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  1. Hi Teodor, I tried different things to get the above scenario to work. I ended up setting the pageHeight to 1000 cm which is crazy. The main reason for the page break to be premature is due to the page height. Even though the minHeightToStartNewPage =0 the page height is just not enough to render all the records in the band. There needs a better way to handle XLS reports rather than just using the IgnorePagination parameter. Also currently there is a limitation on jasperReports in that I can export only upto 65534 rows which is the maximum number of rows allowed by Excel on one worksheet. After that the fill starts again on the first row of same sheet. Post edited by: sundevil, at: 2006/11/13 22:01
  2. I have a similar problem with grouping. Hope any of you can help. I had posted this elsewhere too. I have a report that needs to be exported to Excel. Excel has a limit of 65534 rows on a single worksheet. Therefore for handling larger rows say 1 million records, I add a dummy group called Report_page and set the group expression to new Integer(($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()-1)/1000). I use 1000 rows as a test. All the field names(static text) are in the Report_page header band. All the field value(text field) are in the detail. Lets say my dataset has a total of 4000 rows. I would expect the page break to be at 1000 rows but instead the page breaks at 128 rows. I have also set the minHeightToStartNewPage=0. Looks like this is taking precedence. Thanks
  3. Hi Teodor, Excel has a limitation of 65534 rows per sheet. I am trying to insert a page break every 65534 rows by using a dummy group. In my sample report I try to add a page break every 1000 rows by using the group expression as new Integer(($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()-1)/1000). When exporting I set the following also exporter.setParameter(JRXlsExporterParameter.IS_ONE_PAGE_PER_SHEET,true); However, I find that the page break is occurring about every 110 rows. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I am wondering if this is because the page height is not sufficient. If I set the group expression as new Integer(($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue()-1)/100) then the page break is occurring correctly every 100 rows. Please find attached my report template. [file name=Sample.jrxml size=22029]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/Sample.jrxml[/file] Post edited by: sundevil, at: 2006/11/13 15:11
  4. Is there a way that I can force page breaks based on a dummy group expression and disable the minHeightToStartNewPage attribute. Thanks, Vijay Post edited by: sundevil, at: 2006/10/24 18:49
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