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  1. Damm it works but now i have a problem that the condition is calculated to early, i think i have to work with to fields then
  2. Thanks, ik could swear i tried that :(
  3. Hi i trying to do a conditional style For that i have to make a condition that checks if a value is larger then another value. I have tried : new Boolean($F{hour_max} > $P{task_minutes) But i get an > invalid operateror for double. I tried to google, but could not find a solution Any ideas ?
  4. Thanks ! that does the trick, any good link where i can find this sort of java information ?
  5. What if i need doubles ? quantity is not always a integer , for example 12.45
  6. Hi, I'm using ireport to generate some reports for a new project i'm doing. I build a jetty jruby interface so i can use these reports in ruby on rails. I would like to do some calculations in ireport ( i now use a xml datasource and do the calculations in ruby on rails) The problem is i can't do a simple calculation like the following : F{field_price} * $F{quantity} I get all sort of java errors, i tried google for a basic instruction in calculating in java , but no joy. Can someone put me in a right way by some examples of calculating in ireport, or to a java tutorial i can use ? Kind regards daniel
  7. Okay sorry overlooked that section, i have the manual Stupid me ! Thanks !
  8. Hello, I have a report in wich i would like to set the where clausule with a parameter. Setting the parameter is no problem, but the parameter get's quoted <parameter name="where_sql" isForPrompting="false" class="java.lang.String"> sql = select name from customer where $P{where_sql} I set the parameter to "customer_id = 10" the resulting sql : select name from customer where 'customer_id = 10' and i would like : select name from customer where customer_id = 10 Any idea's ?
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