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Posts posted by raffimd

  1. Hi,

    I wanted to eliminate the use of px image in the generated HTML file for couple of reasons.

    1)Generated HTML file size is larger than

    2)Firefox is not picking up the relative path to px due to some environment issue in my project.


    I quickly figured out that I can set a flag in the parameters map as mentioned below:


    JRHtmlExporter exporter = new JRHtmlExporter();
    exporter.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.IS_USING_IMAGES_TO_ALIGN, Boolean.FALSE);


    This really avoided the use of px image at all the places except the place holder for the image element which is optional.

    This is pretty good.

    Is there a way to avoid the use of px file even for the image element place holder?


    By setting this parameter, will I have any problem in any of the browsers?



  2. Yeah I heard that they introduced the better way of handling the breaks in 1.3.0 version. I do not use 1.3.0 version.


    In the 1.2.5, there is an exmple under



    Check the following blog entry to know how to run the samples.




    Check the following link about noPageBreak



  3. I see a lot of postings in the forum asking some questions which would have resolved by looking at the samples that were provided in the jasperReports jar.

    I think people might have seen the sample code but they might not have ran it. So I thought of posting some simple steps to run the samples.

    Here are the steps

    ant (My location : C:/isw/apache-ant-1.6.5)
    jasperreports (My Location: C:/isw/jasperreports-1.2.5)

    Step 1) start hsql DB server:
    C:/isw/jasperreports-1.2.5/demo/hsqldb>C:/isw/apache-ant-1.6.5/bin/ant runServer

    Response of the command
    Buildfile: build.xml

    [java] server.properties not found, using command line or default properties
    [java] Opening database: test
    [java] HSQLDB server 1.7.1 is running
    [java] Use SHUTDOWN to close normally. Use [Ctrl]+[C] to abort abruptly
    [java] Thu Jan 11 17:46:24 GMT+05:30 2007 Listening for connections ...

    step 2) Goto the respective sample directory and run ant -p to get the tasks provided in that sample
    C:/isw/jasperreports-1.2.5/demo/samples/virtualizer>C:/isw/apache-ant-1.6.5/bin/ant -p

    Response of the command
    Buildfile: build.xml
    Shows how very large reports could be generated using a report virtualizer to optimize memory consumption.
    Main targets:

    clean Deletes all the generated files.
    compile Compiles the XML report design and produces the .jasper file.
    csv Fills the report and generates a CSV version of it.
    export Fills the report and exports to PDF, XML, HTML and CSV.
    html Fills the report and generates a HTML version of it.
    javac Compiles the java source files of the test application.
    pdf Fills the report and generates a PDF version of it.
    print Fills the report and sends it to the printer.
    view Fills the report and launches the report viewer to preview it.
    viewDesign Launches the design viewer to preview the compiled report design.
    viewDesignXML Launches the design viewer to preview the XML report design.
    xml Fills the report and generates a XML version of it.
    xmlEmbed Fills the report and generates a XML version of it.
    Default target: javac

    step 3) Invoke the tasks as you want
    For Example:
    C:/isw/jasperreports-1.2.5/demo/samples/virtualizer>C:/isw/apache-ant-1.6.5/bin/ant javac

    C:/isw/jasperreports-1.2.5/demo/samples/virtualizer>C:/isw/apache-ant-1.6.5/bin/ant compile

    C:/isw/jasperreports-1.2.5/demo/samples/virtualizer>C:/isw/apache-ant-1.6.5/bin/ant fill

    C:/isw/jasperreports-1.2.5/demo/samples/virtualizer>C:/isw/apache-ant-1.6.5/bin/ant view

    If you run through the above steps, you can see the sample report using the hsql db.


    Hope this helps...


    Post edited by: raffimd, at: 2007/01/11 11:53

    Post edited by: raffimd, at: 2007/01/11 11:55

  4. That was weird, when I run that example, the generated HTML file hade some breaks between pages, But I set the parameters aaas that example in my actual code and ran the report. Now the page breaks are not there in the generated HTML file :).

    May be I had some environment issues while running the example.

    The parameters that I set to avoid page breaks are:


    JRHtmlExporter exporter = new JRHtmlExporter();
    exporter.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.BETWEEN_PAGES_HTML, "");
    exporter.setParameter(JRHtmlExporterParameter.IS_REMOVE_EMPTY_SPACE_BETWEEN_ROWS, Boolean.TRUE);


    and i set the other parameters that are required for normal report generation and exported.

    exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint);
    exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, outputFileName);


    And do not set isIgnorePagination to true, This will inform the engine that the whole report is a single page, which will cause problem for huge report. Better option is to have isIgnorePagination = false (which is default) and set the above parameters for HTML to avoid page breaks.

    This will allow you to make use of the JRVirtualizer.

    If you set isIgnorePagination to true, virtualizer will not take effect since the whole report is one page.

  5. Run the sample under demosamplesvirtualizer and see the behaviour. Th esample code uses the JRFileVirtualizer. You can run and see the bahviour and

    then you can modify to use the JRSwapFileVirtualizer and JRGzipVirtualizer and check the behaviour.

  6. Hi,

    I am using jasperReports 1.2.5. I want to use the pagination in my report but I want to avoid the page breaks in the generated report. I checked teh nopagebreak sample. I see the page breaks in the HTML file generated by nopagebreak sample. I ran the ant tasks in the following order.






    I could see the page breaks in the generated HTML file.

    Can you please let me know if i need to pass any parameter while running the tasks?




  7. Hi,

    I am implementing a report, where the data is huge.

    I need to present the data hierarchically. Since the data is huge, I am not using the Collection datasource.

    Instead I have implemented JRDataSource, where I get the data in chunks and return there interface methods and I also use the JRGzipVirtualizer.

    Now, My issue is about the formatting.

    Since I need to present the data hierarchically, I have to add tab space based on the levels of the data. tab space is not working. I searched the forum and I found a old post by Teoder, which says there is a bug.


    Any Idea whether that is fixed in the latest release 1.3.0?




  8. Hi,

    I have fixed this issue.

    I passed the format to the velocity context and

    added the logic as mentioned below:


    #if( $format != 'pdf' )




    After ignoring the pagination for the html report, the indentation was calculated based on all the records.

    So, there is no indentation problem.


    And if the format is 'pdf', the report comes well with the pagination.




  9. Hi,

    I have a velocity based report template. Based on the user inputs, I generate the JRXML by merging the velocity template file and the user inputs. Basic intention to have the velocity based template is to allow the column selection to the user.

    The reports comes perfectly in PDF format.

    But, the indentation is not coming properly in HTML.

    The width for the column is not getting effective in HTML report, looks like it determines the width based on the maximum width of the particular column in that page.

    Since it is determining based on each page, the left and right margin in the next page does not match with the first page.

    Is there a way to mention in the JRXML file, so that the Jasper Report considers the width in HTML report also.


    Thanks in advance,


  10. Hi,

    I have a report, which inturn has 2 subreport, each one has a pie chart in it. I have enabled the legend in the pie chart.

    When the data points increases, the legend area grows and the pie chart shrinks...:(


    Is there any way to mention in the jasper report, so that the pie chart does not shrink and allow the legend to grow outwards instead of growing inwards.


    Thanks in advance...


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