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  1. hi, may i know if iReport can be used in Linux/NX Client? if it does work in Linux, can you pls guide me thru on how to install and get iReport started?? thanks. btw, i'm totally 100% a newbie in Linux. so i might have some trouble understanding some terms used in linux. Post edited by: kacheek, at: 2007/09/07 02:43
  2. hi giroe, referring to ur edited point: "EDIT: I think you can also link directly to the sales performance report (without the webapplication processiong the url). I think the only difference is that the Hyperlink Reference Expression should than be something like salesperformance.jasper. And the parameter Staffnumber you should set in the linkparameters (tab linkparameters). I did not test this.", i did try but it is not working. and i couldnt fine any linkparameter tabs. I hope someone can help me with this. is it possible that iReport has a hyper link that links to another report, using .jasper or .jrxml??
  3. hi, can someone pls guide me thru the hyper link function in ireport? what is it all about and how to use that function? another question, how can i make navigate the user to another report when the user clicks on the StaffNo to look at his/her sales performance? it uses hyperlink right? all comments are very much appreciated, preferably with examples. thank you. Post edited by: kacheek, at: 2007/07/27 04:34
  4. Hi, I have 2 group headers, MRHeader and ProHeader. E.g. data: DocNo, Amt, MR, Pro A123, 11.00, 765E, null B234, 34.00, null, 234ERT C345, 23.99, null, 65HG D456, 54.23, 98SC, null How can I make them print details in their respective header? Eg. if MR is not null then it should be in the MRHeader and vice versa. Please guide. Thanks.
  5. i did try by unchecking the 'print repeated value' but it is not quite right. because the some data has the same date. so if i uncheck that option, the information displayed are not right. for example, 01/01/07, SA123, 54 01/01/07, SA123, 699 01/01/07, SA123, 671 01/01/07, PY567, 84
  6. Hi, Below are the sample ireport that is in rows and columns. Date, DocNo, Amount 01/01/07, SA123, 54 01/01/07, SA123, 699 01/01/07, SA123, 671 14/02/07, PY567, 87 29/03/07, JK234, 345 29/03/07, JK234, 123 How can I display the above outputs into Date, DocNo, Amount 01/01/07, SA123, 54 , , 699 , , 671 14/02/07, PY567, 87 29/03/07, JK234, 345 , , 123 where the repeated values are shown once only? pls guide. thanks Post edited by: kacheek, at: 2007/07/03 04:51
  7. it shows no error message. i have $F{NET} figures like 1.00, 2.34, (5.09), (123.50), etc. which is grouped by client name. however, when the amount is sum up according to the grouping, the $V{TOTAL_NET} will be 0, and some will be 12.94, (345.21), etc. whenever i put this syntax new java.lang.Boolean($V{TOTAL_NET}.intValue() != 0) at $F{NET}, 99% of the result will appear. and the 1% that doesnt appear has the negative value eg (34,532.94), (2,586.21). whereas if my syntax is new java.lang.Boolean($V{TOTAL_NET}.intValue() == 0), all $F{NET} will be null. so what is wrong with it?? btw, the $F{NET} and $V{TOTAL_NET} is defined as BigDecimal Post edited by: kacheek, at: 2007/05/03 03:35
  8. hi. i have a list of amount in the report. i want the report to show only those with total net amount <> 0 based on report grouping. i tried this syntax --> new java.lang.Boolean($V{TOTAL_NET}.intValue() != 0) at $F{NET} but it didnt work. wat is the right syntax to use? or is there any other way to do? your help is very much appreciated. Post edited by: kacheek, at: 2007/04/30 10:01
  9. kacheek


    can someone pls pls pls pls help me? :( or is there another way to solve this issue?
  10. kacheek


    is it possible to do that? where we take the variable value to be added with another number? pls guide. thanks
  11. kacheek


    hi, i have created a variable as below: Name: $V{TOTAL_AMT} Class type: java.math.BigDecimal Reset type: Report Increment type: None Calculation type: Sum Variable exp: $F{AMT} how can i add 5 to $V{TOTAL_AMT} eg: $V{TOTAL_AMT} + 5 which gives a result of 'TOTAL_AMT = 18 + 5 = 23'??
  12. I reinstalled ireport and wanted to create a new datasource connection using oracle jdbc driver. when i perform a test, error message as below is shown: ClassNotFoundError odbc.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver. what is the classpath that i need to enter?
  13. dear all, i would like to know how to create bar/pie charts using ireport. i've written a sql that populates record like below. Name - Total Amy - 10 Ben - 12.5 Calvin - 9 Dean - 25 So how can i convert the populated data into a bar chart? your help is very much appreciated.
  14. oh. i'm sorry as i overlooked the offset part. thanks for the guidance, jmurray. ;)
  15. i've manage to get the running number based on the number of group records. however, the number starts from 0. i used new Integer(0) as my field expression how can i make it to count from 1 onwards?
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