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  1. I cant see any example for this,but what i have done is stored the report into the db and opening it from a FileDialog by passing the id of the location of the file where ever it is stored.
  2. Hi, thanks for ur reply. That issue is solved by making it as java.lang.String.
  3. Hi, I am trying to generate reports using JR 1.3.0, Everything works fine and able to generate the reports. But the only concern as if now is if my db is having data which is multi languages like both English,Japanese and Chinese or any other European languages. I am able to c the records in those respective languages in HTML and RTF Format only. PDF Format displays blank. CSV,Excel,Tabbed CSV display ???? Suggestions most appreciated. Thanks and regards, Seshasai Bhootadi
  4. Hi Anand, Thanks for all ur help i am able to generate reports now based on the parameterization. How ever i have gt another doubt now which is, In the query if at alll i want to search and then generate the report how will i pass on the param. ex: select * from emp where ename like 'S%'; How can i do these kind of queries. I am able to generate the report based on the params passed but with complete string given in. i.e; select * from emp where ename="sesha"; I am able to generate the report for this, but i am not able to generate the report for the above scenario. Can u suggest me wat can be done. Thanks and regards, Sesha sai.
  5. Sandeep, Wat are u exatly looking for. Do u want to generate report of generated reports or u want to generate a report in PDF format with the data being in db and getting that info using Hibernate. Sesha sai Bhootadi
  6. Hi Mottou, U need the commons-digester-1.7.jar get that from http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/digester/ and add it to the classpath of ur Application. Hope this shud resolve the problem. Thanks and regards, Sesha sai Bhootadi
  7. Panda ji, My suggestion for u will be to first of all try to learn the ant scripts. Where in u will have targets and other stuf..next u need to deploy the .ear file in to c:jbossserverdefaultdeploy folder. M not an expert in deployment process ..better search in jboss forums too in case needed. sesha sai
  8. Hi Anand, I am not using the JI for UI. I'm doing it via a normal jsp page along with struts /portal. SO if i say that, I choose the employee name from a drop down list and get that value from the jsp via request.getParamter("selectedEmployee") and pass this info to the action class(GenerateReport.java) I have made the isForPrompting='false' so its not giving me any dialog box to enter the input as if now..thats understandable. My next doubt would be how wud i pass the input paramter to that parameter field of jrxml. I am doing the following process as if now to generate a report. Code:System.out.println("Trying to get connection"«»); Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"«»); Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@ipaddress:1521:orcl","sesha_uid","sesha"«»); System.out.println("Connection established"«»); Map parameters = new HashMap(); JasperDesign jasperDesign = JRXmlLoader.load("C:\IR130\org.jrxml"«»); JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(jasperDesign); JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport( jasperReport, parameters, connection); JRPdfExporter jrPdfExporter = new JRPdfExporter(); jrPdfExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT,print); jrPdfExporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME,"abc.pdf"«»); jrPdfExporter.exportReport(); So how can i pass on the parameter value to the .jrxml I hope i was clear with my doubt. regards, Sesha sai
  9. Hi Anand, First of all..Sorry for delayed response was on a holiday trip so could check ur reply and thank u so much for u reply. I have tried with the instructions that u have given me and it worked out fine in iReport. What i have done is Created a new query based report template and added a parameter with isForPrompting="true" . So when i run the report i am getting a dialog box asking me to input the value of employe name and when i do that i am getting the desired result and report. Works gr8 so far. My next doubt would be How can i punch in the input values from a jsp page to the template design with out having the dialog box. I mean i will show all tthe employee names in a drop down list and when i select the name of any one employee and then click on submit i should be getting the report of that particular employee.. similar to wat we are doing in iReoirt where in i am typing the name of the employee in the dialog box. I hope i was clear.. :-) Looking ahead for ur reply. Cheers, Seshasai
  10. seshasaib wrote: Hi Apemant/Suman, I have a similar requirement and have been tryin for long to find a soluton for this. I have the number of columns to be added to the report will be genrerated dynamically , i mean I wouldnt be knowing how many params are gonna come by which i would be showing in the jsp before selecting them and adding them to the design. Suppose there is one user who has got the privilige to c only 2 columns he can c only 2 column names in the Available list of params another user may add n number of columns to in the available list. In the messages posted below u were setting the field size as 16. Wat do u do if the number of fields are like close to 20 or 25. In my case it may go up to 30 thats why i wonder how do we design the template if there are more number of columns.. Help appreciated. Thanks and regards, sesha sai b.seshasai@gmail.com Waiting for reply..Can u guys help me in this case.
