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2006 IR Open Discussion

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Everything posted by 2006 IR Open Discussion

  1. By: Vyacheslav Pedak - pedak Problem with russian encoding 2002-12-09 10:58 Hi, Seems there is a bug in iReport. I need to create report with russian text. I selected UTF-8 encoding for XML file (report) and wrote text in russian in iReport. In result I received XML file with text in russian encoding (Cp1251) inside, but it must be in UTF-8 (because xerces will read text as UTF-8 not as Cp1251) By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Problem with russian encoding 2002-12-09 13:13 The unicode problem is the must hard to solve for me because as italian I use always a Latin charset and I don't have more expereince in use cyrillic, russian, chinese, .... characters. However I very interested to solve this problem. Could you send me an russian XML? When you select UTF-8 encoding, iReport don't performe a convertion from an encoding type into another, but it simply write the encoding attribute at the begin of xml file. Giulio By: Vyacheslav Pedak - pedak RE: Problem with russian encoding 2002-12-10 10:45 I will send russian XML to you by email. But really it is very easy to solve this problem. You use PrintWriter to write to file: java.io.PrintWriter pw = new java.io.PrintWriter( new java.io.FileOutputStream( filename )); you should use such construction to output text to file in UTF-8: PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream( filename), "UTF8")); In result all data will be written in UTF-8 automatically P.S. Thank you for your software, I find it very useful. So I am ready to help with encoding problems you will have. Feel free to contact me. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Problem with russian encoding 2002-12-11 00:44 Thanks! Giulio By: Trung Nhut Tran - nhuttrung RE: Problem with russian encoding 2002-12-22 19:43 I have the same problem in Vietnamese. And what is the default font for new report elements? nhuttrung By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Problem with russian encoding 2002-12-23 06:13 Trung Nhut Tran, could yue send me a Vietnamese xml? Thanks. Giulio By: Trung Nhut Tran - nhuttrung RE: Problem with russian encoding 2002-12-25 19:27 I solved the it. For Vietnamese in StaticText, the PDF output is not as expected. The problem is on SAXParser I think. I modified IReportCompiler.java as follow: // NOT WORK for Unicode data in StaticText // JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(srcFileName, fileName); FileInputStream fis = null; try{ fis = new FileInputStream(srcFileName); }catch(FileNotFoundException ex){ System.out.println("File not found " +srcFileName); return; } jReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(fis); ... print = dori.jasper.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(jReport, null, new JRResultSetDataSource(rs)); For your references, I will send you a simple Vietnamese XML file. Thank you for the good tools, NhutTrung
  2. By: Mark Rhodes - mrhodes2 Print when experssion gibberish is fields 2002-12-11 16:49 When adding a field or static text, the Print when expresion field always defaults to "{rtf1ansiansicpg1252deff0deflang1040{fonttbl{f0fmodernfprq1fcharset0 Courier New;}{f1fswissfcharset0 Arial;}}{colortbl ;red0green0blue0;red255green0blue0;red0green0blue255;red128green0blue128;red0green128blue0;red0green128blue128;red128green128blue128;red255green114blue0;} viewkind4uc1pardcf1f0fs18 cf0f1par }". I can remove this gibberish and the report compiles fine. With gibberish, report fails to compile. This is happening on a WinNT 4.0 w/all service packs. I also installed on WinXP and Win2000 and do not have this odd behavior. PS - really like the program. Thank you very much for the project. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Print when experssion gibberish is fields 2002-12-12 03:38 Thank Mark, I have read your mail. Giulio By: Mark Rhodes - mrhodes2 RE: Print when experssion gibberish is fields 2002-12-21 11:08 FYI - I didn't see this reported as fixed in 0.0.7, but it is. Thanks a lot for the xmas gift!!! Works fine on my NT system. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Print when experssion gibberish is fields 2002-12-22 07:44 Good news! I had not closed the bug because I did not know if effectively the bug were solved... Giulio
  3. By: Dan Peery - sfpeery subreport problem in version .006 2002-12-20 10:09 Excellent GUI. isUsingCache="true" is a subreport attribute. I believe it is erroneously being added to the parametersMapExpression. Causing report not to compile. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: subreport problem in version .006 2002-12-20 14:31 Thanks, this bug was already notified by other persons. Have you see the Xmas style of the ireport site? No?! Take a look to ireport.sourceforge.net now! Merry Christmas! Giulio
