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Everything posted by andfedotov

  1. You might try to modify JRViewer and add this line to method btnSaveActionPerformed before the call to fileChooser.showSaveDialog fileChooser.setSelectedFile(new File(new File("yourDefaultFile.name").getCanonicalPath())); don't know if this feature of default name will worth your time...
  2. try to set position type property of this element to "flow"
  3. You can also consider creating a fake group with expression new Integer(1) This group footer will be right after details section Or use summary if it's ok
  4. Take a look at these parameters: /** * A boolean value specifying whether the export engine should use force wrapping by breaking words (CSS <code>word-wrap: break-word</code>). */ public static final JRHtmlExporterParameter IS_WRAP_BREAK_WORD = new JRHtmlExporterParameter("Is Wrap Break Word"); /** * Property whose value is used as default state of the {@link #IS_WRAP_BREAK_WORD IS_WRAP_BREAK_WORD} export flag. * <p/> * This property is by default not set (<code>false</code>). * * @see JRProperties */ public static final String PROPERTY_WRAP_BREAK_WORD = JRProperties.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "export.html.wrap.break.word"; Post Edited by andfedotov at 14/05/2009 05:47 PM
  5. Do you see file historyQuestGrp.jasper in your reports folder? If not - open historyQuestGrp.jrxml and do preview
  6. So the question is: Is it possible to use expression (and so use $P{} or $F{} ) in the field description or description should be static only? Dynamic description would be much, much wanted! Especially when dealing with XmlDatasource...
  7. Could you please describe the problem with 2007? I opened it there and although i didn't understand any world except "Telefono e fax" i haven't noticed any problem with it.
  8. What you need is to compile all you subreports before filling your mastr report. You can do it by clicking on preview button - we are expecting a compile button in the next version. I've succeeded running you report Post Edited by andfedotov at 13/05/2009 04:48 PM
  9. getMonth() returns int what you need as a result of your expression is String. So, Integer.toString($F{TRAFFICDATE1}.getMonth()) should work for you
  10. <style name="style1" isDefault="false"> <conditionalStyle> <conditionExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean(1==0)]]></conditionExpression> <style isDefault="false" style="style1" forecolor="#FF0000"/> </conditionalStyle> <conditionalStyle> <conditionExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean(1==1)]]></conditionExpression> <style isDefault="false" style="style1" forecolor="#0000FF"/> </conditionalStyle> </style>
  11. Use it derectly in jrxml If you want to see it in iReport you might try to develop a plugin for this...
  12. 1. Delete this and you'll have no problems with lines: <rectangle> <reportElement mode="Transparent" x="0" y="0" width="356" height="20" backcolor="#FFFFFF"/> </rectangle> 2. Though, you may still experience stange behaviour cause almost all your field are overvlaping each others. Try to avoid this when you're exporting to formats other than PDF and internal JR. 3. I bet you'll find interesting this information from FAQ Post Edited by andfedotov at 12/05/2009 11:21 PM Post Edited by andfedotov at 12/05/2009 11:21 PM
  13. Looks like no documentation fro plugin development for NB version of iReport is ready yet. You can look here to take a look on some instructions fro giulio Btw, I'm watiting too get a plugin documentation too...
  14. from JasperReports 3.5.0 Change Log: - the "net.sf.jasperreports.allow.element.overlap" property can be used globally, at report or element level to specify whether element overlapping verifications are performed at report compilation time; this is useful when designing reports that are to be exported using grid exporters such as HTML and XLS, where overlapping elements do not show up; I made it to work for globall and report level, but how can I use it for element level? I tried <reportElement x="75" y="29" width="100" height="20"> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.allow.element.overlap" value="false"/> </reportElement> with no luck.... Thanks!
  15. Can't answer your question, but it seems like it has something to do with a recent patch of JasperRepots. It might help you to find an answer... JasperReports 3.1.3 Change Log =================================== - font extensions support to allow using TTF files without the need to install them into the system; this also allows using different TTF files for the same logical font name, depending on the locale;
  16. I have no problem with lines on Html output. May I see your jrxml?
  17. Please post your xml.. I don't have any problem with this symbol... My XML encoding is <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Post Edited by andfedotov at 11/05/2009 09:26 AM
  18. I've just found a workaround by using local external fonts introduced in fontpath (before that in classpath), although it would be really nice to use default fonts that come with iReport. The problem with native fonts is really strange cause looks like they're ok itself (I see every character right if use them one by one) but somehow they're stacked in one position when there's more than one character in the line
  19. Here you are! I'm too kind today :) Btw, remove these people's banking account details... I wouldn't be excited to know that my account information was disclosed somewhere on the forum...
  20. Take a look here: [#3935] - Russian language in generated PDF not displayed correctly Notes section
  21. Ok, looks like I found an answer for me here: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&forumid=101&topicid=54570#54628
  22. My problem is on the stage 1: I cannot add any folder to the fonts path... There's an empty list of folders that I'm supposed to shoose from and there's no button "Add" either... That's strange... How did you manage this problem?..
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