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Everything posted by edilmar

  1. The problem is that the SQL may change some filter (AND) clausules. I have five filters, that users may use or not, and combine some of them. Then, the SQL may be: Code: select ... from ... where filter1 and filter2 or select ... from ... where filter1 and filter2 and filter3 or select ... from ... where filter2 and filter4 and filter5 or etc... There is no need to use all filters togheter. When this occurs in main report, it is easy to solve, I only pass the ResultSet with any SQL code generated in Java code. But the problem is: I don't know how to pass a SQL (neither a ResultSet) to the subreport.
  2. Hi, I have Jasper + iReport 1.3.0. Then, my report has a subreport with a SQL that I'd like to change dinamically. I have a dialog with many kinds of filters, some of them I use to change the SQL for Statement/ResultSet into main report, and some filters are to change SQL for subreport. But I don't know how to change SQL for this one dinamically. Thanks for any help...
  3. Hi, I have Jasper 1.3.0 + iReport 1.3.0 + JDK6. Is it possible to change the band height dinamically? There are fields that I need to show or hide, it depends from user decision. The second line of fields in detail band only appears if the user decides to this. Then, I would like to set the height for 15 or 30, depeding from decision.
  4. Hi, I have used Jasper 1.3.0 + iReport 1.3.0 + JDK6. Then, I have a SQL fixed into a subreport, and I would like to know if it is possible to change this SQL dinamically.
  5. Hi, I have used JasperViewer in my Swing apps, but users suggest some changes to better user interface. First, suggest to show the frame maximized. Then, I created a derived class from JasperViewer and called the code to maximize. Now, the problem is to allow keyboard shortcuts for many buttons. For example, F5 for First Page, F6 for Previous, F7 for Next, F8 for Last, Ctrl+S to Save, Ctrl+P to Print, etc. However, the only way to do this is copy JasperViewer+JRViewer classes to my application project, and include new lines code. But I think this is not a good thing, because if Jasper developers change the JasperViewer, I always will have to copy the new versions and include my codes. The code for JasperViewer+JRViewer have problems when creating derived classes. For example, JasperViewer instantiate a JRViewer object "private". Then, my derived class doesn't have access to this object. I would like to know if there is some plan (from Jasper Developers) to allow more flexible access to viewer classes, and a better way to create derived class, for customize some things.
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