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Everything posted by marasheed

  1. I'm attaching mondrian schema in use by me. (northstar.xml) I'm executing an analysis view using MDX query select {([Measures].AllMembers)} ON COLUMNS,Hierarchize((([Product].[All Products].Children * [Time].[time].Members ))) ON rows FROM Sales (generated sql queries in attached file mdxgeneratedqueries.txt) I'm attaching the schema of database. (northstarbi.sql) In database : agg_lc_001_salesfact has 366326 recordssalesfact has 1274937 recordslocation has 21877 recordsmember has 6287 recordsproduct has 9019 recordsTIME has 539402 recordschecksfact has 1274937 records Following is the configuration of machine where jasper server and mysql server are running.AMD Phenom IIX3700e Processor 2.40 GHzRAM 12.0 GBWindows 7 Ultimate 64 bit In catalina.bat I have set following parameters. SET JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms512m -Xmx8192m -XX:MaxPermSize=800m -Djava.awt.headless=false -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Duser.dir="%CATALINA_HOME%" -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_QUOTE_ESCAPING=false -Djava.security.auth.login.config="%CATALINA_HOME%/conf/jaas.config" -Dorg.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.ENABLE_CLEAR_REFERENCES=false -server -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=20 When executed the cpu and memory usage by tomcat java process increased.It take around 3 minutes to render the output on browser. Also browser cpu usage increased (33%) and later become normal.If I execute these queries directly over database they are quick in generating output. I urgently need your help to render analysis view in 15-20 secs. Attached is tomcat output (tomcatOuput.txt) Another problem in drill down but in drill down query already taking a lot of time and I'm optimizing it. Looking for your help.
  2. I'm attaching mondrian schema in use by me. (northstar.xml) I'm executing an analysis view using MDX query select {([Measures].AllMembers)} ON COLUMNS,Hierarchize((([Product].[All Products].Children * [Time].[time].Members ))) ON rows FROM Sales (generated sql queries in attached file mdxgeneratedqueries.txt) I'm attaching the schema of database. (northstarbi.sql) In database : agg_lc_001_salesfact has 366326 recordssalesfact has 1274937 recordslocation has 21877 recordsmember has 6287 recordsproduct has 9019 recordsTIME has 539402 recordschecksfact has 1274937 records Following is the configuration of machine where jasper server and mysql server are running.AMD Phenom IIX3700e Processor 2.40 GHzRAM 12.0 GBWindows 7 Ultimate 64 bit In catalina.bat I have set following parameters. SET JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms512m -Xmx8192m -XX:MaxPermSize=800m -Djava.awt.headless=false -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Duser.dir="%CATALINA_HOME%" -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_QUOTE_ESCAPING=false -Djava.security.auth.login.config="%CATALINA_HOME%/conf/jaas.config" -Dorg.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.ENABLE_CLEAR_REFERENCES=false -server -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=20 When executed the cpu and memory usage by tomcat java process increased.It take around 3 minutes to render the output on browser. Also browser cpu usage increased (33%) and later become normal.If I execute these queries directly over database they are quick in generating output. I urgently need your help to render analysis view in 15-20 secs. Attached is tomcat output (tomcatOuput.txt) Another problem in drill down but in drill down query already taking a lot of time and I'm optimizing it. Looking for your help.
  3. I'm attaching mondrian schema in use by me. (northstar.xml) I'm executing an analysis view using MDX query select {([Measures].AllMembers)} ON COLUMNS,Hierarchize((([Product].[All Products].Children * [Time].[time].Members ))) ON rows FROM Sales (generated sql queries in attached file mdxgeneratedqueries.txt) I'm attaching the schema of database. (northstarbi.sql) In database : agg_lc_001_salesfact has 366326 recordssalesfact has 1274937 recordslocation has 21877 recordsmember has 6287 recordsproduct has 9019 recordsTIME has 539402 recordschecksfact has 1274937 records Following is the configuration of machine where jasper server and mysql server are running.AMD Phenom IIX3700e Processor 2.40 GHzRAM 12.0 GBWindows 7 Ultimate 64 bit In catalina.bat I have set following parameters. SET JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms512m -Xmx8192m -XX:MaxPermSize=800m -Djava.awt.headless=false -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Duser.dir="%CATALINA_HOME%" -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_QUOTE_ESCAPING=false -Djava.security.auth.login.config="%CATALINA_HOME%/conf/jaas.config" -Dorg.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.ENABLE_CLEAR_REFERENCES=false -server -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=20 When executed the cpu and memory usage by tomcat java process increased.It take around 3 minutes to render the output on browser. Also browser cpu usage increased (33%) and later become normal.If I execute these queries directly over database they are quick in generating output. I urgently need your help to render analysis view in 15-20 secs. Attached is tomcat output (tomcatOuput.txt) Another problem in drill down but in drill down query already taking a lot of time and I'm optimizing it. Looking for your help.
