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Posts posted by 2006 JR Open Discussion

  1. By: anavarro - anavarrog

    Delay executing in network a jasperreport

    2006-03-10 10:25

    Hi all. I have an application in which I use jasperReport. This application can work in local or network, but with one it differentiates significant at the time of visualizing and generating Report. When work in local is no problem, the problem comes when work in network and the file *.jasper is in the server, in which case, takes 20 times slower generating report that if the compiled file *.jasper were in local. The problem is greater when you have many report that to generate. Looking for in the code and with monitoring software I found the possible source of the problem. It is in the class and method JRLoader.loadObject(File cases out), concretely in the line of source "obj = ois.readObject();" , which reads the data of the file jasper from the server and generates the Jasper object. I have solved the problem but not if the correct form to do it. I have used the BufferedInputStream class instead of FileInputStream being the method loadObject of the following way:

    public static Object loadObject(File file) throws JRException {

    if (!file.exists() || !file.isFile()) {

    throw new JRException(new FileNotFoundException(String.valueOf(file)));



    Object obj = null;

    BufferedInputStream fis = null;

    ObjectInputStream ois = null;


    try {


    fis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));

    ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);

    obj = ois.readObject();






    The results are remarkable in speed. My question this solution is correct or if there is a solution better?

    A greeting, anavarro.




    By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

    RE: Delay executing in network a jasperreport

    2006-03-13 02:00



    The change you mention (using buffered streams when reading/writing files) was made on CVS about a month ago. You can check out the code from CVS and see whether it's ok..


    If network transfer is a problem, you could also adopt the solution of compressing/decompressing the file. Still, this might not be suitable for *.jasper files as they are not very large usually.




  2. By: legion - cajinadiaz

    jasperreport applets security message error

    2006-03-09 09:22

    I download the jasperreports-1.2.0-project to view a example of jasperreport running on Applet.. I compile the files with ANT..! But when the applet viewer is showing appear a error message :

    "java.security.AccessControlException: access denied( java.io.FilePermission c:..jasperprint read)"


    Someone have idea how I can resolve this...???

  3. By: slowfinger - slowfinger

    change expression on an design

    2006-03-08 05:27



    I want to change a variable name in an design. That works fine.


    --> fields = design.getFieldsList();



    but in the next consequence I have to change the field name in all references too. I tried following:


    JRDesignExpression expression;

    JRExpressionChunk[] chunks = expression.getChunks();


    but the design expression results is an JRExpessionChunk and not the design variant. So I can't change the text with setText() available on the design variant.


    What is the way to change an referenced variable / field name in an expression ?


    Who can help?


    Any suggestions are welcome




    By: slowfinger - slowfinger

    RE: change expression on an design

    2006-03-08 09:08



    i found the answer and want to you know also about that ...


    private boolean replaceReference(JasperDesign design) {

    boolean somethingChanged = false, changed;

    StringBuffer chunkBuf = new StringBuffer(50);


    Collection expressions = design.getExpressions();


    JRExpressionChunk chunk;

    JRDesignExpression expression;


    Iterator itExpressions = expressions.iterator();

    while (itExpressions.hasNext()) {

    expression = (JRDesignExpression) itExpressions.next();

    chunkBuf.delete(0, chunkBuf.length());

    changed = false;

    JRExpressionChunk[] chunks = expression.getChunks();

    for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++){

    chunk = chunks;

    if (chunk.getText().equals(getFieldName())){

    if (chunk.getType() == JRExpressionChunk.TYPE_FIELD){


    }else if(chunks.getType() == JRExpressionChunk.TYPE_PARAMETER){


    }else if(chunks.getType() == JRExpressionChunk.TYPE_VARIABLE){


    }else if(chunks.getType() == JRExpressionChunk.TYPE_RESOURCE){






    changed = true;

    somethingChanged = true;





    if (changed){

    System.out.println("replaced expression: '" + expression.getText() + "' --> '" + chunkBuf.toString() + "'");




    return somethingChanged;





  4. By: pluijs - pluijs

    Dynamic report width and height

    2006-03-08 03:56

    Will it ever become possible for JasperReports to dynamically take the nessecary width and height for a report?


    The current limitation could become a problem for our usage of JasperReports. Because when reserving all of the possible required space this could result in alot of empty space. I've have fields that could contain as much as 256 characters but typically won't contain more than 50. The only sollution for this problem that I see now is to do a distinct select on all fields in the report and precalculate all widths.


