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Posts posted by frblusso

  1. Hello

    I have a report wich contain a subreport with a table inside. The last column is a text that can be very long.

    When I generate the report , in a page  the latest row of the table can be splitted in 2 pages  : it begans in the first one, and writes the end on the next page, but as the others columns have only one line of data, it shows that on  the first row of the second page , only the end of the large colomn text appears.

    You can see the problem in the pdf attached in the second page for example

    Could I force the report to change the page if the whole raw can not be written in the same page?




  2. Hi Teodor

    Tancks for your answer.

    We do not use EJB container , the threads are generated inside the web container Websphere.

    So do you think that we have to ignore the exception and still use classical jasperreports-x.y.z.jar?

    Concerning the way threads are generated , is it the only difference between the classical version and the -javaflow one?

    If no, could you give me the description of those differences? 





  3. Hi

    We develop Web applications and deploy them on Websphere application servers. Among them, some use jasperreports with subreports (They use the jar jasperreports-3.1.2.jar)to genrate PDF or XLS files. The process detects log errors that are listed  in application server logs as shown below

    2009-07-28 14:26:25,803 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 30943861: exception
    2009-07-28 14:26:25,843 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 14177196: exception
    2009-07-28 14:26:25,884 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 17052697: exception
    2009-07-28 14:26:25,924 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 923744: exception
    2009-07-28 14:26:25,962 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 31716007: exception
    2009-07-28 14:26:26,001 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 30034385: exception
    2009-07-28 14:26:26,044 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 23601211: exception
    2009-07-28 14:26:26,081 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 25631653: exception
    2009-07-28 14:26:26,119 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 9196982: exception
    2009-07-28 14:26:26,156 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 912613: exception
    2009-07-28 14:26:26,194 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 30749519: exception
    2009-07-28 14:26:26,231 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 27903795: exception
    2009-07-28 14:26:26,270 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 21104902: exception
    2009-07-28 14:26:26,309 - ERROR - [] [-1] Fill 23404617: exception java.lang.InterruptedException

    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRThreadSubreportRunner.suspend(JRThreadSubreportRunner.java:189)
     at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRBaseFiller.suspendSubreportRunner(JRBaseFiller.java:2029)
     at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRVerticalFiller.addPage(JRVerticalFiller.java:1266)


    What is strange is that the file generated seams to be correct . Those errors are detected when the Fill method is called . What could explain those errors?

    After search on Google, we find this link # where teodor Danciu  advises to use jasperreports-javaflow library  when generating subreports in a web server. It will avoid to generate multithreads when creating subreports.

    I am not sure that this library will delete those ERROR exception messages (the project will test it) but i d like to know when it is advocated to use -javaflow library instead of classical jaspereports library.








    Post Edited by frblusso at 08/11/2009 15:28


  4. hi

    thancks Lucian for your last answer.

    So for each bean , we have to set a specific locale tag , and the same name value for the property <name> .

    I have another question about using asian fonts , as said in the FAQ , to use chinese, japanese fonts, I put the iTextAsian.jar and iTextAsianCmaps.jar on my Web application.

    But how can I specify in the file fonts.xml a japanese or chinese font as there are described with .cmap files anf not ttf fonts?






  5. Hi

    i really need answers to my previous message, specially to the third question : is it possible to declare more than one police font inside fonts.xml? i repeat that in my test it does not work.
    We have a projet which at the present time produce pdf file in many languages (european, asian, ...) and so the fonts family can be differents from all those languages.








  6. Hi

    to conclude on that topic, i would like to have replies from Teodor  about those questions :

    1) to export reports to PDF do we always have to  use the solution of describing in a spring file the font in order to be sure to have the same rendering whichever the server environnment is ?

    2)  are there any font name that can be used without  this mapping description to export to pdf report?

    3) In case we use the spring file to describe more thant one font family, I discovered that only the last  bean is taken into account . Is it a bug?

    4) In the solution, we see that the notion of pdfFontname is no more used in jrxml file.   If in ireport3.1.4 we add a static text, by default only the font name attribute is put. Does it mean that the attibute pdfFontName is obsolete?

    I really need answers in order to explain to our teams the necessity to migrate to jasper3.1.5 (we use at the present time 3.1.2).