  4. By: Adriana Mestrinelli Paranhos - jasperdri integrate with java app.. 2002-12-02 03:28 Hello... i need to know how do i integrate the jarperReports with my app..... how do i call my reports from my java app?? thanx By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: integrate with java app.. 2002-12-03 01:05 You can see IReportCompiler.java to have an idea on howto compile and generate a pdf. You must go here to have a more in deph idea on howto use jasperreports. http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/quick.how.to.html Giulio
  5. y: Matt Elsey - mpelsey CreateProcess error 2002-12-02 00:39 I keep getting a CreateProcess windows messagebox when trying to compile a report from its xml template, then an abnormal termination message in the compiler output memo. Any ideas? By: Matt Elsey - mpelsey RE: CreateProcess error 2002-12-02 00:42 Sorry found the same question + answer posted in the help forum (which is where this should have gone) - apologies
  6. By: Marcello Perin - mperin How to Compile iReport 2002-11-29 05:11 Hi Giulio! Which version of VisualJ++ you use in the iReport? How do I do to compile the project? Thanks By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: How to Compile iReport 2002-11-29 06:19 VisualJ++ 6.0 You must only open the file iReport.vjp shipped with iReport in src directory. Giulio
  7. By: Adriana Mestrinelli Paranhos - jasperdri getting the SUM from a field. 2002-11-28 05:55 Hi. i just can t get the SUM of a field from my DB. can anyone help me?? i got this little help from gt78, but i can t understand what i should do on step 6. 1) You must create a new variable. You can name this variable i.e. "MySum". 2) Set calculation type "sum". 3) Set your preferren reset type (i.e. Report to have total sum) 4) Set variable type to the type of data you want sum (for example java.util.Double) 5) Write in Expression field the field that you want calculate sum (i.e. $F{programa.int_prog_totalhorasprevisto}) 6) Create a textfield element and set as fieldExpression: $V{MySum} with the appropriate class value. where do i create this textfield, exactly?? thanx By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: getting the SUM from a field. 2002-11-29 03:40 A textfield element is a rectangle that contain text in report. Click on the button with a "F" on the toolbar and draw a rectangle on detail band (this is: create a textfield). Double click on this element. Go to tab labeled "textfield" and set Textfield Expression to $V{MySum} and select from combo of Expression Class java.lang.Double or java.lang.Integer. Giulio
  8. By: Adriana Mestrinelli Paranhos - jasperdri Adding in ireport 2002-11-27 05:37 Necessary to make an addition with dirferentes table data, as I use "sum" of the data base in jasper? By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Adding in ireport 2002-11-27 05:40 I don't understand your needs. Colud you formulate an example? Thanks Giulio By: Adriana Mestrinelli Paranhos - jasperdri RE: Adding in ireport 2002-11-27 08:31 How can I make a sum in Jasper? Because when i make a select. ex: SELECT cliente.str_cli_nome, sistema.str_sis_nome, lote.str_lot_descricao, programa.int_prog_chprog_pk, programa.str_prog_nome, programa.int_prog_totalhorasprevisto, profissional.str_prof_nome, estagio.str_est_nome, fase.str_fas_nome,sum(desenvprog.int_desenvprog_totalhoras), sum(programa.int_prog_totalhoras) FROM cliente, projeto, sistema, lote, programa, profissional, desenvprog, estfas, estagio, fase And I try to make that sum: sum (table.field) and i put in a jasper, it doesn t work... why???? does Jasper has any method that makes it? thanks Adriana By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Adding in ireport 2002-11-28 00:15 Ah, ok, I have understand. 1) You must create a new variable. You can name this variable i.e. "MySum". 2) Set calculation type "sum". 3) Set your preferren reset type (i.e. Report to have total sum) 4) Set variable type to the type of data you want sum (for example java.util.Double) 5) Write in Expression field the field that you want calculate sum (i.e. $F{programa.int_prog_totalhorasprevisto}) 6) Create a textfield element and set as fieldExpression: $V{MySum} with the appropriate class value. Good look Giulio
  9. By: Adriana Mestrinelli Paranhos - jasperdri Adding in ireport 2002-11-27 05:30 Necessary to make an addition with dirferentes table data, as I use "sum" of the data base in jasper?
