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Everything posted by don_felixo

  1. Greetings Jasper fans, can anyone tell me if it is possible to bind a SubDataset, that is created in master report, in a paramter and send it to the subreport? If so how do I do this? Any help appreciated. best regards Marcin
  2. hello, do I have the rights to register such a request as an ordinary forum user? I've been on the site and tried to do so....without success. Marcin bklawans wrote: That currently isn't supported. Please go to the Developer Forge section of this site and submit it as a feature request for JasperReports. -BarryPost edited by: don_felixo, at: 2006/09/26 08:48
  3. Greetings, I was trying recently to place the axis label just above the axis, written horizontaly, not along the axis and written verticaly....I failed. Has anybody coped with this problem? Any sugestions? thanks in advance! Marcin
  4. Greetings, I was trying recently to place the axis label just above the axis, written horizontaly, not along the axis and written verticaly....I failed. Has anybody coped with this problem? Any sugestions? thanks in advance! Marcin
  5. ...then write the customizer class, in the class add in the second axis and the data for that axis hello, the question is, after I write the customizer class, how do I get the data for the second axis. The whole report is started from the IReport and for me its the only source of data for the report. My cust. class is called from the IReport so how do I get this data for the second axis? regards Marcin
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