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Posts posted by JulEgner

  1. Hello,


    I want to create a crosstab, I know that it is possible and I already created crosstabs with iReport, but I absolutely cannot find the Function for the creation of a Crosstab.


    Could you please tell me where I have to look?

  2. I think that rajesh thought of setting the background color at runtime.

    I have an idea for this: take 2 fields, one for each background color, and let the two field be displayed in change by setting the "display when expression" in a way that it is true every second time.

  3. Don't forget to check if you really need so much subreports- maybe you can do the same thing by using Groups? It is really seldom neccessary to use a bigger amount of subreports and most Reports don't need subreports at all.
  4. I found out that it is possible to set a connection expression for subreports that does not have to be the connection expression of the main report.

    But how do i make a new connection expression? I even cannot read the connection expression of the main report because iReport does not let me.

    Maybe I only need to know the syntax of a Report Connection.


    I need this Information because this seems a way to have more than one Datasource in a Report. I have to use several Databases and if I do not find a way to do this with iReport, or a simple Way to put everything in one Database, I may be forced to use Crystal Reports. I would prefer to stay using iReport.

  5. make a Variable in the main report for each of both values. make a subreport return value and connect the value from the subreport with the Variable of the main report. add the variables and display them in time= "band".

    In subreport(others) you can set the subreport return value.

  6. I read about subdatasets, but i think that they are only for Charts and Crosstabs, not for Main or Subreport. But maybe something has changed since iReport 1.1.0?


    I also need to know if it is possible to use more than one Datasource in a Report or if I have to design and build a special Database just for Reporting.

  7. Ok, its working.

    I changed the x-values to


    new Double


    (new Double(0).valueOf($F{Uhrzeit}.substring(0,2))).doubleValue()+

    new Double(new Double(new Integer($F{Uhrzeit}.substring(3,5)).intValue()).doubleValue()/60.0).doubleValue()



    and get Minutes.


    I still do not know how to get the time-chart working, but thats not urgent anymore.


    Thanks for your help!

  8. I changed the Database from Access to mySQL and now the Charts do display something. The XY-chart displays the number of Telephone lines per hour and the Time-Chart displays only a dot at 00:00:00 and 0..

    but i would like to have a chart of time and the used telephone lines per minute.


    The X-Value is calculated by:


    new Double

    ((new Double(0).valueOf($F{Uhrzeit}.substring(0,2))).doubleValue()+

    (new Double(new Integer($F{Uhrzeit}.substring(3,5)).intValue()/60)).doubleValue())


    $F{Uhrzeit} is the time as a String in Format '23:59'.


    the Y-Value is just the number of Lines (Integer).


    This Chart displays the number of Lines per hour, but should display per minute.


    The Times Series Dataset seems to display a null-value.


    It gets its time-value from this:

    new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm").parse($F{Uhrzeit})


    Both charts have Reset Type="Report" and Increment when expression = "new Boolean(true)"


    Do you have any ideas?

  9. I understand the first solution, but not the second one. Could you describe what you mean with a holder?


    i cannot use the first solution (and maybe not even the second) because I have only one Subreport in the Detail Band, that gives a return value back.

    I want to take a value from the subreport and give it to the (same) subreport in the "next" detail value.

    I want to use this to start calculating values in the Subreport from a startpoint I know from the last Subreport. I want to use this for faster Report generation.

  10. You can use more than one version of iReport at the same Time, so migratng should be easy. In earlier Versions the were Problems with forward-compatibility (i.e. you can use crosstabs in newer Versions, if you open these Reports with a older Version of iReport like 0.5.2, the Code for the Crosstab will be deleted).
  11. I also want to use the return values of the subreport for a chart, but the chart does not display anything. I use the workaround for the 1.2.5.-Chart-Bug and if I set a fix Number, a chart is Displayed.
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