    It would be nice if Jasper would allow a stretch horizontal and vertical for the whole report.







    By: pluijs - pluijs

    RE: Dynamic report width and height

    2006-03-08 03:57

    Sorry for the double post.

  5. By: pluijs - pluijs

    Dynamic report width and height

    2006-03-08 03:56

    Will it ever become possible for JasperReports to dynamically take the nessecary width and height for a report?


    The current limitation could become a problem for our usage of JasperReports. Because when reserving all of the possible required space this could result in alot of empty space. I've have fields that could contain as much as 256 characters but typically won't contain more than 50. The only sollution for this problem that I see now is to do a distinct select on all fields in the report and precalculate all widths.


    It would be nice if Jasper would allow a stretch horizontal and vertical for the whole report.

  6. By: jasperkan - jasperkannan

    Dynamic report Columns issue

    2006-01-05 14:45

    I need to dynamically show / hide some columns conditionally . I am setting the PrintWhen expresssion ,its working and the column is shown only when the condition is met. But the problem its leaving blank space instead of the column instead of realigning the subsequent columns !!!!!..so the whole point is lost !!.Could some one please help/suggest a way to overcome this ?


    thanks a lot




    By: jasperkan - jasperkannan

    RE: Dynamic report Columns issue

    2006-01-11 11:25

    I think there is no way out for this as jasper uses absolute positioning and hence we wont be able to this in Jasper ????? .........i am wondering how others with similiare req: are managing ? in my case the client is very very speciific bt this feature. He doesnt want certain column to showup n the report based on selection criteria. Currently show/hide of a column works but jasper leaves empty space /white space in the place of that column insted of trimming it ....


    ny pointers awaited...........



    By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

    RE: Dynamic report Columns issue

    2006-01-11 11:57




    This can only be achieved by dynamically building

    report templates using the JasperReports API.

    Or at least by altering report templates at runtime.

    The columns have to be placed or moved in the

    template using the API before running the report.


    JasperReports cannot collapse empty space on the

    horizontal axis because it would have no idea

    about how you would want other elements to move

    or adapt to the new layout. Maybe you want the

    space to be redistributed to remaining columns

    by increasing their width or who knows what.

    And since report sections have a free-form layout

    describing this whole behavior would be a pain

    in itself.


    So this is why such requirements could be solved

    only by creating or modifying the report template



    You can see how to create report templates using

    the API if you look into the provided

    /demo/samples/noxmldesign sample.


    I hope this helps.





    By: jasperkan - jasperkannan

    RE: Dynamic report Columns issue

    2006-03-07 12:51

    Thanks Teo , i had a look at that sample and have customized our reports to include this feature .and its works perfectly fine. I am currently readinf through the JRBand and setting the width of those fields which are not to be shown by setting their width as 0 and setting the next column X cordinate to the hidden columns X cordinate.

  7. By: meetme09 - meetme09

    How To print report on client side

    2006-03-07 01:29

    Hi All,


    I try to export report thru JapserPrinter and it's working fine when I have server and client on same machine.

    I uses IE as client ,but when i do the same , it prompts printer dialog on server side rather then client side.


    Is there any way we can do this thru jasper or need to use java scirpt for invoking and redirecting html output to it.


    Please let me know if we can do above thru jasper.






    By: jasperkan - jasperkannan

    RE: How To print report on client side

    2006-03-07 12:00




    By: jasperkan - jasperkannan

    RE: How To print report on client side

    2006-03-07 12:02

    in my project we had the same req: .what we have done is when the user has the option to preview the document.this is an html page .When the user clicks print , we show the same data in a popup window as Pdf document .Then the user will have to manually print the pdf document .This makes sense in our context ,may be u can chek if its fine in ur case.

  8. By: Daren O - rckrll106

    Look and feel

    2006-03-07 07:54

    Is there a way to apply a look and feel? Like using a property file or css?


    I know there is Style Text. I haven't worked much with it to be honest.


    Some companies might have different color schemes and I don't want to create custom templates for each company.


    Any ideas?

    Thanks in Advance.



