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Everything posted by milgner

  1. Hello everyone. Maybe someone else stumpled upon this problem and knows a solution: after upgrading JasperReports to the current version (>4.1), all horizontal lines in my generated reports are displaced a couple of millimeters downwards, totally messing up the reports layout. Everything looks ok in iReport design mode and a report filled with an empty data source in iReport, but as soon as I fill the report in my application, all lines are shifted downwards. After switching back to JasperReports 3.7.6, everything works again as before.
  2. Hi, do you have any update on this issue? I have a similar problem while trying to save a document from the iReport preview page: although there's a valid document visible and printing the file to a PDF printer works, using the "save as" functionality only creates a PDF with a single blank page. Best regards Marcus
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