLinks> </Measure> <Profil>CFK 400</Profil> <Typ>ROT640</Typ> <Stativ_ATOS_Stativ>Foba AROBI</Stativ_ATOS_Stativ> <High_ATOS_Stativ>2,0m</High_ATOS_Stativ> <Arm0_ATOS_Stativ>1,7m</Arm0_ATOS_Stativ> <Arm1_ATOS_Stativ>1,0m</Arm1_ATOS_Stativ> </ATOS>
  7. I use the wizard. to 1) The connection is the same like parentreport ( "$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}" ) . The XPath from subreport is "/root/ATOS/Measure". It is valid, because as alone report it works fine, only not as a subreport. To 2) The subreportexpression is valid to, i've selected from File-Browser and in all other cases it works.("mv_atos_part.jasper") I don't know whats the Problem.... :blush:
  8. High, I have an Subreport from an XML-Source, it works alone without problems. But when I insert this as a Subreport to an other Report I become this message: 1286293 [mv_atos_part subreport filler] WARN query.JRXPathQueryExecuter - The supplied org.w3c.dom.Document object is null. The Parentreport have the same XML-Source ( only an other XPATH Expression ) I have the option selected that the XPath expression from report should be used. What is going wrong? friendly greets to all other iReport-users
  9. thank you very much, but on question is open: I wanted a Description for some fields and it's requiered that this was an expression in one textfield like this: "Blablabla"+$F{Lens_Focal} But what for a "print when expression" I must set, it's not enough to set the option because this field will never null because of static text. I search for a expression. This don't works: new Boolean( $F{Lens_Focal}!=null ) There are linis displayed only with "Blablablabla".
  10. Can you post you solution or answer in my new thread?
  11. Heya! I have a big problem. I wanted to have a Datasource like this: <root> <ATOS> <Measuring_Volume>300x300</Measuring_Volume> <Lens_Focal>12mm</Lens_Focal> <Lens_Focal>35mm</Lens_Focal> <Measuring_Volume>150x150</Measuring_Volume> <Lens_Focal>23mm</Lens_Focal> <Lens_Focal>65mm</Lens_Focal> </ATOS> </root> All of this should be displayed on ONE Page in a report. But with my XPath expressions it doesn't works. Is it possible without a subreport? In my XML-File I have many of this cases I it would be to many of subreports.
  12. with 1.2.8 there are the same problem... what the hell are going on with iReport...I only can make a Frame when I edit the jrxml in a editor at self...:woohoo:
  13. gombs

    own classes

    where I saw which JRE is used for run iReport und run the classes I imported with import-Tag
  14. I know nobody want to help, but I tried again. I will use a own Class in printExpressions, because of this I set the Klasspath to this class. But I get this message when start to filled: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: deliverypaper_make/HelpC (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0) Whats the problem?
  15. hi, the option only operates when the field2 don't touch field3. Maybe you should set positiontype on Float... naturally it works...:cheer:
  16. Hi ;) I wanted to print an Static text or whatever, only when a Subreport is dont empty. Which are the correct expression? I know that only a java-expression is allowed, but where can I display this context? I want something like this: subreport1.visible ( this return true or false ) Thanks for help :cheer:
  17. Hi guys and girls :evil: I want to make frames in my Report with iReport. But when I click on the button, nothing will happen. I try to select static text or text fields and click on the button, too, but nothing is happen, too. Is my Version crashed? I use iReport 1.3.0. Greets :whistle: :P
  18. gombs


    Hi, sorry, the next time I will open a thread only for a problem. 1.) I use iReport 1.3.0 and Jasperreports 1.2.2 2.) Ok I have an other solution for my problem. 3.) I want to have a Report like this: #Start 1.) <subreportA/> 2.) <subreportB/> 3.) <subreportC/> .... #End I wanted to have a dynamic numbering , maybe in other cases it should be like this ( for example when subreportB is empty ) #Start 1.)<subreportA/> 2.)<subreportC/> #End And in other cases they don't have to be numbers, maybe symbols... You know what I mean? Greetz
  19. gombs


    thanks for trying to help me, but my special characters are destroyed again, also witch this additional parameter. Anybody knows the answer?:(
  20. gombs


    Hi , I have three problems with JasperReports, 1.) I have a problem with special characters ( example the german) "ä" when I exported my report into a RTF-File. When I use iReport to export there are no problems. 2.) Can I stretch text field in width and not in height when the data is bigger than the size. 3.) Can I make a structuring in my Report, like 1.), 2.) etc. greets gombsB)
  21. hi folks, I have a problem with filling my report, which is make by me or by iReport ( it's the same problem). When I build the report with iReport it will be fine, but when I want to fill by my own java app, there are no pages at report. :angry: This is the code: Code: ... String query = "select id from _USER;"; // Verbindung zur Datenbank herstellen Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"«»).newInstance(); // Load //Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"«»); connection = DriverManager .getConnection("jdbc:mysql://xxxx:«»xxx/projectbase_java","xxx","xxxx"«»); s = connection.createStatement(); rs = s.executeQuery(query); JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile("reports/classic.jrxml"«»); System.out.println("Done!"«»); JRResultSetDataSource rsds = new JRResultSetDataSource(rs); JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile("reports/classic.jasper", new HashMap(), rsds); The problem is rsds, it seems to be that it was empty but when I displayed the data of rs it was correct!!! Greetz and thanks for help
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