    By: Doug Berkland - berkland

    RE: Look and feel

    2006-03-07 08:38

    When I first saw "styles" on the new feature list, I was hoping it was something like CSS style sheets that would allow you to completely change the look like you are asking. Reality however falls short of that. It's just a new name for report fonts, with additional properties for colors and borders. It's a step in the right direction, but with how feature rich CSS is, it will take a while for JasperReports to come close to it.



    By: Daren O - rckrll106

    RE: Look and feel

    2006-03-07 08:56

    I wonder if there is there a way to set a style using a parameter? or externally?

  9. By: Daren O - rckrll106

    Look and feel

    2006-03-07 07:54

    Is there a way to apply a look and feel? Like using a property file or css?


    I know there is Style Text. I haven't worked much with it to be honest.


    Some companies might have different color schemes and I don't want to create custom templates for each company.


    Any ideas?

    Thanks in Advance.



    By: Doug Berkland - berkland

    RE: Look and feel

    2006-03-07 08:38

    When I first saw "styles" on the new feature list, I was hoping it was something like CSS style sheets that would allow you to completely change the look like you are asking. Reality however falls short of that. It's just a new name for report fonts, with additional properties for colors and borders. It's a step in the right direction, but with how feature rich CSS is, it will take a while for JasperReports to come close to it.



    By: Daren O - rckrll106

    RE: Look and feel

    2006-03-07 08:56

    I wonder if there is there a way to set a style using a parameter? or externally?







    By: Doug Berkland - berkland

    RE: Look and feel

    2006-03-07 09:56

    You can modify a style programmatically by working with the styles "JRStyle[] getStyles()" method of a JRReport before filling the reprot. The JRStyle interface has setters for all attributes. The biggest limitation I see is that if you wanted to increase the space taken up by anything, you would have to programmatically move the elements around too.

  10. By: Nelson - nelsonrm

    Diferente Colors in Report

    2006-02-27 04:30

    How could I insert diferent colors/fonts in my report data?



    By: jasperkan - jasperkannan

    RE: Diferente Colors in Report

    2006-03-07 07:19

    u can just set these in the textelement tag which has all the options to set hte color and fonts .


    <textElement textAlignment="Right" <font fontName="Arial" pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold" size="8" isBold="true" isItalic="false" isUnderline="false" isPdfEmbedded ="false" pdfEncoding ="Cp1252" isStrikeThrough="false" />


  11. By: Stg Unholy - stgunholy

    Setting Connection State

    2006-03-06 00:50

    Hi! I need to set some connection state to DB BEFORE execute queries. I used beforeReportInit method in scriptlet of my report. Without this state report query returns nothing. But when i tried to run - i find that without any data beforeReportInit is not called...Is there any way to setup connection state before report starts to execute it's queries?



    By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

    RE: Setting Connection State

    2006-03-06 14:08



    Couldn't you prepare the connection in your code before starting to fill the report?


    You could also use a dummy parameter's default value expression to execute some code before the query gets executed. Or, in 1.2.0, you can write a custom query executer where you can prepare the connection..




  12. By: amodg - amodg

    blank values in report on solaris

    2006-03-03 04:02



    I have developed a web application on Windows 2000 platform where the jasper reports are working fine.But when I deploy the same web application on Solaris 9.0, some values in the jasper reports are displayed as blank....


    Any idea about this...?

    Waiting for any reply.....



    Thanks in advance





    By: Daren O - rckrll106

    RE: blank values in report on solaris

    2006-03-03 06:46

    I had the same problem. Basically Windows and Solaris draw differently. Furthermore, fonts are different as well. We were running into courier new and courier problems.


    There are 3 major work around.



    There is also a PJA (Pure Java AWT toolkit)

    and the last is Xvfb


    The first two didn't work perfect for us.

    Xvfb worked the best.

    (NOTE - Display 0.0 which is usually the console didn't work well so I suggest setting it to anything but 0.0)


    setenv DISPLAY=localhost:4.0 export DISPLAY


    Also by setting the fonts to courier new Xvfb was able to work with that.


    Btw, If your curious print the jpxml (JasperPrint as xml)on both machines you'll see the lineSpacingFactor and leadingOffset are different.





    By: amodg - amodg

    RE: blank values in report on solaris

    2006-03-06 04:14

    Hi Daren,


    Thank you very much for your help!!!


    The first option worked in my case. I have added the following line in my code....


    System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "true");


    Now, all the reports are working fine on solaris...


    Once again, Thanks a lot!!!!



