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  1. In Report Propierties you will find the tab other and there there is the option summary in new page. Bye zannabianca
  2. The format choose by the export to excel in my report is always general. General format have no specific numeric format so the sum is not accepted. I think that the exporter to excel will have to undestand the type of field: - if the type of field is java.lang.string I report have to convert in text in excel; - if the type is java.math.bigdecimal ireport have to convert in number in excel; - if the type is java.util.date ireport have to convert in date in excel. Bye Zannabianca
  3. Hi, in excel I have some more problem: - I have a field string ot 10 char that start with 0. If I import in excel directly the 0 is soppressed. So if the field is '0123456789' in excel I have '123456789'; - the report starts on column B instead of column A; - the numeric value are converted with standard. On this field I can make D1+E1 but I can't do SUM(D1:E1). So I don't export in excel but with csv format. Then I work on the file in order to obtain a good excel file without problem of format. It would be great if all the problem of export in excel will be fixed, in order to use it directly instead of csv export. Bye Zannabianca
  4. When I build a report with IReport from my Oracle DB, the numbers become java.math.BigDecimal while I prefer java.lang.Double. Now I modify field per field the type, but there is a way to specify that for numeric fields the standard is Double instead of BigDecimal ? Bye Zannabianca
  5. I've found the way with the search forum to make the sum with the variables. new Double( $V{var1}.doubleValue() + $V{var2}.doubleValue() ) It is supposed that the type is Double. If you change the + with another operator (e.g. -) you can make the others elementary operations. I Hope that this help Bye zannabianca
  6. I have your same problem. I've found this workaround. In the query I calculate a column TOTAL as sum of all the columns of my interest. Then in the detail I show the column TOTAL and in the summary the sum of the column TOTAL. Hope that this could help you. Bye zannabianca
  7. I'm trying to create a report on a big oracle table with more or less 500.000 records, with the report wizard. I have insered the query (previosly checked with sqlplus) in the first step. I click on forward (avanti) and I'm still waiting for the second step (selection of fields). I'm waiting from 30 minutes for the second step. Bye zannabianca
  8. I attach the following link with the documentation avaible on IREPORT: http://jasperforge.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.ireport/wiki/HomePage Bye zannabianca
  9. I suggest you to buy IReport Ultimate guide, that can help you with IReport. Bye zannabianca
  10. I suggest you to buy IReport Ultimate guide, that can help you with IReport. Bye zannabianca
  11. Dear Forum, I have a problem with IREPORT 1.2.5. I've made a simple report with the wizard. In this report I have a group. Now, in the group footer I want to put the sum of the group. Normally, I go in Library and I pick the symbol SUM (TOTALE) and I put it in jaspers's report band. But now it doesn't work and IREPORT go in crash. With my pc a XP PROFESSIONAL EDITION (ITALIAN VERSION), I have to send a CTRL+ALT+DEL to close IREPORT. Infact IREPORT show me the map with FIELDS,VARIABLES but I can't click on nothing because the application is in crash. Thank you for the help. Zannabianca
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