  7. Hi

    i finally found what was wrong : in my workspace there was an old version of jasperreports (but not in the classpath!) .

    SO the fonts.xml is loaded. But the result is only the same on windows and Linux .

    In my fonts.xml, i put 2 beans, one first with mapping relative to arial font , and a second one with a copy of the mapping of the example /fonts (DejaVu sans) 

    The result is that the result for text using the second bean is the same on Linux and Windows.

    But for text relative to arial family, the result is not the same, and even it seems that the police mapping is not used in the final report.

    I fianlly test with only one bean in the fonts.xml , the arial family, and the result is nearly identical : i have a title which appears in local on 3 lines , and on linux only the 2 first lines appears...

    But for other static texts the text is no more truncated, that's a good thing! 

    Do we have only one bean described in the fonts.xml?




  8. Hi

    thancks a lot for your answer.

    So i have deleted the mapping code  between the font key and the pdffont in my java code.

    But it seems that the file fonts.xml is not read (in Windows and in linux) because i have no log info about the loading of beans fonts ?

    is there something to do so that the file  jasperreports_extension.properties  is taken into account ?




  9. Hi

    I have the same problem and i try to understand the solution delivered in the samples/font  directory.

    So i add in the java source directory of my web application the following files:

    1.  the fonts files : arial.ttf and arialnb.ttf.
    2. the fonts.xml files where i define one bean corresponding to my font family :

    <bean id="arialFamily" class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontFamily">
      <property name="name" value="TestFontArial"/>
      <property name="normal" value="arial.ttf"/>
      <property name="bold" value="arialbd.ttf"/>
      <property name="pdfEncoding" value="Identity-H"/>
      <property name="pdfEmbedded" value="true"/>

    1. In the java code I add the 2 lines to make the mapping between the logical name

    FontKey keya = new FontKey("TestFontArial", false, false);
    PdfFont pdfFonta = new PdfFont( "arial.ttf", "Cp1252", false);
    fontMap.put(keya, pdfFonta);

    1. In the reports.jrxml, i define a static text as :

    <font fontName="TestFontArial" size="10" isBold="false"/>
    then i add the jasperreports_extensions.properties .

    When i generate on windows or on linux i have still a different pdf document.

    could you explain me what is the error i make?

    In the example you give, i do not understand why we have to duplicate the mapping between logical font and ttf file , once in the java code and once in the fonts.xml file?

    thancks for any information


  10. Hi

    i have the same problem of font (text is truncated on pdf generated on Linux). I use java 1.5 (I CAN'T use 1.6) and jasperreports3.1.2

    as i read in this forum, i applied this solution :

     Otherwise you could install it in the OS and Java would pick it up.

    I use the fontName Arial. I installed on linux the package which includes arial fonts. I stopped and restarted the websphere server, but there is still the problem.

    Do i have other thing to do in order that the jvm can pick the arial font up the OS fonts?


  11. Hello

    we try to generate an excel document with courier font, with the size 7 or 6  , with jasper reports.

    before, this document was generated by another paying tool, and a developpeur is aked to migrate to jasperreports.

     Users of the excel reports do not want to change the  style of the report, so we have to keep the Courier font

    In Ireport, we can not choose Courier font in the font list , but if we change the font name in the xml source of the file (we write Courier)  the font seems to be factored in. What do you think about this solution? Could we have problem then generating this document in a unix server before displayng in a windows computer?

    Why the Courier font is not in the list ?

     thancks for any information about this subject



  12. hello


    we tried this but the subreport in the summary section is never displayed because the datasource has no data to read. if i put the same subreport with the same parameters and datasource in the detail section the subreport is populated with the good datas.

    I have the same problem if i use the last page section to put my subreport.









  13. hi

    i have the same question than Cbox.

    As I said in a previous discussion " classic IReport 3.0.0 versus Ireport-nb version", in our company, we deliver Ireport1.3.* inside a plugin eclipse (using the eclipse add-in downloaded in jaspersoft , with Ireport-classical version) and then our developpers open it inside their "rational software architecture" (RSA)  .

    will it be possible to integrate IReport-nb version inside a plugin eclipse? Have you planned to deliver an eclipse plugin to run Ireport-nb version?