  13. By: Paul Smith - tallpsmith_au

    JREvaluator - Performance concerns

    2006-03-05 17:03

    The following code in JREvaluator appears to be a big problem in some of the profiling we've done (JREvaluator.java):


    public Object evaluate(JRExpression expression) throws JRExpressionEvalException


    Object value = null;




    value = evaluate(expression.getId());


    catch (NullPointerException e)



    catch (OutOfMemoryError e)


    throw e;


    catch (Throwable e)


    throw new JRExpressionEvalException(expression, e);



    return value;




    Rather than catch a NullPointerException, could a simple:


    if(expression==null){ return null;}


    be inserted instead? The cost of creating an exception will add up in a large report, and this will short-circuit it.


    This change would need to be made in a number of other places in the same file that do something similar.




    Paul Smith



    By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

    RE: JREvaluator - Performance concerns

    2006-03-06 01:02

    You are right, a null test *should* be performed on the expression and this case should not throw an exception which is immediately caught.


    However, the NPE catch is still required so that expressions like ..$V{var}.intValue().. evaluate to null when the value of "var" is null.


    I will commit the changes to CVS.


    Thank you,


  14. By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

    Freezing the serialVersionUID

    2006-02-22 05:55




    We are now considering freezing

    the serialVersionUID to the current 10200 value,

    which corresponds to the latest JR 1.2.0 release.

    In the future, the serialVersionUID will no longer

    be increased with every new release, making

    compiler *.jasper files and generated *.jrprint

    documents compatible from one version to another.


    This will require us paying more attention

    when making structural modifications to our

    serializable object model, but I think we'll



    Any feedback on this would be very helful.


    Thank you,





    By: jorge - sirion_oef

    RE: Freezing the serialVersionUID

    2006-02-24 15:47

    If you are going to make this change, would be useful look in a better compatibility with older versions. JasperReports is growing fast and personally (and i supose, i'm not the only one), in 2 or 3 years, i don't want to recompile all the reports that i make just for use a great new feature in a newer version.


    i know that this is very dificult, but some day you will have to do that.



    By: Daren O - rckrll106

    RE: Freezing the serialVersionUID

    2006-02-27 05:51

    I had to deal with this issue in the past and even brought up the issue with Teodord at one time. I wasn't sure of a work around at the time. Well it was suggested to me that you can store the JasperPrint object as xml and reload that back in without any serialVersionUID issues. This works fine and with prior versions. So freezing it might help with the frustration in the future but I can't see where it will help with older versions.


    With regards to Teodords question to change it; I once suggested to remove the serialVersionUID (but since I found a work around - that works with prior versions) I'm now thinking it might not be that big of an issue esp if it helps debug.



    By: nsorochan - nsorochan

    RE: Freezing the serialVersionUID

    2006-02-27 08:16

    I am fairly new to Jasper and I like it alot. I have a lot of experience with Crystal and I think Jasper is a much better product. If Jasper does change the serializing of the files, it would be really helpful if it were backwards compatable. Or at the least, provide some kind of method that would load an old version and resave it under the newer version.





    By: jorge - sirion_oef

    RE: Freezing the serialVersionUID

    2006-02-27 15:07

    Other consideration is the posibility of run different versions of jasperreports with the same lib.


    I'm thinking in an environment where jasperreports is the only report tool and it has been used for several years; imagine that you have 20, 30 reports and you want to add only just a simple report with a new functionallity; or you simply want to update the lib; recompile and check one by one just for this... =(



    By: Code_Slave - code_slave

    RE: Freezing the serialVersionUID

    2006-03-05 13:51



    Either that or add some routines to check the validity of the compiled report file being passed, and return a flag if it can be used ,instead of the "file stream errors"

  15. By: sunlight - foundnothing

    JavaBeans DataSource problem???

    2006-03-04 03:49

    I have some question when I set the JavaBeans as the DataSource

    maybe I should describe the question as following:

    (1)firstly,I will instruct the process how I did it.

