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Posts posted by 2005 IR Help

  1. By: tim hatzenbeler - timhatz


    2001-11-20 12:23

    I just completed my first xml layout, to use my own databases, and create formulas and expressions that are relevant to my system... And my 1st comment is this... This is a great program... You have made a very powerful report generator... And it's pretty flexible... I know your going to make it better, but what a great start.... Please keep up the great work... If you need any help, please let me know... I'm not a coder, but I have other skills...


    Thanks, again... tim





    By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

    RE: Fantastic!!

    2001-11-21 01:30


    Hi, Tim,


    Your enthusiasm is overwhelming!


    It is a great feeling to know that someone,

    somewhere enjoys working with JasperReports.


    I hope to keep up and surprise you with

    new features.


    Thank you for your suggestions and I assure

    you I'm working on them.



  2. By: Jackie Manning - jmanning


    2001-11-06 04:54

    Any timeframe on the report parameters? Can I help?





    By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

    RE: Parameters

    2001-11-07 07:03




    I think parameters are an important feature and

    their implementation shouldn't be delayed.

    In one or two weeks, there will be a version

    that will support them.


    Now I'm trying to figure out how they might

    be used and to make the best of them.

    You can help me on this one if you have any

    suggestions or if you would tell me how do you

    plan to use them exactly.









    By: Jackie Manning - jmanning

    RE: Parameters

    2001-11-07 14:02

    To me the primary use for is for replacement parameters in the query, to be able to select, for example, a date range, or a specific customer for a report. Even as simple as being able to use question marks in the sql query like jdbc prepared statements and somehow being able to fill these with parameters.









    By: Steven Blough - stevenblough

    RE: Parameters

    2001-11-08 11:30

    I would tend to agree with Jackie that the main use for report parameters would be replacing query parameters, although it would also be useful to be able to replace static text or images.








    By: tim hatzenbeler - timhatz

    RE: Parameters

    2001-11-14 23:53

    i would say simple replacement type parameters... Meaning, when you setup your report, you create your parameters and the type they are:


    parameter list...
    Manager (string)
    StartDate (date)
    EndDate (date)
    title (string)


    and then when you pass arguments you define what parameter your assigning the value to ie:


    -p0="greg" -p1="2001,10,01" -p2="2001,11,27" -p3="Manager Report" 


    just an idea... tim





    By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

    Parameters are here ...

    2001-11-19 23:04




    The new version 0.2.1 is now available and

    it supports parameters.


    Enjoy !



    Post edited by: tcloonan, at: 2006/08/12 18:24

  3. By: tim hatzenbeler - timhatz

    Setup problems..

    2001-11-19 15:21

    I can make the xmlpreview portion work, so i can view the layout, but I can't seem to get the compile.bat to work right..

    When I run it, I get this error at the bottom.


    [Loaded dori.jasper.engine.JRClassGenerator]
    [Loaded java.text.MessageFormat from D:JDK1.3.1_01JRElibrt.jar]
    [Loaded java.text.FieldPosition from D:JDK1.3.1_01JRElibrt.jar]
    [Loaded java.io.FileWriter from D:JDK1.3.1_01JRElibrt.jar]
    [Loaded java.io.CharConversionException from D:JDK1.3.1_01JRElibrt.jar]
    [Loaded sun.io.ConversionBufferFullException from D:JDK1.3.1_01JRElibrt.jar]

    [Loaded sun.io.MalformedInputException from D:JDK1.3.1_01JRElibrt.jar]
    [Loaded sun.io.UnknownCharacterException from D:JDK1.3.1_01JRElibrt.jar]
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/tools/javac/Main
    at dori.jasper.engine.JRCompiler.compileClass(JRCompiler.java:124)
    at dori.jasper.engine.JRCompiler.compileReport(JRCompiler.java:62)
    at dori.jasper.engine.JasperManager.compileReport(JasperManager.java:402
    at JasperReportsTestApp.main(JasperReportsTestApp.java:55)
    [Loaded java.lang.Shutdown$Lock from D:JDK1.3.1_01JRElibrt.jar]


    I'm using this line to run the code...


    d:jdk13~1.1_0binjava -verbose -classpath .;jasperreports.jar;commons-beanutils.jar;commons-collections.jar;commons-digester.jar;xerces.jar;iText.jar;d:java400libjt400.jar -Dorg.xml.sax.driver=org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser JasperReportsTestApp -Tcompile -FFirstJasper.XML  


    .... jt400.jar is needed to access the database on our as/400 to i substituted it for the sql one...


    thanks, tim






    By: tim hatzenbeler - timhatz

    RE: Setup problems..

    2001-11-19 16:43

    never mind... I forgot the tools.jar...


    But any how... I got it to work!!! It's running on win 95, accessing data on our as/400... Next I'm going to move it off the win95 box, and run it on the JVM on the as/400.. And if that works, I'll be a very happy camper... Great program... I noticed you added parameters... Very cool!! Any luck yet with cross tabs? I have a feeling there going to be a pain to add... But who knows.. You probably already have the solution in your head... Take care, tim

    Post edited by: tcloonan, at: 2006/08/12 18:26

  4. By: Udaypal Aarkoti - uaarkoti

    Can i print the reports?

    2001-10-23 11:34

    I was just wondering if the API has a provision to print the report.





    By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

    RE: Can i print the reports?

    2001-10-24 05:14




    JasperReports was created especially for printing

    runtime-generated documents.


    For the moment, I have not insisted on printing

    functionality, because that's the easiest part.



    There is a button 'Print' in the JasperViewer

    witch demonstrates the printing functionality

    by sending the current page to the printer.


    There will be a print method available in

    JasperManager that will send the entire document

    to the printer.


    I hope the new release witch will contain this

    will be published some time next week.









    By: Teodor Danciu - teodord

    Printing reports ...

    2001-11-07 07:22




    Check out the 0.2.0 version to see the printing

    methods exposed by the JasperManager class.



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