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Everything posted by JulEgner

  1. Thanks a lot.. I solved this Problem by setting the calculation Type in Subreport(Others)/Subreport Return Value AND in the description of the Variable. But now I have another Problem.. I have a Subreport in the detail area. This Subreport gives a return Value to the Main Report. Now I want to give this Value to the Subreport in the next detail (of the next Dataset). I Want to give so data from a subreport to the main Report to the subreport.
  2. Thanks.. I also want so have a sum of the return values of all subreports.. how can I do that? I know that it should be in the Summary area, but there must be more to do zo get it working.
  3. I need to return a return Value from a Subreport to the main report, but it is always NULL. Can someone tell me how to transfer Data from a Subreport to the Main Report?
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