  4. I'm attaching mondrian schema in use by me. (northstar.xml) I'm executing an analysis view using MDX query select {([Measures].AllMembers)} ON COLUMNS,Hierarchize((([Product].[All Products].Children * [Time].[time].Members ))) ON rows FROM Sales (generated sql queries in attached file mdxgeneratedqueries.txt) I'm attaching the schema of database. (northstarbi.sql) In database : agg_lc_001_salesfact has 366326 recordssalesfact has 1274937 recordslocation has 21877 recordsmember has 6287 recordsproduct has 9019 recordsTIME has 539402 recordschecksfact has 1274937 records Following is the configuration of machine where jasper server and mysql server are running.AMD Phenom IIX3700e Processor 2.40 GHzRAM 12.0 GBWindows 7 Ultimate 64 bit In catalina.bat I have set following parameters. SET JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms512m -Xmx8192m -XX:MaxPermSize=800m -Djava.awt.headless=false -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 -Duser.dir="%CATALINA_HOME%" -Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_QUOTE_ESCAPING=false -Djava.security.auth.login.config="%CATALINA_HOME%/conf/jaas.config" -Dorg.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.ENABLE_CLEAR_REFERENCES=false -server -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=20 When executed the cpu and memory usage by tomcat java process increased.It take around 3 minutes to render the output on browser. Also browser cpu usage increased (33%) and later become normal.If I execute these queries directly over database they are quick in generating output. I urgently need your help to render analysis view in 15-20 secs. Attached is tomcat output (tomcatOuput.txt) Another problem in drill down but in drill down query already taking a lot of time and I'm optimizing it. Looking for your help.
  5. I'm using jasper server 4.1 community edition using mysql database as warehouse. Using jasperETL I have populated warehouse(mysql). Using JasperAnalysisWorkbench I have created the Schema (Cubes,Dimensions,Measures etc). Using this schema in JasperServer I have created various Analysis Views. I'm getting serious problem while executing analysis views. They took several minutes to respond. Also client browser becomes heavy with huge data. I'm using AMD Phenom II X3 700e Processor 2.40 GHz with 12 GB RAM for running JasperBI and mysql server. I'm looking for option of ROLAP instead of MOLAP? Is there any option to keep populated cubes in mysql database and jasperserver use them instead of using sql join queries for fact and dimension tables? I want to avoid creating aggregate tables. Regards Rasheed
  6. I'm using jasper server 4.1 community edition using mysql database as warehouse.Using jasperETL I have populated warehouse(mysql).Using JasperAnalysisWorkbench I have created the Schema (Cubes,Dimensions,Measures etc).Using this schema in JasperServer I have created various Analysis Views. I'm getting serious problem while executing analysis views. They took several minutes to respond. Also client browser becomes heavy with huge data. I'm using AMD Phenom II X3 700e Processor 2.40 GHz with 12 GB RAM for running JasperBI and mysql server. I'm looking for option of ROLAP instead of MOLAP? Is there any option to keep populated cubes in mysql database and jasperserver use them instead of using sql join queries for fact and dimension tables? I want to avoid creating aggregate tables. RegardsRasheed
  7. I'm using jasper server 4.1 community edition using mysql database as warehouse. Using jasperETL I have populated warehouse(mysql).Using JasperAnalysisWorkbench I have created the Schema (Cubes,Dimensions,Measures etc).Using this schema in JasperServer I have created various Analysis Views. I'm getting serious problem while executing analysis views. They took several minutes to respond. Also client browser becomes heavy with huge data. I'm using AMD Phenom II X3 700e Processor 2.40 GHz with 12 GB RAM for running JasperBI and mysql server. I'm looking for option of ROLAP instead of MOLAP? Is there any option to keep populated cubes in mysql database and jasperserver use them instead of using sql join queries for fact and dimension tables? I want to avoid creating aggregate tables. RegardsRasheed