  10. By: pickle - pickle81 Report Query Error 2002-11-25 20:09 I have an error when I try to use a query string with a parameter value. eg Select * from Players where player_name = $P{NAME} the error is SQL problems Non supported SQL92 token at position:46:NAME what does it mean? By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Report Query Error 2002-11-26 00:55 JasperReports 0.4.3 has a bug: don't handle correctly params in query width default value. You must use, if you want, the new jasperreports class downloading form jasperreports CVS repository and compiling it. The second chance is wait for new release of jasperreports. Giulio By: pickle - pickle81 RE: Report Query Error 2002-11-26 01:37 Well the thing is, I am using the newest ver 0.06 but I still get this error. What is wrong then? By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Report Query Error 2002-11-26 15:15 I repeat that the problem is not iReport, but jasperreports (incluse last jasperreports jars, shipped with iReport). For solve your problem you must use a modified jasperreports libs (you can find it in jasperreports CVS repository). Giulio
  11. By: Marcello Perin - mperin Support lack to printWhenExpression in Band 2002-11-24 05:01 Hi Giulio, Congratulations on great work! Apparently, iReport is without support for the printWhenExpression element inside the band element. The JasperReport's XML File after be used by iReport finishes losing the referred element. Can we rely on this support in a near future? Thanks By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Support lack to printWhenExpression in Band 2002-11-24 12:48 Yes, sure. Please use this form for register your feature request. (If you don't fille the form, the risk is that I can forgot to develop this new features...;-) https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=507166&group_id=64348&func=browse Thanks Giulio
  12. By: Marcello Perin - mperin Support lack to printWhenExpression in Band 2002-11-24 04:58 Hi Giulio, Congratulations on great work! Apparently, iReport is without support for the printWhenExpression element inside the band element. The JasperReport's XML File after be used by iReport finishes losing the referred element. Can we rely on this support in a near future? Thanks
  13. By: Infogest - infogest Wonderful, but ... 2002-11-18 07:22 WHY J++ ? IT'S A PITY THIS PROJECT IS NOT PURE JAVA. Ok I know the answer to this comment : go and develop your pure java fork of this project ... This is right, but I can't stand this : I was looking for a report solution for a pure java app. Wow I found Jasper Reports ! Double wow there is a good designer ... oh shit ! it works only on win32. Why ? It's stupid. There are a lot of good reporting solution for win32. No need to create another one! By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Wonderful, but ... 2002-11-18 15:27 It's a good question. Please read this thread for answere. http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=745642&forum_id=113529 Thanks Giulio By: Hezaurus - hezaurus RE: Wonderful, but ... 2002-11-20 03:08 There really is no excuse for that choice. MS J++ is an outdated perverted version of java, designed only to break java and make it useless. Java is about platform independence, I don't have time to create standard java fork of this but I sure hope someone will. 'Cos without that this is useless - IMHO.
