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Everything posted by mcombi

  1. I think that my problem was due to my old eclipse installation. When I update eclipse to 3.2.2 I start from zero and the installation from update site works well. I think that there's some plugins which create some problems with the update manager (because now I have the same problem....I can't run the update...)but i don't know which one.
  2. Hi, I use winxp professional, but my eclipse is a copy taken from one of mine colleagues. I would like to reinstall all in a clean situation but I have not still found the time. Anyhow, IReport Standalone works fine. Matteo
  3. Hi we have this problem We have a Report which includes 8 subreports. Every subreport executes sql queries to retrieve data from database. After report visualization in browser if we try to modify, using our application, some data stored in tables, we found the tables locked. We use tomcat 5.0.28, oracle lite 10g, hibernate 3.1.3 Jasper report 1.2.1. I've tried jr version 1.2.6 but I have the same problem. Any idea? Thanx Matteo
  4. I've installed the plugin from local site as you tell me... but now there's ap problem like "i report is taking too much time to load"... I think there's some problems with my eclipse configuration...but now I can't reinstall it from a clean situation.. I'll continue to use the classic Ireport.. Aniway thanx for help. Matteo
  5. Hi i've got a problem with eclipse updater so i can't install ireport plugin as show in the swf movie. I've tried to copy the folders i've found under ireport/eclipse directory into my eclipse plugins folder..but it doesn't work... There's a way to install the plugin manually? thanx Matteo
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