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Everything posted by raphy

  1. Thank you very much! Raphy Post edited by: raphy, at: 2006/09/06 10:00
  2. Hello, Is it is possible to get a sum of two parameter values? Example: I have two parameters containning java.lang.Double values and try to get the sum as follows: $P{Param_1} + $P{Param_2} a but there is an error when compiling. Please help me. Raphy
  3. Hello, How can I get the sum of two fields containning java.lang.double values. What is the syntax and how to use? Thanks for your help Raphy Post edited by: raphy, at: 2006/09/04 15:13
  4. Hello, I have 3 questions: 1. Shall we use our own personalized objects as a parameter? if yes how can i apply the methods on this object in iReport. Example: The object is "person" and have a method getName() who returns java.lang.String 2. Shall we use arrays, list or vectors as parameters ? 3. When I push the preview button to preview my document (JasperViewer.viewReport"jasperPrint, true, new java.util.Locale("fr", "FR", "")) ;" the jasperView displays correctly my document but I haven't the focus on this jasperViewer. I must close my previous window to get the focus (modal) on jasperView window. Thanks you in advanced to resolve these problems. Raphy
  5. Hello, When I compile with this line "JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(jasperDesign) ;" the content of jrxml seems to be very strange and then I have received this error message "Content is not allowed in prolog.". Please help me I am new to Jasper. Thanks for you all. Raphy Post edited by: raphy, at: 2006/08/31 15:36
  6. I have the same problem with this code: JasperViewer.viewReport(jasperPrint, true, new java.util.Locale("fr", "FR", "")); Thanks for your help Raphy
  7. Hello Thanks for your prompt reply. I have tried this but the tooltip text always in english! JasperViewer.viewReport(jasperPrint, true, new java.util.Locale("fr", "CH", ""));
  8. Hello! I am newbee to JasperReport, My question is how to set JasperViewer toolbars' tooltip text to french language? Thanks for your reply Raphy
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