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  1. I only use one datasource for this forum sample. The orginal report uses differnet JRDatasource objects for master and sub report. But the print error is reproducible using SQL-Datasource on different tables (master: Customer, subreport: ContactPerson), too. In my opinion the strech of one number field overlaps the first page of subreport. Regards, Tobias
  2. Hi, the subreport contains 6 datasets. The first three rows should be printed at the first page. But there is only empty space. I've tested this at JasperReports 3.0.0 and JasperRports 3.5.2. The workaround is to enlarge the first element group at the master report. (Set height to 24px at "Label1, new Double(1), "Label4.." ..). Or to disable the option "isStretchWithOverflow" at field Label4. Is this a bug?! Regards, Tobias
  3. I found a similar bug in groovy forum: Bug 432 There was an fix in version 1.0-JSR-3. I hope it fix it. When the latest version of groovy is supported by jasperreports? Thanks for reply, Tobias
  4. Hi, i try to fill a report in a serverside report engine implementation. If i use java as script language everything is ok. But if i use groovy there is a NoClassDefFoundError. [file name=stacktrace.txt size=1805]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/stacktrace.txt[/file] I test my implementation with same configuration at a swing client, but there are no errors. It seems to be an error of jboss classloader. My configuration: - jasperreports-1.3.0.jar (test 1.2.8, too) - groovy-all-1.0-beta-10.jar Thanks in advance for any advice. Tobias
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