  14. By: Tiger - hntiger How to set property of element 2002-11-11 20:19 Hi all, I don't know "Print When Expression","Position type", "Print in first whole band", "Print when detail overflows", "Print repeated values", what do they mean? Please explain for me. If you got sample please send to me. My email: hntiger2001@yahoo.com Thank you
  15. By: Tiger - hntiger Scriptlet, what does it mean? 2002-11-07 19:57 Hi all, I use function File->New to deaclare new XML file, but I don't know scriptlet class, what does it mean? Help me to understand. Thank you By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: Scriptlet, what does it mean? 2002-11-08 01:35 Scriptlet is a optional field to specify a class that extend dori.jasper.engine.JRAbstractScriptlet class or dori.jasper.engine.JRDefaultScriptlet class Take a look at http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/tutorial/index.html#scriptlets for using Scriptlet Giulio
  16. By: Tiger - hntiger Scriptlet, what does it mean? 2002-11-07 22:25 Hi all, I use function File->New to deaclare new XML file, but I don't know scriptlet class, what does it mean? Help me to understand. Thank you
  17. By: Tiger - hntiger Scriptlet, what does it mean? 2002-11-07 22:24 Hi all, I use function File->New to deaclare new XML file, but I don't know scriptlet class, what does it mean? Help me to understand. Thank you
  18. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 New tutorial released! 2002-11-06 14:09 I have released a new tutorial. Take a look at: http://ireport.sourceforge.net/tutorial3.html Giulio
  19. By: Ricardo Trindade - rjst edit report properties 2002-11-06 03:44 Hi, Is there a way to edit report properties ? When I choose View->Report Properties, all the changes I make are lost when I close the windows (I guess that's why it's called view :) ) Is there a way to edit them ? thanks By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: edit report properties 2002-11-06 04:13 Are you sure ?!! If I make a change, it take effect immediatly (for example margins, height, width, number of columns, ...) When I reopen the report properties window, values is presented accordly with my previos changes. There is a value in particular that has this problem? View is referred to the window, not to the values... Giulio
  20. By: Chalk S. Bareng - chalksb computing totals in report groups 2002-11-05 22:57 Hello =) I was just wondering if there is a feature for computing and displaying totals for the report. If yes, how do we launch the wizard for this, or how do we do this? Thank you. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: computing totals in report groups 2002-11-06 01:02 There is not a function to create totals fields. The creation of a total field involved in creation of a variable, and a field in witch this variable is displayed. I could think about add in the new release a wizard for creatating "formula fields", a simply way to guide the user in creation of this important fields like report totals, group totals, max, min, avg... Giulio
  21. By: Chalk S. Bareng - chalksb possible compiler bug 2002-11-04 19:09 I have successfully generated a report using MS SQL Server 7.0 as a backend db, with query string: SELECT a.txndate, // datetime a.txncode, // integer a.ranum, // varchar a.remittername, // varchar a.bennum, // varchar b.firstname, // varchar a.amount // varchar FROM cashierhist as a left join (select * from beneficiary) as b on a.bennum=b.ban WHERE a.txncode=5002 OR a.txncode=5001 AND a.txndate='2002-10-30' But when I try to compile the resulting XML file the wizard produced, these are the errors: dori.jasper.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report design: C:iReportUntitled_report_1.java:131: inconvertible types found : java.sql.Timestamp required: java.lang.String value = (java.lang.String)(((java.sql.Timestamp)field_txndate.getValue())); ^ C:iReportUntitled_report_1.java:226: inconvertible types found : java.lang.Integer required: java.lang.String value = (java.lang.String)(((java.lang.Integer)field_txncode.getValue())); ^ C:iReportUntitled_report_1.java:279: inconvertible types found : java.sql.Timestamp required: java.lang.String value = (java.lang.String)(((java.sql.Timestamp)field_txndate.getOldValue())); ^ C:iReportUntitled_report_1.java:374: inconvertible types found : java.lang.Integer required: java.lang.String value = (java.lang.String)(((java.lang.Integer)field_txncode.getOldValue())); ^ C:iReportUntitled_report_1.java:427: inconvertible types found : java.sql.Timestamp required: java.lang.String value = (java.lang.String)(((java.sql.Timestamp)field_txndate.getValue())); ^ C:iReportUntitled_report_1.java:522: inconvertible types found : java.lang.Integer required: java.lang.String value = (java.lang.String)(((java.lang.Integer)field_txncode.getValue())); ^ 6 errors at dori.jasper.engine.design.JRCompiler.compileReport(JRCompiler.java:145) at dori.jasper.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:129) at dori.jasper.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:117) at IReportCompiler.main(IReportCompiler.java:119) Abnormal termination! I tried my sql with the SQL Query Analyzer and on another report generating tool with successful results. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: possible compiler bug 2002-11-05 00:13 Check expressionClass selected in textfields. Is the same that result from textfieldExpression ? Attention: if you make a thing like.... DateFormat.format( $F{java.sql.Timestamp_type}) you must set java.lang.String as expressionClass because the call to the format method return a String. I hope this helps you Giulio By: Chalk S. Bareng - chalksb RE: possible compiler bug 2002-11-05 18:07 Thanks, it's working now =)
  22. By: Outey Ky - chhunak <QueryString> not order? 2002-11-04 18:09 I am using iReport to create my QueryString and running the same report without passing any parameters or creating any Resultset in my serlvet except the one that was created with iReport. iReport generates the PDF in a sorted order in the preview windows, but in my web application it's out of order. I have being trying to track down this problem, but not sure what it's. All I am doing is runReportToPdf(path,parameters, connection) from the my.jasper file compile in iReport. Any help is greatly appreciated. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: <QueryString> not order? 2002-11-05 00:25 I have make some test. all it seems to work fine. You can make this test: in compilation window don't specify a query, leave the query SQL field blank. In this way IREportCompiler will pass to JasperReports only the connection and not the query. It will be JasperReports that will carry out the query reading it from the jasper file. Giulio By: Outey Ky - chhunak RE: <QueryString> not order? 2002-11-05 11:05 Thanks. Acutally, you're right it's sorted since I combine two columns(xnumber and xname) into one that it was sorted one way in iReport and another way when using JasperReports in the web application. In iReport it was sorted on xname, and in Jasper it was on xnumber.
