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  1. Thanks for the reply. Thats pretty unfortunate. I had used JasperReports across various applications where reporting was done dynamically or based off templates developed using iReport. This particular application that I am working on uses pdf templates developed (by business unit) in Adobe and the options that I have now are: redesign the templates in iReport (JRXML) and use them in the application. use a different pdf handling library.#1 goes against our SDLC, so I guess I have to go with option 2. I wish they had included a "heart break </3" icon in the topic icon list.
  2. I am trying to open an existing pdf (on my local disk), put some text on it and close it. I understand dynamic pdfs can be generated using a combination of iReport and JasperReports. But I am not sure how I can open an already existing pdf and modify it (modification includes: adding new fields, adding images, adding new pages etc...). I've googled this a lot, but all I can find is information on how reports can be generated on the fly. Can JasperReports perform what I wanted to (as described above)? I really appreciate if someone can guide me here. Edit: I am working on a stand alone application. Post Edited by neo_jinks at 09/01/2011 17:09
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