  8. In JasperServer OLAP Settings I found mondrian.olap.NullMemberRepresentation=#null I have added an entry mondrian.olap.NullMemberRepresentation= in mondrian.properties file and now instead of #null it is showing empty space. It's now resolved. Post Edited by marasheed at 04/05/2011 20:46
  9. In JasperServer OLAP Settings I found mondrian.olap.NullMemberRepresentation=#null I have added an entry mondrian.olap.NullMemberRepresentation= in mondrian.properties file and now instead of #null it is showing empty space. It's now resolved. Post Edited by marasheed at 04/05/2011 20:45
  10. In JasperServer OLAP Settings I found mondrian.olap.NullMemberRepresentation=#null I have added an entry mondrian.olap.NullMemberRepresentation= in mondrian.properties file and now instead of #null it is showing empty space. It's now resolved. Post Edited by marasheed at 04/05/2011 20:45
  11. Hi, I'm using JasperServer 4.0 community edition. I have generated warehouse using JasperETL. I have a column meal period which contains (NULL) when the location does not associated with any meal period. Attached is the output screenshot (AnalysisViewOutput.jpg). Following is my mdx query. select {({[Measures].[Product Sales]} * [item].[item Type].Members)} ON COLUMNS, Hierarchize([Location].[Meal Period].Members) ON ROWS from [sales] In my mind there are two alternates. 1- In the database column for non existing values instead of (NULL) generate empty string ''. I checked and this resolves my issue. 2- May be some filter define in mondrain schema using JasperAnalysis Schema WorkBench or some expression in MDX query to show blank space instead of #null. Looking for your feedback. Regards M. Abdur Rasheed
  12. Hi, I'm using JasperServer 4.0 community edition. I have generated warehouse using JasperETL. I have a column meal period which contains (NULL) when the location does not associated with any meal period. Attached is the output screenshot (AnalysisViewOutput.jpg). Following is my mdx query. select {({[Measures].[Product Sales]} * [item].[item Type].Members)} ON COLUMNS, Hierarchize([Location].[Meal Period].Members) ON ROWS from [sales] In my mind there are two alternates. 1- In the database column for non existing values instead of (NULL) generate empty string ''. I checked and this resolves my issue. 2- May be some filter define in mondrain schema using JasperAnalysis Schema WorkBench or some expression in MDX query to show blank space instead of #null. Looking for your feedback. Regards M. Abdur Rasheed
  13. Hi, I'm using JasperServer 4.0 community edition. I have generated warehouse using JasperETL. I have a column meal period which contains (NULL) when the location does not associated with any meal period. Attached is the output screenshot (AnalysisViewOutput.jpg). Following is my mdx query. select {({[Measures].[Product Sales]} * [item].[item Type].Members)} ON COLUMNS, Hierarchize([Location].[Meal Period].Members) ON ROWS from [sales] In my mind there are two alternates. 1- In the database column for non existing values instead of (NULL) generate empty string ''. I checked and this resolves my issue. 2- May be some filter define in mondrain schema using JasperAnalysis Schema WorkBench or some expression in MDX query to show blank space instead of #null. Looking for your feedback. Regards M. Abdur Rasheed
  14. I have created a job to populate dataware house fact and dimension tables from another transactional database. (Attached is the image databasejob.jpg) From tMYSQLInput I used a complex query to populate the data from source database. Every tMYSQLOutput dentos a separte table which populate through tMap(Attached is screen shot tMapMapping.jpg). Following are the populated tables. -location (have autogenerated key) -product (have autogenerated key) -member (have autogenerated key) -time (have autogenerated key) -salesfact (It contains reference of all above tables keys as foreign keys.) When I execute the job data populated in all tables but all foreign key references are empty in table salesfact. How I can do it? Do I need to use tJDBCOutput, tJava, tJavaOutput or some other control to populate data in all tables ? Really appreciate your prompt replies.
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