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Everything posted by contiang

  1. Hi guys, I've done with subs and sups... Everything is ok except I need to diplay some mathematical symbols in my reports (PDF). Anybody can tell me how to display these simbols in iReport/jasperreports? I've attached a symbols in the pdf files that i've downloaded from the net. [file name=Unicode_Reference___U2200.pdf size=153486]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/Unicode_Reference___U2200.pdf[/file]
  2. Could you please explain how to use tags. For example i want to display e=mc^2 with 2 is the super script.
  3. Hi everybody, I need to display mathematical symbols in PDF. Especially superscript and subcript. I am using jasperreports to generate my pdf document. Anyone can tell me how to do it? Thanks.
  4. Hi everybody, I need to display mathematical symbols in PDF. Especially superscript and subcript. I am using jasperreports to generate my pdf document. Anyone can tell me how to do it? Thanks.
  5. Hi guys, I just want to know whether iReport can support multiple pages design. What I mean is, can I design the report in two pages report?
  6. Hi guys, Anybody has examples on how to manipulate iReport xml file from jsp code. Especially when incorporating with sql statements and $F{Fields}.
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