    I construct two class(Person and Factory) like this,


    public class Person {

    private String name = "";

    private int age = 0;

    public Person(String name,int age) {

    this.name = name;

    this.age = age;


    public String getName(){

    return name;


    public int getAge(){

    return age;





    import java.util.Vector;

    import java.util.Collection;

    public class Factory {

    public static Collection generateCollection(){

    Vector collection = new Vector();

    Person p;


    p = new Person("Tom",20);


    p = new Person("Found",26);


    p = new Person("Lucy",18);


    p = new Person("Jame",35);


    p = new Person("Smith",42);



    catch(Exception e){


    return collection;




    (2)secondly,I use the command of javac to assemble Factory Class

    as follows:

    javac Factory.java


    (3)then,I set up the Ireport classpath c:Ireportclasses which contains the two class



    Factory.class and person.class


    (4)I open the item Datasource in the menu of Ireport and choose JavaBeans set Datasource,


    Factory Class:Factory

    static method:generateCollection

    and I select the radio Collection of javaBeans.

    (5)I test the connection but it tell me Exception Null??? I don't know why???

    (6)I registe the fileds name and age in the frame of Fields and

    set name's type as String,age Integer.

    (7)I open a new document and put two fileds. one is $F{name} and the other is $F{age},then


    I open the query widown and click the JavaBean Datasource,set class name as

    Factory,then I click Read javabeans attributes,but the filed name and age vanish

    instancely,and it display the filed name as class,the field type as java.lang.object

    but why???? maybe it's leaded by the Exception in(5)????but who can tell me the reason???

    (8)I run the report,and it never throw an Exception ,but it displayed nothing.


    who can give me a sample!!!?????

  16. By: Alexandre Torres - alexandretorres

    new jasper hibernate support

    2006-03-02 04:40


    I'm glad to see that the new version will have specific support to hibernate queries. I've checked out the CVS version to take a better look, and It was far more than I expected. Can I ask you some questions about it in my "first impression" look?

    1. The AbstractQueryExecuter may be extended to other Object query languages? This is cool.

    2. I implemented a semi-recursive parameter evaluation. So I can put {P} parameters inside !{P} dynamic query. Is it possible to me contribute with this in some way?

    3. I implemented a subreport based on hibernate that uses a collection from the master bean as input. Them the user can bind a filter query (look at Hibernate filter method on session class) to the collection to change the criteria. This is interesting to enable a more object oriented view of model (rather than the traditional Relational Set view of SQL-HQL) keeping the power of the query language. You don't need to express the subreport passing the master bean as parameter.


    I have this done already as a JRDataSource, and I want to port it as a new JRHibernateAbstractDataSource subclass. What do you think about ?

    Please take a look here (search the subreport section) to a some explanation of some of the extensions we implemented on ireport+jasper, I'm going to help ireport dev to support the new hibernate mechanism.







    By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

    RE: new jasper hibernate support

    2006-03-02 12:28



    Hibernate/custom query language support is already present in JR 1.2.0, which was released a couple of weeks ago. You could also check out iReports 1.2.0, it features built-in Hibernate support.


    I'll try to answer your questions:


    1. Custom query languages are supported via QueryExecuter implementations, which can extend AbstractQueryExecuter to benefit from its code. A query executer factory for a custom language is registered using JR properties.


    2. We obviously welcome contributions. You can upload a patch here on SF and we'll check it out.


    3. The Hibernate query executer was intended to have support for collection queries; the code is actually written (the HIBERNATE_FILTER_COLLECTION parameter was meant to hold the collection to filter) but a Hibernate bug made this feature unusable. The bug is caused by Query.getReturnTypes/Aliases failing for filter queries. The bug is logged here:



    We need this reflection information due to the field mapping mechanism (the fields can be mapped using select aliases). I think that what we could do is to support only simple mappings (no aliases) for collection filter queries. I'll look into this and hopefully implement it so that it will be available in the next release.



    I'll check out your Hibernate data source implementation. In the meantime, let me know whether you have any other suggestion/question.


    Thank you,


  17. By: C-Box - c-box

    Can't get conditionalStyle to work

    2006-03-02 02:51

    Hi all,


    I just tried the new "conditionalStyle" in JR 1.2.0....


    My goal is, to show a textfield in different foregroundcolors depending on a certain parameter (just as a simple test).