  11. Hi Venkat, JasperViewer.viewReport(); works only at the standalone system level. If u want to view report on a client end better write a jsp pointing to the report and then open it as FileDialog. Thanks , Sesha Sai
  12. Hi, Did we get any solution for this. Like finding out the number of records in the db resulting based to the querystring. Coz suppose if i generate a report with a querystring say for suppose select * from emp and if there are 0 records even then i am able to generate a report but with blank data in it. Is it possible to mask it. Thanks and regards, Sesha sai
  13. Hi, I am trying to generate reports using iReport1.2.7 where in i create a template using <querystring> example <querystring> select * from emp</querystring> This would give me a template design which i am uploading in to my repository database and then calling the design while generating the report. All the UI is done via jsp. Uploading a template file created using iReport and then storing the template in db. Also storing the generated report too in db. All this process can be done via web. Now if the user wants to edit the template inputs , the mechanism which i am following as if now is to let him create his own design with appropriate inputs @ the query level and then upload that tempalate in to the product. But thats not the way i guess it shoule be done althoug i have been following this approach as an alternhative for the time being. Can anyone tell me or guide me how to create a report with dynamic inputs with out changing the template. Like selecing the country name as India in the ui should give me report for all employees in India where in the querystring sould take the params as <querystring>select * from emp where country like %india%</querystring> the original query was <querystring> select * from emp</querystring> I hope i was able to mention clearly what i need. any suggestions/ideas most welcome. Looking ahead for a positive reply. Thanks and regards, Sesha Sai.
  14. Hi Apemant/Suman, I have a similar requirement and have been tryin for long to find a soluton for this. I have the number of columns to be added to the report will be genrerated dynamically , i mean I wouldnt be knowing how many params are gonna come by which i would be showing in the jsp before selecting them and adding them to the design. Suppose there is one user who has got the privilige to c only 2 columns he can c only 2 column names in the Available list of params another user may add n number of columns to in the available list. In the messages posted below u were setting the field size as 16. Wat do u do if the number of fields are like close to 20 or 25. In my case it may go up to 30 thats why i wonder how do we design the template if there are more number of columns.. Help appreciated. Thanks and regards, sesha sai b.seshasai@gmail.com
  15. Hi, I have a texfield which displays the date in the format of oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP@132F12 When tried to change the textfield expression class from java.lang.String to java.sql.TIMESTAMP. I am getting the above error. net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. Cannot cast from String to Timestamp value = (java.sql.Timestamp)(""+((oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP)field_CREATION_DATE.getValue())); <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------> 2. Cannot cast from String to Timestamp value = (java.sql.Timestamp)(""+((oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP)field_CREATION_DATE.getOldValue())); <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 3. Cannot cast from String to Timestamp value = (java.sql.Timestamp)(""+((oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP)field_CREATION_DATE.getValue())); <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------> 3 errors at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRAbstractCompiler.compileReport(JRAbstractCompiler.java:193) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRDefaultCompiler.compileReport(JRDefaultCompiler.java:105) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:127) at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperCompileManager.compileReportToFile(JasperCompileManager.java:109) at it.businesslogic.ireport.IReportCompiler.run(IReportCompiler.java:510) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534) Any ideas why its behaving like this. I am using iReport1.2.8 and jaspereports1.2.8 the version really doesnt matter coz its comming in allmost all the versions that i have seen. Thanks and regards, Sesha sai.
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