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Posts posted by jaumeg

  1. Hi all,

     I have a doubt using ireports.

    Normally I put images on my reports using a relative path with a phisical image and all is running fine...

    Now I have a servlet that is returning a barcode image gif.

    My Doubt  is how may I use IREPORTS in order to implement a java servlet that is rendering an image in real time ?

    When I use this servlet in a JSP I put this line of code: (Parameters are  the value of the Barcode(texto) and dimensions(dpi))

    <img src="/intranet/servlet/aplicaciones.barcodes.servlet.Barcode39Servlet?texto=<%=texto%>&dpi=<%=dpi%>" />

    How can I create something like this with IREPORTS ? I use ireports 3.0.0

     I'll appreciatte very much any help on this...

    Thank you in advance for your help.


    Post Edited by jaumeg at 06/22/2010 14:25
  2. Hi All,

    I'm building a report (with ireports 3.0) and I need to put the character OMEGA(Ω) and DIVIDE(÷)

    In HTML I put Ω  but I don't know how to implement htis with Ireports. This is for Static text fields.

    The report will be output in PDF. I'm using CP1250 (Central European).

    Is there any way to output this symbols ?


    Thank you in advance,.


    Post Edited by Jaume Guillamon at 03/30/09 14:38

    Post Edited by Jaume Guillamon at 03/30/09 14:41

    Post Edited by Jaume Guillamon at 03/30/09 14:44
  3. Hi all,


    I have to do a subreport with a chart,

    I have the two values of the chart in the parameters ($P{value1}, $P{value2}) in the main report .

    Can you say me how to use this two parameters in the subreport in order to create a Chart with them ?

    I have to put the chart in the summary section of the subreport ?

    This is very urgent so I'll appreciate any help.

    Thank you very much.

  4. HI all,

    I have a Master report with 32 subreports. I put all subs in the detail section in the master one.

    Every subreport is using parameters that I put in the java class that calls to the master report.
    There is only one Register putted in the ArrayList. oBalance and it is a JavaBean with the setters and getters.

            ArrayList ar = new ArrayList<Planesnhc>();

              Map parameters = new HashMap();

             parameters.put("subreport1", "subreport1.jasper");
             parameters.put("subreport2", "subreport2.jasper");

    Invoked -->        JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport (fileName,
                                                                                                                                    new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(ar));

    When the program call to the master report all is running fine when I use parameters always thinking that I don't use details section in subreports.

    Some subreports has only TITLE section that use the Map parameters I send to the master. At this point all is OK.

    But I have some other subreports that need a detail Section, because they may use an ArrayList of javaBeans.

    My Question is  how to do that ? Where I have to put the parameters ? Can I use DataBeansObjects to fill subreports ?

    Is there any example on how to implement this ?

    Thank you very much in advance for your help.






    Post Edited by Jaume Guillamon at 03/23/09 16:09
  5. Hi all,


    I'm using Ireports 1.3.2 and I can't ADD a estile condition. Any of you with the same problem ?


    I have been using the FirstJasper.jrxml to test it and I can't. I have entered the OrderIdStyle, I click on Modify and nothing happens. As well when I try to add nothing happens..:blink:


    Any suggestion ? What I'm doing wrong ?



  6. Hi all,


    I'm using Ireports 1.3.2 and I can't ADD a estile condition. Any of you with the same problem ?


    I have been using the FirstJasper.jrxml to test it and I can't. I have entered the OrderIdStyle, I click on Modify and nothing happens. As well when I try to add nothing happens..:blink:


    Any suggestion ? What I'm doing wrong ?



  7. HI all,


    Sometimes when I execute a report, the sql is returning 0 rows and I get the PDF empty.


    I'm executing the sql in my java class, so I'm putting $P!{sql_query} in the query report window.




    My Questions:

    1) Can jasperprint return a value to know if the sql is returning empty resulset ?


    JasperPrint jasperPrint=JasperFillManager.fillReport(fileName, parameters, con3);


    2) Is there any way to know that there ara no rows, so I don't have to send the PDF ? I would like to send a little message saying that there are no rows.. nothing more..


    Thnaks in advance for your help..

    Post edited by: jaumeg, at: 2007/04/20 09:53

  8. Hi all,


    I have a question that i'm sure you may have been solved.


    I need to change the colour of a $F{field} when a condition is evaluated in the detail band. When I get a value 'Doctor unknow' I need to change the color of this field to RED. I would like to change the negative value to red as well.



    I have to use some scriptlet ? any example or suggestion will be very appreciatted.


    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Post edited by: jaumeg, at: 2007/04/20 10:10

  9. Hi all,


    Can you say me if can I with Ireports define a Report of 8 pages.


    What I need to do is a document of 8 fixed pages with images (jfreechart). PDF output.


    any suggestion ? another Open SOurce for doing this ?


    Thanks in advance for your help

  10. HI All,


    I have a problem that I don't know if it will be possible.


    I have 4 groups with Subtotals for each group (Group Footers) and my customer needs that the headers of each group are in a Single Line , without using Header Groups. They Don't like that for every group that Changes the Ireports is putting this Header in a new Line. AnyWay the Footers are Good , I mean all subtotals in 1 diferent line are OK.