    I created following style in new IReport 1.2.0:















    <conditionExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($P{TestInt}.intValue()>0)]]></conditionExpression>


















    <conditionExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($P{TestInt}.intValue()<0)]]></conditionExpression>





















    Then I defined a simple Textfield:


    <textField isStretchWithOverflow="false" pattern="" isBlankWhenNull="false" evaluationTime="Now" hyperlinkType="None" hyperlinkTarget="Self" >

















    <box topBorder="None" topBorderColor="#000000" leftBorder="None" leftBorderColor="#000000" rightBorder="None" rightBorderColor="#000000" bottomBorder="None" bottomBorderColor="#000000"/>

    <textElement textAlignment="Left" verticalAlignment="Top" rotation="None" lineSpacing="Single">

    <font pdfEncoding ="Cp1252"/>


    <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["TestFiedlThatShouldBeColoredDependingAtTheStyleCondition"]]></textFieldExpression>





    Then I run the report and IReport asks me for my integer paramter.... but I always get a BLACK textfield either if I do put a negative (-1) or a positive (1) value as parameter.....


    What I'm doing wrong!??!?!?!






    By: C-Box - c-box

    RE: Can't get conditionalStyle to work

    2006-03-02 07:26



    I looked at your sample "FirstJasper.jrxml" there the report-element that uses the "OrderIdStyle" has also its own forecolor tag.


    Should the Style not overwrite the report-element-tags at all if the style(condition) is applied!?!? (So the style overwrites the element properties!?!?)


    But anyway... its a GREAT FEATURE!!!! (was I the only one who requested it at all!?!?)







    By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

    RE: Can't get conditionalStyle to work

    2006-03-02 07:52

    Are you sure about the FirstJasper.jrxml sample? The element doesn't have a forecolor attribute!


    Regarding the style attributes priority: when styles were introduced in 1.1.0, style attributes at report element level were intended as a means of locally overriding/customizing a defined style. This was consistent with previous font functionality where a declared report font could be customized locally for a report element that specifies some font attributes of its own.


    When conditional style functionality was implemented, it was decided that conditions will be declareed at style level and not at element level. This led to the same priority order (element attrs overriding style attrs) being preserved for conditional styles also.


    Of course, I understand that this might be contrary to what many expect. The paradigm is that when you use a conditional style, the basic style attributes have to be declared at style level and not at element level.


    We'll have to discuss with Giulio what is the best way to use conditional styles with iReport.






    By: C-Box - c-box

    RE: Can't get conditionalStyle to work

    2006-03-02 08:14

    Okay... now I understand the styles logic a bit better!


    So I would suggest following for iReport (perhaps I should post it in Giulios forum!?!? :-)):




    if there is NO Default-Style within the report, then create a new ReportElement with the current standard attributes... but if there exists a default style, then don't set the report-element attributes but therefore link the default-style to this report-element.




    link the style to the report-element and delete the report-element-attributes that are NOT DEFAULT within the linked Style.



    Now the problem seems to be, that Guilio always set the attributes and JR preferes these report-element attributes against the linked style. That's why my testreport doesn't work after I store the report within iReport.


    Would be great, if you could talk to Giulio!


    thanks for your time




    By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

    RE: Can't get conditionalStyle to work

    2006-03-02 03:05



    I stumbled upon the same problem myself when I tryed iReport 1.2.0.


    The report element's forecolor always overrides the forecolor produced by the (conditional) style. If you remove the forecolor attribute of the text element, the conditional style would take effect.


    I think there is an issue in iReport in that it always writes the forecolor attribute for all report elements..






    By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    RE: Can't get conditionalStyle to work

    2006-03-02 09:54

    Yes, I confirm this problem. It's a more general problem: iReport is not yet able to deal with "undefined" values for element properties. This is a problem when you use a conditional style because the element properties values are overridden by the emelent itself. I'll try to modify this thing leaving "undefined" not-defined properties, and to add the ability to "reset to default" some values when changed (like the foreground color).



  18. By: Rajender - rajender_anand

    Show SubReport on click

    2006-02-08 09:48

    I have created a Master which has hyperlinks in it. I want that on click of the hyperlink a value will be passed to the Subreport and it will show the SubReport. Otherwise No subreport should be displayed.






    By: jasperkan - jasperkannan

    RE: Show SubReport on click

    2006-03-01 14:44

    its easy. when the link is clicked resubmit the page with a flag and check the flag value in the printwhen expression of the subreport



    <subreport isUsingCache="true"> <reportElement isPrintWhenDetailOverflows="false">


  19. By: ACSD - acdourado

    Virtualizer cleaning error

    2006-03-01 10:27

    Hi, I'm using Virtualizer to generate my reports. I notice that sometimes it appears the following error:

    1/Mar/2006 18:15:28 net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFileVirtualizer cleanup

    SEVERE: Error cleaning up virtualizer.