  14. Hello

    I want to generate a report like in the example jasper.txt attached.

     so I define a group  "mygroup" in Ireport  and the detail band contains the detail of each name.

    The problem is to generate AT THE END of the report a summary with SUBtotal for each group .

    I defined a  variable Vtotal relied to field value with the parameter "reset type" = group and "reset group" = mygroup

    If I put this Vtotal in  Summary band,  the total sum is displayed, but it is not a total for each group .

    Is the only solution is to use 2 subreports , one for detail information and one for subtotal information?











    Ok , I understand that I can use Ireport-nb in the platform i use. But I have to change the way i deliver it to our developpers and i have to tell them that they won't have anymore the possibility to run ireport inside Rational Software Architecture.


    Matt (author mdahlman) , could you please give me the links to threads you think to in your answer? It will help me to explain the change to our teams.






  16. Hi

    In our company we have chosen to use Ireport and JasperREports since 2006 , and now,  I am working to the migration from Ireport/jasperreports 1.3.0 to 3.0.0 and jasper 3.1.2.

    When I downloaded The last version of IReport, I noticed that you propose now 2 different versions of IReport : one for NEtBean platform and one for classical applications.

    As we do not use Net BEan (we use IBM software developpment platform with RSA to develop our web applications), I have chosen to download 3.0.0 version of ireport. We packaged Ireport in order to be opened in RSA.

    The question I ask for is : do you still propose evolution for classical version of Ireport? if so, when will the version 3.1.2  be delivered?

    On the other side, if you decided to only propose evolutions for IreportNB, what are the consequences for us : can i still use the eclipse plugin to launch Ireport-nb from RSA (ibm platform based on eclipse)?






  17. Hello


    We use a xml datasource to generate pdf report. In the xml datasource, we have code letters. Each code identifies the application where the data comes from.

    In the report we would like to replace the code letter by the name of the application.


    we found a solution by using text field expression inside the report design

    as for example



    but the disadvantage is that each time a new code has to be added, we have to change the report design. We would like to find another solution, based on a file that could be easily change, out of the report designer .


    Do someone have an idea to solve this problem?

    IS it possible to put the expression not in the designer but in the java code just before the fill of report.

    may be it could be easier in that case to read a file

    that lists the code and the wording associated





    Post edited by: frblusso, at: 2007/06/28 11:38

  18. hello


    in the previous mail, i said that running the plugin eclipse from Rational Software Architecture (RSA) was ok if I first ran the eclipse plugin inside Eclipse 3.2.

    In fact it was due to the java.exe created by eclipse3.2 that still exist even if we close eclipse 3.2. RSA then use the existing process java.exe to open Ireport.


    as i 'am not sure that this behaviour is correct, i just opened another message on this forum.


    concerning this message , if anyone has succeded to run the plugin ireport inside RSA, please tell me.





  19. hello


    in the previous mail, i said that running the plugin eclipse from Rational Software Architecture (RSA) was ok if I first ran the eclipse plugin inside Eclipse 3.2.

    In fact it was due to the java.exe created by eclipse3.2 that still exist even if we close eclipse 3.2. RSA then use the existing process java.exe to open Ireport.


    as i 'am not sure that this behaviour is correct, i just opened another message on this forum.


    concerning this message , if anyone has succeded to run the plugin ireport inside RSA, please tell me.





  20. Hello


    I have installed the ireport plugin for eclipse on my eclipse 3.2, under windows 2000. It works well but I discovered something strange.

    when i run ireport in eclipse using the plugin, a java.exe process is created. Ireport opens .

    If I close the Ireport window , the java.exe is still running, and even if I close eclipse, the process still exists!


    Is there an explanation or is it a bug ?




  21. hello


    in a previous discussion , i asked about a link that is not accessible : http://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=3540986

    Could you give me Lucian what was told in that link. may be it could give me an idea to solve my problem :


    In fact I want to generate a pdf with datas ordered by month, for each month i have few lines. I have created a group for that but in the last record for each month, i d'like to add an information ( a sum)

    the only solution I found is to print this sum on the group footer but in this case the last record and the sum appears in 2 differents lines.

    Is it possible that the last record is not shown (transparent) and to copy the data from the last record to the group footer?

    thancks for any help





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