    I have been tested putting the $F{xxx} with the Evaluation Time (GROUP) of each group concatenated in the DETAIL BAND but Ireports always Repeat each group Name in every line and I would like To only print when Group Changes.


    Sorry for my English..


    Using 1.3.1


    Any Suggestions ?


    Thank you in advance for your help

  11. HI All,


    I have a problem that I don't know if it will be possible.


    I have 4 groups with Subtotals for each group (Group Footers) and my customer needs that the headers of each group are in a Single Line , without using Header Groups. They Don't like that for every group that Changes the Ireports is putting this Header in a new Line. AnyWay the Footers are Good , I mean all subtotals in 1 diferent line are OK.


    I have been tested putting the $F{xxx} with the Evaluation Time (GROUP) of each group concatenated in the DETAIL BAND but Ireports always Repeat each group Name in every line and I would like To only print when Group Changes.


    Sorry for my English..


    Using 1.3.1


    Any Suggestions ?


    Thank you in advance for your help

  12. Well I think there is a BUG in 1.2.7 because if I use any parameter The system gets an error.



    Here is My java Code and I can confirm that all parameters are not Empty:



    parameters.put("sql_query", query);
    parameters.put("sql_queryb", query2);





    and I send you the JRXM in this case I use the SQL inside the Query with parameters and I get the Java Exception :



    Null 'key' argument.




    [file name=agendaUsuarioChart-21c692dd34566d4f623f095aec77e81d.jrxml size=22779]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/agendaUsuarioChart-21c692dd34566d4f623f095aec77e81d.jrxml[/file]

  13. HI Lucianc !


    Sorry but I can't not execute a subDataset using the query:





    in my program I'm putting this Parameter in Hashtable same as the sql_query that uses the MAIN.


    Please if I need to make sure you send a value for the subdataset parameter Can you say me what I'm missing in Ireports 1.2.7 or in My Java program ?


    I'm sure I put the SQL Statement fine when I execute the Java program:


    parameters.put("sql_query", query);
    parameters.put("sql_queryb", query2);

    JasperPrint jasperPrint=JasperFillManager.fillReport(fileName, parameters, con3);


    This is my JRXML generated by 1.2.7





    What I'm doing wrong please ?






    [file name=agendaUsuarioChart-98b3e7cccdc91f6000594e24d5009cc5.jrxml size=20298]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/agendaUsuarioChart-98b3e7cccdc91f6000594e24d5009cc5.jrxml[/file]


    Anyway what I have to put here inside the datasetParameterExpression if I'm using a

    $P!{sql_queryb} ?







    <datasetRun subDataset="SubDataset1">

    <datasetParameter name="sql_query2">










    Sorry I'm lost..

    Post edited by: jaumeg, at: 2006/10/18 14:51

  14. Thank you Lucianc for your help,


    I have been updating Jasper to 1.2.7 and This problem is solved.


    I have another one that perhaps you can help:


    I'm Putting a subdataset for making a simple PieChart.


    I declare the SQL in SUbdataset as this:



    (book.diardate BETWEEN '2006/10/18' AND '2006/10/18') AND


    cstaapus.apuscode = '$P{apuscode}' AND


    agen.agenname = '$P{agenda}' AND




    But when I run my program I get an exception like this:<br>


    Error preparing statement for executing the report query :


    error preparing statement for executing the query





    ('P','D') AND


    (book.diardate BETWEEN '2006/10/18' AND '2006/10/18') AND


    cstaapus.apuscode = '?' AND


    agen.agenname = '?' AND


    Look at my program


    parameters.put("sql_query", query);
    parameters.put("sql_query2", query2);

    //Preparacion del reporte (en esta etapa se inserta el valor del query en el reporte).
    JasperPrint jasperPrint=JasperFillManager.fillReport(fileName, parameters, con3);



    AnyWay, If I try to put $P!{sql_query2} in the SubQuery I get an Exception as well (null) and I have the sql_query parameter full.








    Can I use the $P!{sql_query2} in SubDatasets as in MAIN ?






    [file name=agendaUsuarioChart.jrxml size=21600]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/agendaUsuarioChart.jrxml[/file]





    This is the JRXML when using $P!{sql_query2}




    And this is the Exception:


    Error preparing statement for executing the report query :



    Post edited by: jaumeg, at: 2006/10/18 13:58

  15. HI All !


    I'm having some problems when I try to create a SubDataset in order to fill a ChartPie.


    I'm Using iReport 1.2.5


    I have been declared a SubDataset1 with a query like this:




    Same as Main (sql_query1) because my program change some SQL parameters at runtime before it runs..


    As in Main I Create the:

    Parameter --> sql_query2

    Field : quantity

    Field : descripcion


    I create then the ChartPie3D and in the Dataset RUn I use the SubDataset created in my last Step and I ADD the fields (quantity and descripcion).


    This Two fields are ADDED to the CharData Subdatset Parameters


    In parameters Map Ex and COnnection are in Blank because I nuse a Java program that pass the COnnection as a Parameter (Like in Main).


    Then in Details I put the parameters as is:


    KeyExpression :



    Value Expression:



    Label Expression:




    The Problem:


    When I compile the jrxml I get all the times the message :

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Unknown parameter quantity in sub dataset SubDataset1


    What I'm doing Wrong ?

    My Main Report run always fine but when I use SubDatas with to fill a simple chart :S


    Thank you in advance for your Help

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