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Everything posted by surf3rb0y

  1. I would still need to run an instance of the tomcat server even though i already have a webserver running?
  2. I am trying to setup jasper intelligence so that i can generate reports on the fly from a web interface. However, I already have a server with sql and web setup. All of the instructions that come with jasper server and jasper intelligence correspond to tomcat server and a new install of sql. Does anyone know or have experience with these sorts of setups? My server will be running one of two possibilities either apache or IIS could someone give me info or point me to some docs that help in those areas? Thanks Ty
  3. i have a total to calculate, actually a sum, and i need it to print on page 1 instead of at the end of the report. How can i do that. So what happens is i try to sum it but it does only the first one and i need the total sum. If i put this at the end of the report it gives me what i want but at the begining it doesn't is there a way to only evaluate at the end? but place it on top of everything? Thanks Ty Post edited by: surf3rb0y, at: 2006/08/23 17:05
  4. I am printing a double value from a table but I don't need the decimal places, is there a way i can just print the value before the decimal? Thanks Ty
  5. Is it possible to rearrange the bands in iReport. Ex. Place the last page footer above the page footer. thanks ty
  6. Is there a way to make a field only show up on the last page. or at the end of the entire report? Like a total of some field from all pages. Thanks Ty
  7. Do i have to use a variable or can i just enter it into the field?
  8. how do i multiply two fields in ireport. basicly i have fields $F{rate} and $F{hours} and i need to multiply them so i can get a total. Thanks Surf3rb0y
  9. Is there a way in iReport to have a drop down menu, so that you can select from a list before the report is genereated. Then genereate the report based on selection? Thanks in advance, Tyler
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