  23. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 iReport 0.0.6 released! 2002-11-04 01:45 New functions in this release (0.0.6): - Added a jasperreports expression editor with syntax highlighting Very cool! - Added new Wizard function for creating columnar reports Very cool! - New AMS (accidental movement system). Disable movement of element with the mouse (See fig.4) - Added support for reportFont and some other tag (88% of tags is now supported) - Added support for Chinese Simplified, Chinese traditional, Japanese and Korean (you must download the Asian font pack from Adobe at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/acrrasianfontpack.html or use a localized Windows) - Fixed the bug of the disperation: Cursor.init() is not more a problem!!!! - Added support for HTML, CSV and XLS preview (using jasperReports 0.4.3) - From this version JasperReports jar files are shipped with iReport
  24. By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 Howto open expression editor.... 2002-11-04 01:01 Simply click right mouse button over an expression field! Giulio
  25. By: Benjamin Lim - benlim fieldDescription tag truncated? 2002-10-31 19:45 Hi, it seems like when I tried to save the XML, fieldDescription tag is being removed. Is this a bug or is my syntax wrong? ::: <field name="field1" class="java.lang.String"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[Field 1]]> </fieldDescription> </field> ::: By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: fieldDescription tag truncated? 2002-11-01 01:12 oops!! I have forgot to handle fieldDescription end parameterDescription tags! I have declared that this two tags are supported but it's not true!!!! In the next release I'll add this two tags! Sorry Giulio By: Benjamin Lim - benlim RE: fieldDescription tag truncated? 2002-11-01 01:43 And does it support <!-- ... --> comments? Would be nice to have it though. Another thing, it seems like if I have a static text eg, "Name :", after saving it will become "Name:", meaning iReport remove the white space. Can this be omitted? I forgot to mention, Thanks for a great tool! Really help alot whether it is in C, J++ or Java. As long as it works! By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: fieldDescription tag truncated? 2002-11-01 02:00 Comments are a problem. I don't read "directly" xml files, I use a library for manage XML docs, not a source incremental engine... An idea could be that the user can create a "big" comment at the beginning of the xml file (like the Properties class of java). For the second problem, I must try, because it's strange? I use only the trim() method of java String... Giulio By: Giulio Toffoli - gt78 RE: fieldDescription tag truncated? 2002-11-01 02:58 I have tried the "name : problem" but on my system the string "Name :" become "Name :" NOT "Name:". Are you sure that was not a typed mistake? Giulio By: Benjamin Lim - benlim RE: fieldDescription tag truncated? 2002-11-01 10:09 Sorry I didn't give you the correct scenario. I have just retraced the problem. 1. The XML was initially coded using an ASCII editor. Therefore the indentation of the source is in my own style. Including "Name :" 2. Load XML into iReport and "Name :" became "Name :" 3. Made some amendments and saved the source. 4. View thru' ASCII editor, I have "Name :" 5. The rest of my formatting of static text were also reformatted. Eg, CR/LF were removed. 2 or 3 paragraphs became 1 big paragraph. Have a great weekend! We're having long weekend over in Singapore. Thanks again!
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