    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFileVirtualizer.makeFilename(JRFileVirtualizer.java:221)

    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFileVirtualizer.fileDispose(JRFileVirtualizer.java:283)

    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFileVirtualizer.cleanup(JRFileVirtualizer.java:310)

    at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFileVirtualizer.finalize(JRFileVirtualizer.java:215)

    at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.invokeFinalizeMethod(Native Method)

    at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.runFinalizer(Finalizer.java:83)

    at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.access$100(Finalizer.java:14)

    at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:160)


    It seems that this message is sent by an automatic process. Can it be? How can I control (activate or deactivate) it?


    I'm making manually the cleaning of the temporary files.






    By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

    RE: Virtualizer cleaning error

    2006-03-01 13:44



    This has been reported before:



    The cleanup performed on JRFileVirtualizer finalization fails because of a bug in prior executed code. The CVS version includes a fix for the issue.


    You can patch your sources with the fix or simply ignore the exception for now as it's only logged and doesn't have any other effect.




  20. By: varunn - varunnagpal

    Modifying DTD

    2006-02-28 21:18



    Can anyone outline the steps involved in modifying the XML DTD and subsequent changes in Java code to suit my own custom implementation?



  21. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78

    [ANN] iReport 1.2.0 released!

    2006-02-28 17:59

    The iReport Team is pleased to announce the new iReport release: 1.2.0.


    - Full support for JasperReports 1.2.0 (conditional styles, new evaluation time auto, crosstab header cell,...)

    - Improved report wizard to use non-JDBC datasources (like Hibernate datasource)

    - Full support for HQL (Hibernate query language)

    - Support for the new CSV datasource provided by JasperReports

    - New one-click subreport access

    - Expression editor populated according with the context

    - New popup menu for the crosstab object list

    - New formatting tools for cell elements

    - Serveral bug fixes and improvements



    And much more...


    See details on iReport 1.2.0 What's new? page!



    iReport home page:



    Download it now:


  22. By: Stg Unholy - stgunholy

    subdataset help

    2006-02-21 05:24

    Hi! In my report I need to fetch a single value from a database. This value depends on parameters, used to fill report. I think that subdataset is the best way to do so. But how can I put the value of the subdataset field to the field of report. When I use standard syntax $F{filedName} the compilation error happens - Field not found...How can i get a value from a subdataset field?



    By: Lucian Chirita - lucianc

    RE: subdataset help

    2006-02-22 09:52



    Subdatasets are only used for charts and crosstabs. There is currently no such functionality of instantiating a subdataset and returning a value from it.


    What you could do is to use the report scriptlet to execute the query and set the value to a variable in the report. You could also use an empty subreport to run the query and return the value, but I think it would be too much of a burden for such a task.






    By: Stg Unholy - stgunholy

    RE: subdataset help

    2006-02-25 07:31

    Thank you for your answer! I tied to use scriptlet and succeeded. But I think that it is not so clear way. The feature to populate fields from CallableStatements and so on will be very useful I think :)

  23. By: Kyle Cordes - kylecordes

    Jasper Developer Wanted

    2006-02-22 10:08

    Mobile Workforce Management LLC is looking for a subcontractor to extend and enhance our software package's reporting capabilities, using Jasper Reports. The work involves understanding the database schema of our system, then writing SQL queries to gather data and creating report layouts with Jasper Reports. For the right candidate this could be a long-term opportunity.


    Details are available online:




    To clarify, this work is in using Jasper Reports to create reports for our product. The work sometimes requires making small changes to Jasper itself, but mostly consists of using Jasper, SQL, and a small amount of Java code.



    Kyle Cordes


  24. By: jim_bo_lisa - jim_bo_lisa

    JasperReports-portal documentation

    2006-02-20 09:18

    Is there any documentation on how to use the jasperreports-portal? I have the jasperreports-layout.war and the jasper-reports.war installed into my Jboss deploy directory and was looking for some samples to start to play with.

  25. By: jim_bo_lisa - jim_bo_lisa

    JasperReports-portal ocumentation

    2006-02-20 09:18

    Is there any documentation on how to use the jasperreports-portal? I have the jasperreports-layout.war and the jasper-reports.war installed into my Jboss deploy directory and was looking for some samples to start to play with.

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